Powell Township Board
Regular Meeting
PO Box 319, 101 Bensinger, Big Bay 49808
Tuesday August 15th, 20177:00 PM
Draft Minutes
Approved September 18th, 2017
1. Call to order at 7:00 PM, by Supervisor, at Powell Township Hall.
2. Pledge of allegiance.
3. Roll Call:
- Present: Turner (Supervisor), Erickson (Treasurer), Hudson (Trustee), Stanley (Trustee), Gamble (Clerk).
4. Agenda: Motion made to approve the August 15th agenda with additions and correction, listed below (Gamble/Hudson). All yes, motion carried
- Unfinished Business 1b. Imposed Liquidated
- New Business 1a. Chris Sutter to fire department
- New Business 3a. $100 for cedar posts
- New Business 5a. NMU wireless for two monitors (hall & fire hall) for total $360
5. Approval of Minutes:
- Motion made to approve Regular board meeting of July18th with one correction that motion for loan on office Stanley voted “No”. (Stanley/Turner). All yes, motion carried.
6. Revenue & Expenditure Report: Motion made to approve (Erickson/Gamble). Discussion about Parks and Rec donated funds to be corrected with auditor and water account error also must wait for audit corrections. All yes, motion carried.
7. Treasurer’s Report:Discussion but will have to be fixed with auditor before being settled
8. Approval of Bills:Motion made to approve the bills with one question from Stanley about Imagetrend, which Kim Bourgeois, EMS Coordinator, answered it was for EMS software update (Erickson/Hudson). All yes, motion carried.
Committee and Department Reports
a)Ambulance Department:10 calls in July and 3 in August; EMS joined fire volunteers at the annual Bay Cliff shindig on July 30th; Last Sunday was the Annual fire & EMS picnic with 200 to 250 attending; EMS coordinator Kim Bourgeois wishes to thank Jenny and Jackie in putting it together
b)Fire Department:no report from fire chief due to standby rescue
c)Emergency Management: no report
d)Parks & Recreation: no meeting in August
e)Water Department:water is still running; shutdown for three hours with the new water well being drilled; water tower was drained and took from 9pm to 5am
f)Sewer Department:running good and no complaints
g)Zoning Department:no report but resuming on regular schedule third Wednesday in September
- Eastwood Nursing Center sent correspondence informing public how funding is working between the Marquette Nursing homes
- Starry night on Lake Superior planned for September 21st
- Letter from member of community thanking the township for the new water system and the work done at burns landing
Public Comment:
- No comment
Unfinished Business
1)Water Improvement Project: developing the well now; there will be a 72 hour pump test on Monday; DEW next week hoping for quick turnaround; paving of the roads is starting tomorrow; UPEA is glad to see well drilling is moving along
a)12th Draw Request: Motion made to approve 12th Draw Request in total amount of $123,088.26 (Stanley/Erickson). Roll Call Vote: Hudson, yes; Stanley, yes; Turner, yes; Gamble, yes; Erickson, yes. Supervisor declares the resolution passed.
b)Motion made for board approval for liquidated damages that states October 20th should be the end (Stanley/Hudson). All yes, motion passed.
2)Change of Order Premeau Construction
a)Motion made to approve Office Remodel plumping change, five day extension, but with an estimated $4,000 deduction in cost (Gamble/Erickson). Roll call vote: Erickson, yes; Stanley, yes; Turner, yes; Gamble, yes; Hudson, yes. Supervisor declares resolution passed.
b)New ending date is extended to October 14th.
3)Premeau Construction: Motion made to approve $14,148 for work completed so far (Erickson/Hudson). Roll Call vote: Turner, yes; Gamble, yes; Erickson, yes; Hudson, yes; Stanley, yes. Supervisor declares the motion passed.
New Business
1)Fire Department:
a)Motion made to approve Chris Sutter as a member of the Fire Department (Turner/Gamble). All yes, motion passed.
a)Motion made to approve EMT training (Turner/Erickson). All yes, motion carried.
i)Begins in January, board covers cost per student + mileage with promise to work as volunteer for one year after passing
3)Parks and Recreation:
a)Motion made to approve up to $500 for Labor Day Food Shack (Gamble/Turner). All yes, motion passed.
b)Motion mad made to approve $100 for cedar posts for Thomas rock and Burns Landing (Erickson/Stanley). All yes, motion passed.
a)Motion made to approve cost of dues of $75 for Northern Michigan Public Service Academy
b)NMPSA is looking for volunteers interested to attend meetings and/or classes. Suggested we have a voting member and alternate
5)NMU Wireless: Motion made to approve $360 for two modems from NMU wireless (Erickson/Hudson). All yes, motion carried.
6)MTA: Motion made to approve 3 people to attend MTA on the Road Escanaba September 19th meeting for $111 per person attending (Gamble/Erickson). All yes, motion carried
7)CUPPAD: Motion made to approve Annual payment of $163 for CUPPAD (Hudson/Gamble). All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment
- none
Next regular meeting: Monday September 18th, 2017 at Township Hall
Meeting Adjourned at 7:40pm by Supervisor Turner
Samantha Morin - Recording Secretary