August, 2016
Academic Support Programs
PEER TUTORING-(California Scholastic Federation-CSF-Students):
After School: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in Room 602 or 606 3:00-4:30 pm.
Monday and Wednesday in room 602 Tuesday and Thursday in room 606. No appointment is necessary. Students need to ASK for assistance and let the peer tutors know what assistance is needed! No cost to student.
The Math teachers have organized their own tutoring program that has a specific schedule. See your Math teacher or GLC for this schedule. Schedule also available at
No cost to student.
The Chemistry teachers have organized their own tutoring program that has a specific schedule. See your Chemistry teacher or GLC for this schedule. Schedule also available at .Guidance Link or at the Class of 2017 link.No cost to student.
A peer tutoring list is available from your student’s GLC. The tutors are usually Honors and Advanced Placement level students. It may be arranged for tutoring to take place on or off campus. Costs vary.
DBHS teachers want their students to be successful and learn the material. Contact your student’s teacher by leaving phone messages through the school switchboard at 594-1405. Please leave your phone numbers and times you may be reached. Hearing directly from the teacher what the student specifically needs to work on will benefit all parties involved. Most teachers have a website with valuable information about their classes, and most have e-mail address for quick contact. Access them through the DBHS website at . and then go to the appropriate link. It is up to the student to approach the teacher and inquire about the hours that the teacher is available.
There are private tutoring businesses available in the yellow pages and on the internet.
MATH TUTORING-Mt. San Antonio College (High School Referral Program:
Call for information. Tutoring offered in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry,
CAHSEE Math. 909-274-4937 Bldg. 30, Room 115
One-on-One Tutoring via the internet. Available when program is Funded .
Parent Portal-Log on to our DBHS system and view your student’s up-to-date progress in each class. Your student’s permanent ID number, home phone number and Verification Code are necessary to create an account. Access number is available via our school registrar, Mrs.Chris Foy at ext.33109.