I(we) would like to be considered for:

the Farmer-in-Residence position (Spring 2017—application Oct 2016)

an off-site Journeyperson situation




Current Address:


Alternate Contact Information:

Best way to get in touch:

Where/how did you hear about the program?

Please take as much space as you need to answer the following questions as thoroughly and thoughtfully as you are able.

A. Your Plans for the Future

1. Describe, in as much detail as possible, the farm operation that you will develop. Discuss enterprises, marketing, timelines, financing, and how you expect your farm business to evolve over time.

2. Why are you interested in pursuing farming as a livelihood?

3. Why are you interested in farming in Maine? What challenges do you perceive to farming here, how do you plan to face those challenges?

B. Your Background, Experience, and Skills

1.Describe your education – institutions, major areas of study or training, experiential education, degrees, etc.

2. Describe your relevant farming and related experience. Indicate the level of management responsibility you assumed.

3.Describe your experience with and interest in marketing farm products. Indicate what types of marketing you encountered on the farms where you have worked, your level of involvement, and any major challenges and issues you faced.

4.Describe any experience that you have had developing a farm plan for business and production, whether on a farm where you have worked; or for a farm that you would like to develop.Include aspects of this process you struggle with or wish to learn more about.

5. Do you own or have access to the tools and equipment necessary to follow through with your farm plans? If not, please describe your plans for gaining access to what you need.

6. If you are applying solely for the off-site JP program, do you currently have access to land?

6a. If yes, briefly describe the situation (acreage, soil type, infrastructure, tenure)

6b. If you do not have access to land, describe the type of situation you are interested in. Discuss your desired land base, infrastructure needs, and housing arrangements. Would you prefer a farm management or independent situation, or either?

C. Goals and objectives for participation in the JP Program

1. What are your primary goals and objectives for participating in the Journeyperson Program? Which components of the program would be most valuable?
2. Consider the following broad aspects of farm management: marketing, business management, and production. What are your primary weaknesses within these areas and how can the JP program help you improve? What would you like to learn more about?

D. References

Please provide the names, affiliation and contact information (phone and/or email) of two professional references and one personal reference.

Professional reference #1:

Professional reference #2:

Personal reference:

You may attach a resume if you wish.

Please rename this file with your last name and email your completed application as a word or PDF document to: New Farmer Programs Coordinator,

2015-2016 application deadlines: September 21, 2015 (early decision) and January 15, 2016

October 15, 2016(Farmer-in-Residence to start Spring 2017)