2016 Central Dauphin Spring Soccer

***All necessary paperwork must be completed and handed into the office by February 24th.

Web page for physical papers and information:

Games and Practices

First practice is March 14th. Always bring gear for indoor as well as outdoor soccer. Due to inclement weather we may practice in the gym.

All outdoor practices will be at Central Dauphin High School. You will take the shuttle bus to the High School immediately after school.

All games will be held at Central Dauphin High School. You will take the shuttle bus to the High School immediately after school.

Parents can pick you up at the High School or you may take the late bus that departs from CDHS at 4:45 p.m.- please let me know if you need the late bus!!

Players will dress in the main P.E. locker room. Bring your own lock or you may bring your things to the field. We are not responsible for lost items.

I will send a schedule/email for each week that includes practice times as well as dismissal/departure times for each game.

Given many players’ club soccer commitments, we will rarely be practicing or playing five

days a week.

I like all players to ride the bus to and from each game. If this is not possible, please provide a note the day before. An email will work as well.


You must let the coaches know of any pre-existing injuries that may hinder your participation. We will let the trainer know. They will then decide when you can participate and give you a note that you should give to your coach.

If you incur an injury during a practice or game, you must inform the coach. If you are sent to the trainer, the trainer will then let you know when you can return. If you receive medical attention from a doctor, you must have a note that is signed by the doctor in order to resume playing. We have an excellent training staff!


We will have a varsity and a junior varsity team. We will keep 16-18 players on each team. We will make decisions by the March 18th on players that we want to come back for the second week and will make decisions on varsity and junior varsity by the first game in April.