Suggested Timeline of S/R/C Activities
Activity Due Date
E-mail SIG Coordinator or Professional Development Director for As needed
updated member list
email a Newsletter to your S/R/C membersDecember 1-15
Share highlights from November conference
Promote next conference
Encourage submission of proposals by April 1
Share current member list so members can contact each other
E-mail TEI Association Manager spring/summer conference/meeting dates and December 15
request CRLA display board/materials and guest CRLA Board member
Consider conducting research with members of your S/R/C and preparingJanuary
an article for JCRL
Deadline for S/R/C funding requests and goals and activities reportsJanuary 15
- email your funding proposal for a Spring/Summer research/activity/Conference project to provide services to members unable to attend CRLA’s annual conference, offer professional development activities for the membership, and/or encourage the growth of CRLA's membership
- E-mail your goals and activities report to S/R/C Coordinator
Email a Newsletter to your S/R/C membersMarch
Promote conference
Encourage submission of proposals by April 1
Promote “local” events
Highlight research and writing by S/R/C members
Send article about S/R/C activity/Conference to Public Relations DirectorApril 10
Deadline forConference proposalsApril 1
e-poll membership regarding desired Conference activitiesMay
Encourage members to apply for Professional Development ScholarshipsMay
which are due August 1
Deadline for S/R/C funding requests and goals and activities reports June 15
- email your funding proposal for a Fall/Winter research/activity/Conference project to provide services to members unable to attend CRLA’s annual conference, offer professional development activities for the membership, and/or encourage the growth of CRLA's membership to Ann Wolf,
- E-mail your goals and activities report to S/R/C Coordinator
E-mail TEI Association Manager Fall/Winter conference/meeting dates and June 1
request CRLA display board/materials and guest CRLA Board member
Ending your leadership term during the fall conference?
Start recruiting a new leader from within the membershipJune
Email members and promote the Fall ConferenceSeptember 1
Share issues of interest to other Leaders at Leadership MeetingNovember (annual
Facilitate S/R/C Meeting and activitiesconference)
Supply S/R/C-related item for Scholarship Raffle
Get feedback on the conference’s S/R/C activities and begin planning for
the next conference
11/11; Revised August 2014