North Carolina State University
2010 Campus Climate Survey
(Undergraduate Students)
Annotated Questionnaire
The NC State University 2010 Campus Climate Survey was available online from October 20 through November 17. 3,307 of the 22,050 undergraduate students in the survey population submitted the survey, for a 15.0% response rate (margin of error plus or minus 1.4 percentage points). For detailed information on the survey methodology, population, and response rates for various subgroups of the population, see the Introduction, Research Methods, and Response Rates report available online. An Executive Summary of the overall results is also available online.
This document includes frequencies of responses to all survey questions, excluding "don't know" and "not applicable" answers from the base calculations. The percentage and number (N) of all survey respondents who completed a given section of the survey is provided in the header for each section. The total N size on which the reported percentages are based are noted in the "N=n" information for each question. Mean ratings and standard deviations are also reported where appropriate. "Don't know" and "NA" responses are not included in the calculations of means.
Section A: NC State Experience / Section E: Campus ClimateSection B: Interacting with Others / Section F: Shaping Attitudes about Diversity
Section C: Multicultural Activities on Campus / Section G: Demographics
Section D: Role of Diversity in Higher Education
Section A: Your NC State Experience
StDev=0.65 / 1. In general, how would you evaluate your overall experience at NC State?
43.9% / 4: Excellent
48.5% / 3: Good
6.6% / 2: Fair
0.9% / 1: Poor
StDev=0.75 / 2. How satisfied are you with your overall academic experience at NC State?
25.3% / 5: Very satisfied
59.7% / 4: Satisfied
10.3% / 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4.4% / 2: Dissatisfied
0.4% / 1: Very dissatisfied
StDev=0.89 / 3. How satisfied are you with your overalll social experience at NC State?
26.3% / 5: Very satisfied
48.6% / 4: Satisfied
17.6% / 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
6.3% / 2: Dissatisfied
1.2% / 1: Very dissatisfied
4. At NC State how often do you feel: / N / Mean / StDev / 1: Never / 2: Seldom / 3: Occasionally / 4: Often / 5: Always /
a. Like you don’t fit in / 3,302 / 2.2 / 0.99 / 25.3% / 38.3% / 25.5% / 9.0% / 1.9%
b. Like you have a good support network / 3,297 / 3.6 / 1.04 / 4.4% / 10.7% / 20.0% / 46.1% / 18.8%
c. Proud to be a member of the NC State community / 3,300 / 4.2 / 0.94 / 1.8% / 4.3% / 11.4% / 33.9% / 48.5%
d. Valued as an individual / 3,302 / 3.7 / 0.99 / 2.8% / 9.4% / 24.8% / 42.1% / 20.9%
e. Like there are role models for you on campus / 3,300 / 3.6 / 1.09 / 4.6% / 11.8% / 27.6% / 34.3% / 21.7%
5. At NC State how often do you feel: / N / Mean / StDev / 1: Never / 2: Seldom / 3: Occasionally / 4: Often / 5: Always /
a. Physically threatened / 3,297 / 1.3 / 0.56 / 75.1% / 21.3% / 3.1% / 0.3% / 0.2%
b. Emotionally or psychologically threatened / 3,292 / 1.5 / 0.72 / 65.2% / 25.9% / 7.1% / 1.4% / 0.4%
6. How comfortable are you in each of the following situations at NC State (e.g., feel welcome, like you fit in, etc.)? If you have never done the activity, select the "have never done" response option. / N / Mean / StDev / 5: Very comfortable / 4: Comfortable / 3: Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable / 2: Uncomfortable / 1: Very uncomfortable / Have never
done /
a. Living in a campus residence hall / 2,616 / 4.2 / 0.97 / 42.5% / 41.5% / 8.8% / 4.2% / 3.1% / 20.8% (of 3,302)
b. Attending events/hanging out in Talley Student Center / 2,866 / 4.1 / 0.84 / 33.7% / 47.0% / 15.0% / 3.1% / 1.2% / 13.3% (of 3,306)
c. Attending events/hanging out in Witherspoon Student Center / 2,552 / 4.1 / 0.83 / 36.4% / 46.2% / 13.6% / 2.5% / 1.3% / 22.7% (of 3,302)
d. Participating in campus social life / 2,981 / 4.0 / 0.86 / 30.6% / 48.9% / 15.7% / 3.4% / 1.5% / 9.5% (of 3,295)
e. Participating in multicultural or ethnic activities on campus / 2,147 / 3.9 / 0.98 / 27.9% / 42.1% / 22.4% / 4.5% / 3.2% / 34.9% (of 3,296)
f. Participating in student organizations / 2,733 / 4.1 / 0.81 / 35.4% / 47.9% / 13.1% / 2.8% / 0.9% / 17.0% (of 3,294)
g. Participating in a community-based classroom project (i.e., "service learning") / 2,023 / 4.1 / 0.86 / 32.7% / 46.9% / 16.3% / 2.5% / 1.6% / 38.5% (of 3,289)
h. Meeting with your academic advisor / 3,186 / 4.1 / 1.01 / 43.3% / 36.3% / 12.2% / 5.2% / 3.0% / 3.1% (of 3,289)
i. Interacting with faculty/instructors during office hours or in other academic settings outside the classroom / 3,050 / 4.0 / 0.91 / 32.1% / 45.7% / 15.3% / 5.3% / 1.7% / 7.5% (of 3,297)
j. Participating in a research project with faculty / 1,385 / 4.0 / 0.96 / 33.2% / 38.8% / 21.2% / 4.5% / 2.2% / 57.9% (of 3,293)
k. Interacting with top level administrators (e.g., Chancellor, Provost, Deans, etc.) / 1,531 / 3.7 / 1.05 / 23.2% / 40.6% / 23.8% / 8.0% / 4.4% / 53.4% (of 3,286)
l. Interacting with college/department office support staff (e.g.,administrative assistants) / 2,612 / 4.0 / 0.89 / 28.4% / 47.7% / 18.0% / 4.1% / 1.7% / 20.8% (of 3,296)
7. If you have done any of the activities above and indicated that you are uncomfortable doing so, please briefly explain why you were uncomfortable.
NOTE: The following items were presented where respondent selected "have never done" in A6 above.
a chance to / Have not had
a reason to / Would not be
comfortable / Not
interested / Other /
a. Living in a campus residence hall / 655 / 9.5% / 32.7% / 4.9% / 40.0% / 13.0%
b. Attending events/hanging out in Talley Student Center / 413 / 20.6% / 40.0% / 4.6% / 30.8% / 4.1%
c. Attending events/hanging out in Witherspoon Student Center / 703 / 25.9% / 42.4% / 3.0% / 25.6% / 3.1%
d. Participating in campus social life / 291 / 33.0% / 23.0% / 7.6% / 30.2% / 6.2%
e. Participating in multicultural or ethnic activities on campus / 1,075 / 28.8% / 29.0% / 4.0% / 35.1% / 3.1%
f. Participating in student organizations / 522 / 39.1% / 20.9% / 4.6% / 29.1% / 6.3%
g. Participating in a community-based classroom project (i.e., "service learning") / 1,189 / 55.7% / 24.3% / 1.2% / 14.9% / 4.0%
h. Meeting with your academic advisor / 93 / 61.3% / 28.0% / 0.0% / 2.2% / 8.6%
i. Interacting with faculty/instructors during office hours or in other academic settings outside the classroom / 225 / 18.2% / 64.9% / 8.9% / 5.8% / 2.2%
j. Participating in a research project with faculty / 1,797 / 66.8% / 21.8% / 1.3% / 8.3% / 1.9%
k. Interacting with top level administrators (e.g., Chancellor, Provost, Deans, etc.) / 1,644 / 45.2% / 45.4% / 2.4% / 6.0% / 1.1%
l. Interacting with college/department office support staff (e.g.,administrative assistants) / 631 / 34.4% / 56.1% / 1.3% / 7.1% / 1.1%
9. How likely is it that you would actually go to or get in touch with staff in the following offices at NC State if you thought you might need some kind of assistance from them, or if someone suggested that you get in touch with them? / N / Mean / StDev / 5: Definitely / 4: Very likely / 3: Somewhat likely / 2: Not very likely / 1: Extremely unlikely /
a. Counseling Center (personal, interpersonal, or psychological) / 3,102 / 3.4 / 1.16 / 21.1% / 23.4% / 34.2% / 14.5% / 6.7%
b. NC State University Campus Police / 3,100 / 3.9 / 1.05 / 34.0% / 31.4% / 24.0% / 8.2% / 2.4%
c. OASIS (Office of Advising Support, Information, and Services) / 3,095 / 3.5 / 1.05 / 21.6% / 28.4% / 35.3% / 11.4% / 3.4%
d. Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid / 3,101 / 4.1 / 0.96 / 44.8% / 31.2% / 17.9% / 4.7% / 1.4%
e. Registration and Records (e.g., for scheduling or academic policy assistance) / 3,095 / 4.2 / 0.87 / 46.4% / 33.4% / 16.3% / 3.2% / 0.6%
f. Student Health Services / 3,095 / 4.1 / 1.02 / 47.2% / 29.1% / 15.9% / 5.4% / 2.4%
g. Tutorial Services / 3,092 / 3.6 / 1.08 / 25.9% / 27.8% / 32.1% / 10.8% / 3.4%
h. University Career Center or a college Career Center / 3,091 / 3.7 / 0.99 / 26.3% / 32.5% / 31.9% / 7.4% / 1.8%
10. If you responded 'not very likely' or 'extremely unlikely' to any of the above, please briefly explain why you feel that way.
11. How likely is it that you would actually go to or get in touch with staff in the following offices at NC State if you thought you might need some kind of assistance from them, or if someone suggested that you get in touch with them? / N / Mean / StDev / 5: Definitely / 4: Very likely / 3: Somewhat likely / 2: Not very likely / 1: Extremely unlikely / Not applicable-
I would never have a reason to go there /
a. African American Cultural Center / 1,293 / 3.4 / 1.20 / 22.3% / 23.5% / 31.8% / 14.5% / 8.0% / 58.3% (of 3,099)
b. Disability Services / 1,344 / 3.5 / 1.15 / 23.3% / 25.3% / 33.0% / 12.4% / 6.0% / 56.6% (of 3,097)
c. GLBT Center (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) / 1,192 / 3.3 / 1.24 / 21.5% / 24.2% / 30.8% / 13.3% / 10.2% / 61.5% (of 3,095)
d. Office of International Services / 1,644 / 3.6 / 1.05 / 22.8% / 30.2% / 34.8% / 8.1% / 4.1% / 46.7% (of 3,084)
e. Multicultural Student Affairs / 1,650 / 3.5 / 1.12 / 23.0% / 28.2% / 33.7% / 9.2% / 5.9% / 46.6% (of 3,087)
f. NC State Veterans Affairs Office / 1,147 / 3.4 / 1.15 / 22.0% / 25.1% / 33.1% / 13.6% / 6.2% / 62.9% (of 3,092)
g. Women’s Center / 1,982 / 3.6 / 1.10 / 25.3% / 28.4% / 32.7% / 8.6% / 5.0% / 35.9% (of 3,090)
12. If you responded 'not very likely' or 'extremely unlikely' to any of the above, please briefly explain why you feel that way.
13. Based on your experiences in the courses you have taken while a student at NC State, how much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? / N / Mean / StDev / 5: Strongly agree / 4: Agree / 3: Neither agree nor disagree / 2: Disagree / 1: Strongly disagree /
a. If I work hard, I am usually assured of getting the grade I want to achieve. / 3,100 / 3.9 / 0.94 / 24.7% / 51.9% / 12.0% / 9.9% / 1.4%
b. I am often ignored in class even when I attempt to participate. / 3,096 / 2.0 / 0.80 / 0.9% / 3.4% / 15.1% / 53.4% / 27.2%
c. When I make a comment in my courses, I am usually taken seriously by the instructor. / 3,090 / 4.1 / 0.72 / 25.7% / 59.4% / 12.0% / 2.3% / 0.6%
d. When we work in small groups in class/lab, I am often ignored by my classmates or given trivial jobs. / 3,091 / 2.0 / 0.85 / 1.4% / 4.8% / 12.4% / 52.5% / 29.0%
e. My instructors recognize that I have important ideas to contribute. / 3,088 / 3.8 / 0.78 / 17.3% / 50.8% / 28.0% / 3.3% / 0.6%
f. Because of a personal characteristic I have (e.g., race/ethnicity, religion, etc.),I sometimes get singled out in my courses to speak on behalf of a specific group. / 3,096 / 2.0 / 1.00 / 2.1% / 6.8% / 16.5% / 36.2% / 38.5%
g. I have been exposed to an intolerant atmosphere created by students in a course I was taking. / 3,096 / 2.0 / 1.04 / 2.1% / 9.9% / 13.2% / 37.8% / 37.0%
h. I have been exposed to an intolerant atmosphere created by the instructor for a course I was taking. / 3,089 / 1.9 / 1.01 / 2.3% / 7.1% / 12.0% / 37.2% / 41.3%
i. Most professors communicate that I am welcome in their course. / 3,092 / 4.1 / 0.74 / 31.2% / 53.5% / 12.7% / 2.2% / 0.4%
j. I feel comfortable among the other students in my courses. / 3,094 / 4.1 / 0.76 / 26.9% / 57.5% / 12.0% / 2.8% / 0.9%
k. I feel comfortable participating in field trips for my courses. / 3,091 / 3.9 / 0.81 / 24.6% / 46.7% / 25.7% / 2.3% / 0.7%
l. I have been stereotyped by the instructor in a course I was taking. / 3,091 / 2.0 / 1.00 / 2.2% / 7.0% / 14.8% / 38.0% / 38.0%
m. I have been stereotyped by students in a course I was taking. / 3,082 / 2.3 / 1.12 / 3.1% / 14.1% / 18.9% / 34.1% / 29.7%
n. The NC State Libraries provide adequate resources on diversity for my coursework. / 3,092 / 3.9 / 0.83 / 25.5% / 39.7% / 32.6% / 1.7% / 0.6%
Section B: Interacting with Others
1. While at NC State, how often have you interacted with students: / N / Mean / StDev / 5: Very often / 4: Often / 3: Sometimes / 2: Seldom / 1: Never / Don't know /a. From a different race/ethnicity than your own / 3,001 / 4.3 / 0.89 / 49.7% / 31.3% / 14.3% / 4.2% / 0.6% / 0.7% (of 3,021)
b. Who have a disability / 2,767 / 2.8 / 1.08 / 8.6% / 15.1% / 35.3% / 30.8% / 10.2% / 8.3% (of 3,017)
c. With a religious belief different from your own / 2,796 / 4.2 / 0.92 / 49.2% / 30.8% / 14.9% / 4.3% / 0.9% / 7.3% (of 3,017)
d. With a sexual orientation different from your own / 2,597 / 3.5 / 1.19 / 24.1% / 25.0% / 28.6% / 16.2% / 6.0% / 13.8% (of 3,013)
e. Whose primary language is different from your own / 2,880 / 3.1 / 1.16 / 16.3% / 20.4% / 32.1% / 24.1% / 7.0% / 4.3% (of 3,008)
f. From a social/economic background different from your own / 2,773 / 4.2 / 0.84 / 43.9% / 37.5% / 15.5% / 2.5% / 0.6% / 8.0% (of 3,014)
2. In the past year at NC State, how often have you had the following experiences with a student of a different race/ethnicity than your own? / N / Mean / StDev / 5: Very often / 4: Often / 3: Sometimes / 2: Seldom / 1: Never / Don't know /
a. Socialized / 2,970 / 4.1 / 1.03 / 43.6% / 28.5% / 20.0% / 5.5% / 2.4% / 1.5% (of 3,014)