22nd ICP - AIPNA International CME in Pathology

Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata,India.

Jan 27-29, 2017

Scientific Program

27thJanuary 2017 ( Friday )
Time / Topic / Speaker
9:00-10:00 am / Dr. S. J. Nagalotimath Oration:
Challenges in Preventing Cervical Cancer in Countries with Limited Resources / Prof Dina Mody
Houston Methodist Hospital, USA
Approach to unknown GI cases by experts in Two Countries.
10:10-10;30 am
10:35-10:55 am
11:00- 11:20 am
11:25 - 11:45 pm
11:50 -12::10 pm
12:15- 12: 35 pm / Case 1 and Discussion
Case 2 and Discussion
Case 3 and Discussion
Case 4 and Discussion
Case 5 and Discussion
Case 6 and Discussion / Dr. Dhanpat Jain, Yale Univ School of Medicine , USA
Dr. Vatsala Mishra, MLNMC Allahabad, India
Dr. Amitabh Srivastava, Dana Farber Cancer
Centre, Boston, USA
Dr. Mukta Ramadwar, TMH, Mumbai
Dr. Dipen Maru. MD Anderson Cancer
Centre, Houston, USA
Dr. Paromita Roy , TMC, Kolkata
12:40- 1:40 pm / Lunch
1:45- 2:15pm
2:20- 2:55 pm
3:00- 3:35 pm / New developments in classifying Thyroid tumors with emphasis on Papillary Thyroid cancer
Vascular Lesions of Head and Neck : A Headache for All
FNA of Salivary Glands – Milan System of Reporting / Dr. Ashraf Khan
Univ of Massachusetts School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Manju Prasad
Yale Univ School of Medicine , USA
Dr. Radhika Srinivasan, PGIMER, Chandigarh
3:40- 4:00 pm / Tea Break
4:00- 4:40pm / Biomarkers in Esophageal carcinoma: A new paradigm in treatment / Dr. Dipen Maru. MD Anderson Cancer
Centre, Houston, USA
4:45- 5:20 pm / Updates in Molecular Diagnostics of hepatocellular carcinoma / Dr. Dhanpat Jain, Yale Univ School of Medicine , USA
28thJanuary 2017 ( Saturday )
Time / Topic / Speaker
Update in GYN Pathology Utilizing A Case Based Approach
09:00- 9:35 am
09:35- 10:10 am
10:10- 10:45 am / Gynae Pathology : Case 1
Gynae Pathology : Case 2
Gynae Pathology : Case 3 / Dr. Robert Soslow
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Centre, USA
Dr. Naveena Singh,
Barts Health NHS Trust, London,UK
Dr. Raji Ganesan, Birmingham, UK
10:45- 11:00 am / Tea Break
11:10- 11:45 pm
11:45- 12:20 pm
12:20 – 12:55 pm / Predictive markers in Breast Cancer
Approach to Abdominal Soft tissue Tumors
Pseudoneoplasms of Central Nervous System. / Dr. Ashraf Khan
Univ of Massachusetts School of
Medicine, USA
Dr. Amitabh Srivastava, Dana Farber
Cancer Centre, Boston, USA
Dr. Abir Mukherjee
Temple University Hospital, USA
1:00- - 2:00 pm / Lunch
2:00 - 2:35 pm
2:35- 3:15 pm
3:15- 3:50 pm / Algorithmic Approach to EUS-FNA of the Pancreas
Approach to EBUS-FNA in the era of emerging role of molecular diagnostics for LungCancer
Evaluation of serous fluids for primary (with emphasis on pleural fluid). / Dr. Nirag Jhala,
Temple University Hospital, USA
Prof Dina Mody
Houston Methodist Hospital, USA
Dr. Radhika Srinivasan , PGIMER,
3:50- 4:10 pm / Tea Break
4:10- 4:45 pm / Gleason Grading of Prostatic Carcinoma / Dr. Priti Lal,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
4:45- 5:20 pm / GU Slide Seminar / Dr. Santosh Menon, TMH, Mumbai
5:25- 5:55pm / Incorporating Molecular Diagnostics in Prostatic Tumors / Dr. Priti Lal,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
29thJanuary 2017 ( Sunday )
Time Topic Speaker / Topic / Speaker
08:30- 9:05 am
09:05- 9:40 am
09:40- 10:15 am
/ Interesting Cases in Paediatric Hemato-Pathology
Reactive Lymphadenopathies: A Diagnostic Approach
Ph Negative Myeloproliferative
Neoplasms ( MPNs) / Dr. Vinod Pillai
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Dr. Anand Lagoo
Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. DK. Mishra
Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata, India
10.15- 10:35 am / Tea Break
10:35-11:00 am / Peripheral Blood Smear : Virtual Mirror with Real Image / Dr. Anand Lagoo
Duke University School of Medicine, USA
11:05-11:40 am / Ancillary techniquesincluding Next Gen Sequencing in the diagnosis and prognostication of aggressive lymphomas / Dr. Vinod Pillai
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
11:40-12:15 pm / Essentials of Bone Marrow Trephine Biopsies / Dr. Jay Mehta, SRL Diagnostics, Mumbai
12:15- 12: 40 Closing Ceremony with Vote of Thanks / Lunch Break