Syllabus - United States Military History

Mr. Brink – Room A207

This course will follow a thematic study of American involvement in key conflicts that have shaped the course of United States History from the American Revolution to our current War on Terror. It traces the beginnings of a uniquely American military and focuses not only on wars, leaders and strategy, but on such topics as civilian attitudes toward a standing army, soldier motivation, defense funding, anti-war movements and women’s wartime roles. The course will attempt to study the interrelationships of warfare, technology and society in shaping American history. (1 semester, .5 credit, Prerequisite-United States History, Grades 10, 11, 12)

Course Objectives:

  • This course seeks to teach an appreciation of the nature and effects of war, the evolution of warfare, military theory and professionalization of the army. Students will gain an understanding of the historical evolution of the U.S. military and its place and function in American society.
  • This course will acquaint students with the political, social, economic and cultural impact of the military upon modern American and world history.

Topics will include:

  • Famous leaders and soldiers
  • Battles that changed history
  • Technology and tactics
  • Contribution of minority groups and women.
  • Home-front
  • Ethical situations and questions of war


The following materials are required for this course:

1)Online textbooks – listed below.

2)3-Ring Binder (at least 2 inches) – devoted to this course only.

-Notebooks/Binders should be kept by each student. You will keep all work for this class in your Binder/Notebook. This Binder will be divided into four sections.

  1. Notes – Homework Notes which will include: Cornell notes, outlines, or handouts from the instructor.(These are the notes YOU do for homework)
  2. Power Points – These are found on my website. Do not print at our school library! (Save paper with 9 slides per sheet if you can.) I will also send these to you as Google Slides. You can save them from Google Drive and then edit/take notes during class.
  3. Worksheets/Handouts/Readings/Review Activities
  4. In class activities – Starter questions, group activities, charts, graphs, or other activities done during class.

3)Notebook Paper – for use in the binder.

4)Dividers – to divide units in your binder to help you stay organized.

5)3-Ring Pocket Folder – for use in the binder.

6)Pens, colored pen/highlighter, and pencils.

Textbooks for class:

  • We will be utilizing on-line books that can be found on the library website, and also on Google.
  • To access these titles, go to the HHS Library webpage
  • Click on the button that says Gale Virtual Reference Library
  • You can search this library for each of the titles. If it does require a password, it will be user name hudson, password exp or explorers.


Grades in this course will be weighted as follows:

Formative Assessments (30% of quarter grade)

-Daily Open-Note Reading Quizzes: When a textbook reading is assigned for homework, you should make sure to take notes on the section. If a “pop” quiz is issued, you will be able to use your notes on the quiz. You must use your own notes on the quiz and you cannot copy the textbook pages. There will probably be an average of 2 or more quizzes per week. Obviously, students who take notes do much better on these quizzes than those who don’t. If there is not a daily quiz or other class activity, the notes will be graded for completion. You will be given a daily detention for failure to complete the homework.

-Other formative assessments at teacher discretion. This would include questions from the book, worksheets, or other types of daily assignments. Late work will be assessed a percentage penalty.

Summative Assessments (70% of quarter grade)

-Projects: Projects will consist of assignments that incorporate a variety of material from a chapter. In a given quarter, there could be a project, and 1 writing assignment. The writing assignment will often take place in class, but the other projects will be done for homework.

-Unit Tests: Tests will consist of a blend of multiple-choice, identify and explain, matching, and short answer questions. There will be 3-4 unit tests per quarter. If you miss school on a test day, expect a different version/format of the exam.

Extra Credit

-Extra credit will not exceed 10 points which will be added to the Formative category. The extra credit for this course will be class participation points. There will not be extra credit papers/assignments to boost your grade. You can help yourself by becoming involved in class activities and discussions.

Final Exam (consists of 20% of overall grade per school policy)

-The final for the course will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions. Questions covering topics from the Revolution to the War on Terror.


Grading Scale:

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 0-59

Google Classroom- We will be utilizing Google Classroom for US Military History. I will send you articles to be read, power points, and assignments through Google.

Remind 101 – Receive assignment and messages as a text. {call – 81010} and text

1st semester: “@usmilita”2nd semester: “@usmilitar”

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy

Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition.

Plagiarism is a piece of work (often writing) that has been copied from someone else and presented as your own.

Some examples of cheating and plagiarism that may be applicable to this class include:

-Taking an essay or text off the web and presenting it as your own writing.

-Asking a student in another section what the test or quiz questions were.

-Using someone else’s notes on your quiz.

-Having someone else complete your project for you.

-Copying answers.

If you are caught cheating on a project:

-You must re-do the project with a mandatory 25% deduction in the score. You will also be referred to your unit principal.

If you are caught cheating on a unit test:

-You must re-do the test (possibly in a different format) with a mandatory 25% deduction in the score. You will also be referred to your unit principal.

In addition to the consequences (above), I will not write a letter of recommendation for you nor will I fill out recommendation forms for school activities (National Honor Society, cheerleading, etc.)

Classroom Procedures:

  1. SEATING – assigned seats – Be on time, and in your seat.
  2. BELL WORK – Get seated and work on the “Starter Question”.
  3. HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENTS – They are due when the bell rings to start the class. Anything found, recovered, or turned in after class starts is considered late. (can still be turned in for a lower grade)
  4. MOVEMENT IN ROOM – You are permitted to move around the room with consideration to common courtesy.
  5. No food or beverages. Candy is negotiable. Water is permitted.
  6. RESTROOM PASS – Must sign out and instructor must sign your “Agenda”.
  7. FIRE AND TORNADO – Procedures are posted in the front of the room. Tornado we stay in this room. Fire down the steps across from this room.

Class Guidelines:

  1. Be Respectful of others. (This includes their views and their property.)
  2. Come to class prepared. (pencil, paper, pen, notebook, etc.)
  3. Respect school property.
  4. Be respectful of the instructor.
  5. School rules and regulations should be followed at all times.
  6. No profanity, smoking, or use of any other substance banned by the school regulations.
  7. Cell phones should be turned off, no ipods or headphones without the permission of the instructor, and no calculators with games/video games.
  8. Chrome books 1:1 – will be used in class, but should not be used for personal “surfing”. They should be flat on desk and open when instructed. They will be used in class, but homework notes must still be hand-written.
  9. Tardy to school/class – we will follow the school guidelines.
  10. No video or audio taping of class activities, students, or the instructor without permission. Any use of class material/activities/photos for social media sites without the expressed consent of the instructor is prohibited. Any comments on social media that insult students or opinions from class will be referred to the unit principals.


  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Denial of privileges and a school detention. (Detention for failure to complete required assignments)
  3. Parent notification and/or referral to the office.
  4. Emergency removal from class if disruptive behavior can’t be brought under control.


Projected course schedule:

(Subject to change)

1st Term:

Background of Wars-Google Slide Activity

Turning Point Battles-Timeline Activity- “Midway”

Key Military Leaders- Baseball Card Activity – “Patton”

Minorities/Women- “Glory”

2nd Term:

Ethical Questions of War

Tactics/Weapons- Brochure Activity “Private Ryan – clip”


Soldiers - “We Were Soldiers”

Final Exam


I have read and understand the course requirements and expectations.

Please detach this portion of the syllabus and return to Mr. Brink


PARENT ______DATE______