Staff Senate
Friday, September 7, 2001
Fulton Hall, Room #259
The meeting was called to order at 8 a.m. by Linda Beall. In attendance were Linda Abresch, Linda Beall, Maggie Cohea, Dave Gutoskey, Nancy Isaacs, Ross Leisten, Judy Lowe, Mary Luke, Kevin Mann, Marylane McGlinchey, Ray Pryor, Alan Selser, Melanie Stefursky, Donna Test and Vaughn White and Stella Young. Absent: Marvin Ames, Mike Burton, Mike Elliott and Tammy Trivits. Guest: Richard Pusey.
I. Meeting Minutes - Melanie Stefursky
Motion by Donna Test, seconded by Ross Leisten, that minutes of the September 7 Executive Committee meeting be approved as distributed. Motion carried unanimously.
II. Chair’s Report - Linda Beall
A. Chair reaffirmed her belief in open communication.
B. Chair requested all Standing Committees meet before September 21 and provide reports at next meeting.
III. Membership & Elections - Ross Leisten
The first round of ballots have been distributed to staff. Ballots, which were
distributed with pay checks, call for nominations for committee members
interested in serving their constituents by becoming members of the Staff Senate
Standing Committees and/or University Forum Committees. The bottom of each
form contains a tear off section to be returned by the recipient. Only forms with
names on them will be considered official. First phase of balloting is in progress.
Leisten expects the final balloting to be completed in mid October.
IV. Information bins - Ross Leisten
At the last Executive Committee meeting, the senators voted to install information
bins in appropriate areas on campus. Leisten is working with Kevin Mann to get
the newly purchased bins mounted in the Commons, University Center and
Physical Plant building.
V. Unfinished Business
A. Prorated Parking fees - Linda Abresch
Response to Staff Senate’s request to Traffic Committee that parking
fees for faculty/staff be prorated quarterly. Jim Phillips, University Police, is in agreement with prorating fees; however, indicated he recommends
parking permit costs be prorated bi-annually instead of quarterly. He
recommends cutting the annual cost of $30 by half in January.
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Ross Leisten, that the Executive Committee of the Staff Senate accept Jim Phillips’s recommendation to prorate the parking permit fees per semester instead of quarterly for faculty/staff hired for the spring semester. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Parking fees for high students - Following last meeting the Executive Committee recommended to the University Traffic committee that the vehicles (with valid local high school parking stickers) driven by high school students taking classes at the University be honored and parking fees of $30 be waived. Jim Phillips, University Police, has agreed to waive fees for those students who have valid high school I.D. and who register with Public Safety.
C. Computer Access - Linda Beall
The Senate voted to recommend to administration that 3 new computers be installed for use by employees in Physical Plant and UDS at last Executive Committee meeting. Linda Beall reported that following Dr. Ellen Zinner’s tour of the Commons and Physical Plant, Zinner sent a memo dated August 27 stating the final decision regarding new computer installations rests with Dr. Dudley-Eshbach. Thereafter, Zinner met with administrative personnel from Physical Plant, Information Technology, Finance and the chair and past chair of Staff Senate.
A memo from Jerry Waldron detailing results of survey conducted by IT on the availability of public access computers and recommendations for new sites was distributed to Executive Committee. (Copy attached)
Motion by Kevin Mann, seconded by Dave Gutoskey, that the Executive Committee of the Staff Senate endorse the recommendations as attached and add the computer locations in future as needed. Motion carried.
The recommendation will be sent to Dr. Janet Dudley-Eshbach for her approval. Pending approval, the order for new terminals will follow the chain of command for new
computer terminals to be installed in a reasonable amount of time. Pusey indicated that he would request Information Technology put survey information in flyer form for campus distribution.
D. Status of Privatization Policy - Richard Pusey
Richard Pusey reported that the institution’s privatization policy is at the Board of
Regents level. The university has had no privatization policy in the past. However, a proposed privatization policy was developed several years ago and a draft sent to the Staff Advisory Council and University Forum. To Pusey’s knowledge, that draft was never finalized nor approved. The Executive Committee can choose to review the printed University System of Maryland policy and create a new draft or choose to leave the policy as is.
Motion by Dave Gutoskey, seconded by Linda Abresch, that the issue of privatization be left alone until after collective bargaining issues are resolved. Motion carried with 15 votes in favor, 1 opposed.
E. Collective Bargaining - Richard Pusey
Pusey reported that to date the university’s in system are in process of slotting their employees into three separate groups .The unions have asked for list of employees in each of these three groups. Pusey stated when lists are complete, SU will responded to these requests for information.
Currently there is no system-wide policy for electronic access to university employees by unions.
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Kevin Mann, that the issue of electronic access be put on agenda for full Staff Senate meeting on September 26. Motion carried unanimously.
F. Environmental Safety Officer - Dave Gutoskey
The search committee is still in formation and has not met.
VI. New Business
A. Open Staff Meeting
The open Staff Senate meeting will be held Wednesday, September 26 from 9 a.m.-10 a.m. in Holloway Hall auditorium.
Suggestion the meeting be filmed and televised on closed circuit campus TV.
Donna Test will contact Cindy Cornish, Television Services.
Discussion followed of proposed agenda for meeting open meeting
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Attachment to Minutes of September 7
Salisbury University
Campus Access to Computers
August 27, 2001
Salisbury University provides over 1200 computers in computers labs, computer kiosks, Blackwell Library, classrooms, Cool Beans coffee shop, and campus offices. A portion of these computers are considered “public access” computers (PAC), A public access computer is not assigned to an individual, classroom, or teaching computer lab. An SU network account is required to access all computers. An account is available upon request at the Help desk in Fulton Hall. SU currently provides 111 public access computers. These computers allow students, staff and faculty to access the campus network, email, at the Internet at their convenience. Computers in non-lab locations offer email and Internet access only, unless otherwise specified.
Current Public Access Computers
PAC computers are generally available Monday through Friday 8AM to 12 midnight, with weekend hours available in computer labs and some other locations. The following locations currently offer public access computers:
Location # of computers Hours per day (M-F) Notes
Fulton Hall 60 16 Public lab, no classes scheduled
Holloway Hall 4 9 Perdue School kiosks
University Center 30 14 Public lab, few classes scheduled
Cool Beans Café 8 16 kiosks
Maintenance Building 2 24 kiosks
Blackwell Library 7 16 Internet only, no email
Total 111
Proposed Public Access Computers
It is proposed that the following computers be made available to foster campus communications and provide easier access to email and the Internet.
Location # of computers Hours per day Notes
Commons 1 24 Basement level kiosk
Power Building 1 24 North west vestibule, kiosk
Caruthers Hall 1 24 Near Rm 127, kiosk
Blackwell Library 12 16 Wireless, Internet only
Total 15
Grand Total 126
The addition of these computers will provide additional 24x7 access for staff on the north, south, and east sections of the campus. Because of the limited number of staff working in individual residence halls it is not recommended that PACs be added in these locations. Staff in residence halls can get to a computer quickly and conveniently under this plan.
Faculty and staff can also access the Internet and email from their homes at no cost, if they own a personal computer. Information regarding Internet dial-up can be obtained at the Help Desk in Fulton Hall.