Narrative Template for Associate of Science

For Autism Technician

Item 1. Program Goals and Objectives

The Associate in Science for Autism Services Technician provides a set of courses, organized into both a certificate of achievement and degree that will meet the growing demand for appropriately trained and educated providers created by recent legislation directed at insurance companies. The California Autism Insurance Law (SB 946) was enacted in 2011 and mandates insurance companies cover the behavioral health treatment for autism spectrum disorders. For purposes of the law, “behavioral health treatment” is defined as “professional services and treatment programs, including applied behavior analysis and evidence-based behavior intervention programs, that develop or restore, to the maximum extent practicable, the functioning of an individual.” Treatment must be prescribed by a licensed physician and provided by qualified autism service provider, qualified autism service professional or qualified autism services technician.

Program Student Learning Outcomes. Upon completion of this degree students will:

1.  Implement evidence-based treatment using the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis under the supervision of a qualified health professional.

2.  Collaborate with clients, parents and licensed professionals in the healthcare and treatment settings.

3.  Collect and accurately record data to ensure treatment and progress towards goals.

4.  Discuss the ethical and legal considerations regarding treatment of autism spectrum disorders.

Item 2: Catalog Description

Autism Services Technicians are allied health care professionals who are qualified to implement evidence-based, autism-specific treatment using the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis (ABA) under the supervision of a qualified health professional acting within the scope of a licensed health professional. Autism Services Technicians treat the deficits and the behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder using the principles and procedures of ABA. ABA is the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree and to demonstrate that the interventions are responsible for the improvement in behavior.

Students completing Allied Health 25 will be eligible to sit for the Board Certified Autism Technician certifying examination. Students completing additional course work including Allied Health 26, Allied Health 27, Child Development 1 and Psychology 1 will eligible for a Certificate of Achievement. Students completing all of the course requirements will be eligible for the Associates of Science for Autism Services Technician.

Item 3: Program Requirements for Autism Services Technician

Requirements / Dept. Name/# / Name / Units / Sequence
Required Core: (27 units) / Allied Health 25
Psychology 1
Child Development 1
Allied Health 26
Allied Health 27
Psychology 14 / Qualified Autism Services Paraprofessional – Didactic and Practicum
General Psychology
Child Growth & Development
Advanced Qualified Autism Services Paraprofessional – Didactic
Advanced Qualified Autism Services Paraprofessional – Practical
Abnormal Psychology / 3.0
3.0 / Yr 1, Fall
Yr 1, Fall
Yr 1, Fall
Yr 1, Spring
Yr 1, Spring
Yr 1, Spring
Select three courses (9 units) from the following: / Psychology 13
Psychology 2
Child Development 44
American Sign Language I / Social Psychology
Biological Psychology
Early Intervention Children w/
Special Needs
American Sign Language I / 3.0
4.0 / Yr 2 Fall/ Spring
Yr 2 Fall/ Spring
Yr 2 Fall / Spring
Yr 2 Fall/ Spring

Required Units:

Major Total: / 16 units / 16 units / 16 units
GE Pattern IGETC OR CSU-GE / 22 / 22 / 22
Electives (as needed) : / 6 / 6
Double-Counted: / 12 / 16 / 6
Total Degree(maximum): / 60 / 61 / 60

Proposed Sequences with Associate Degree requirements:

Year 1, Fall = 15

Year 1, Spring = 15

Year 2, Fall = 15

Year 2, Spring = 15

TOTAL UNITS: 60 units

Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor and develop a Student Educational Plan. Students are recommended to follow the CSU or IGETC General Education requirements.

Item 4. Master Planning

West Los Angeles College has spent a considerable effort over three years to study, plan and integrate Autism Services Technician courses into its offerings. The majority of courses are already operating at West; and the college offers related degrees in Allied Health.

The Associate in Autism Services Technician prepares students for transfer to the CSU’s. The program is housed in West’s Health Sciences Division and will draw on current courses and faculty.

Currently there are (7) full-time tenured faculty in the Health Sciences Division and approximately 30 part-time faculty.

West is working with faculty at CSUN to enrich students on a creative experiential path.

By obtaining the degree, students will obtain the foundation in technical and training to pursue careers in the healthcare and/or education industry.

Item 5. Enrollment and Completer Projections

AY 2017-18 / AY 2018-19
Dept/# / Name / Annual
Sections / Annual
Enrollment / Annual Sections / Annual
Enroll- ment
Allied Health 25 / Qualified Autism Service Paraprofessional / 2 / 30 / 2 / 30
Psych 1 / General Psychology / 2 / 40 / 2 / 40
Child Development 1 / Child Growth and Development / 2 / 40 / 2 / 40
Allied Health 26 / Advanced Qualified Service Paraprofessional- Didactic / 1 / 30 / 2 / 30
Allied Health 27 / Advanced Qualified Service Paraprofessional- Pratical / 1 / 30 / 2 / 30

Item 6. Place of Program in Curriculum/ Similar Programs

a) Do any active inventory records need to be made inactive or changed in connection with the approval of the proposed program? If yes, please specify.

Inventory records show that the courses are approved and active for the proposed program. No courses need to be changed or inactivated.

b) Does the program replace any existing program(s) on the college’s inventory? Provide relevant

details if this program is related to the termination or scaling down of another program(s).

This degree does not replace any existing programs in the inventory nor affect any related program. This degree enhances other related programs in Psychology, Child Development and Allied Health as an area of focus for students interested in autism and related disorders.

c) What related programs are offered by the college?

The following related programs are offered through the Health Sciences Division:

Bachelors of Science in Dental Hygiene

Dental Assisting

Medical Assisting

Certified Nurse Assistant/Home Health Aide


Pharmacy Technician

Item 7. Similar Programs at Other Colleges in Service Area

There are no similar programs in the Los Angeles or Orange County.

Item 8. Transfer preparation information – if transfer preparation is a component of the program

While some of the courses are transferrable, the degree is not transferrable at this time.