[Name] A B C Fernando

[Student I D] Xxxxxxxxxx

[Field of Specialisation]Mechanical Engineering

[Training Subject Code]EC4003

Information of the Applicant

1.  Training Module– CE4003

1.1 Name: A B C Fernando

1.2 Student ID No: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1.3 National Identity Card No.: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

1.4 Postal Address: No. 240, Havelock Road

Colombo 05

1.5 Contact Telephone No.: Mobile – 07772233445

Land – 0112222222

1.6 E-mail Address:

1.7 Field of Specialisation: Mechanical Engineering

1.8 Level of Study: Advanced Diploma Level – Stage II

1.9 Academic Qualification prior to join IESL College of Engineering Study Programme: National Diploma in Technology,

Name and Address of the Institution: Institute of Technological University, Moratuwa

1.10 Date of Submission of this report:15 May 2014

1.11 State any other Documents submitted with this report to support Industrial Training and Work Experience to be evaluated in order to receive exemption from the Training Module EC4003. For example

a)  Daily Diary

b)  Report relevant to the training received as a part of NDT study programme

c)  Letters of appointments (Submit photocopies subject to verification with originals at the assessment)

[Includeany other special particulars about the applicant under this section]




1.  Information of the Applicant i – ii

2.  Summary of Industrial Training and Work Experience 4 – 5

3.  Details of Training 6 - 8

4.  Details of Work Experience 9 – 12

5.  Conclusion 13 - 14

Annexures and Supplementary Documents

Annexure 1: [Describe the Annexure] 15 - xx

Annexure 2: [Describe the Annexure] xx –


2.  Summary of Industrial Training and Work Experience before joining the IESL College of Engineering Study Programme:

a.  Industrial Training [List in the chronological order the training undergone prior to obtain a qualification in Engineering, which is the entry qualification to the Advanced DiplomaStudy Programme and in the same Relevant Field of specialization,]

From / To / Duration (Weeks) / Name Address of Organisation / Section/ Site/Department
01 January 2001 / 31 January 2001 / 04 / Ceylon Government Railway
Ratmalana / Machine Shop
1 February 2001 / 28 February 2001 / 04 / Ceylon Government Railway
Ratmalana / Smithy
1 March 2001 / 21 March 2001 / Tool Room
22 March 2001 / 30 April 2001 / 05 / Ceylon Electricity Board / Kelanitissa Power Station
Total duration (Weeks) / 100

b.  Work Experience [List in the chronological order up to date Work Experience gathered in the Relevant Field of Specialisationafter obtaining the qualification which is an entry qualification to the Advanced Diploma Study Programme]

From / To / Duration (months) / Name and Address of the Organisation / Capacity
1 January 2002 / 31 December 2002 / 12 / State Engineering Corporation / Engineering Assistant
1 January 2003 / 30 June 2003 / 18 / State Engineering Corporation / Assistant Engineer
Total Months / XX

3.  Details of Training

[Should be given with sufficient details, but relevant to training obtained in different sections of different organizations following the order in 2.1]

3.1 Organisation: Ceylon Government Railway, Ratmalana

Capacity: Trainee

Section: Machine Shop

Work Carried Out:

I.  Planned a job to be turned out on the centre lathe with reference to a working drawing of a component of an Axle Box. Selected speed and feed depending on the material to be cut, finish to be obtained, etc.

Set thread index to cut a given thread on the drawing.

Set taper turning attachment and obtained the taper as specified on the drawing.

II.  Wrote the programme to produce a component on the CNC lathe machine. Used M and G codes of the machine.

Enter the programme into the machine using the key board of the machine.

Obtained to assistance of the Inspector to confirm the programme.

Tested and confirmed that the machine runs to produce the component.

Machined the component.

The drawing and programme is given below.

[Produce the Drawing below]

Produce the relevant CNC Programme below

Machine Code / Description of operation / Special observations (if any, for example tool in the operation)

3.2 Organisation: Ceylon Government Railway, Ratmalana

Capacity: Trainee

Section: Smithy

Work Carried Out:

I.  Went through different machines available for hot and cold forging operations in the Smithy.

II.  Studied different types of hot and cold forging operations and observed these operations carried out in different machines.Observed and noted the temperatures in case of hot forging.

III.  Studied the upsetting machine. It was observed the upsetting process adapted for forming bolt heads.

[Proceed in the same manner for training carried out in other sections and places in that order given in Section 2.1].

4.  Details of Work Experience

[Should be given with sufficient details, but relevant to training obtained in different sections of different organizations following the chronological order in 2.2]

4.1 Work Place: State Engineering Corporation

Capacity: Engineering Assistant

Period: From 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2002

[Write approximately ten sentences about the State Engineering Corporation to begin with and do it for every different place of work, where you were employed. For example, the name and address of the place of work under the organisation, type of business activities involved, goods and services produced, different departments and sections in the structure of the organization, etc..]

Duties and Responsibilities

As the Engineering Assistant I was responsible to the Manager Engineering to maintain all heavy machinery at the site. I was also responsible to administer 40 workmen which included work supervisors, technicians, mechanics and other support staff.

My specific duties were:

Planning all repair work of heavy machinery

Scheduling preventive maintenance of individual machines

Assess spare parts and any consumable materials for future two months

Administration of Job cards and flow of work

Supervise all repair and maintenance work

Test and release the machines once repairs are over

Close the job card and release the job cards for costing

4.2  Work Place: State Engineering Corporation

Capacity: Assistant Engineer

Period: From 1 January 2003 to 30 June 2003

[When the organization is the same avoid repetition about the organization, but if it is different state about the organization as in 4.1. When the departments or sections are different, details about the department of section should be stated]

Duties and Responsibilities

[Follow the above 4.1 and proceed]

[The order of presenting the details of work experience should be the same as that given under 2.2]

[Any special highlights relevant to work carried out may be explained in detail relevantly under each work place and relevant capacity]

[What else should you write under this? Think about the following highlights and include some of them wherever relevant to your work experience]

·  Information about the main project, if the work you have done is part of such a project.

·  The significance of the work you have done.

·  The motivation behind the particular work that you have done and why it is required.

·  Detailed description of the work done, including for example:

·  The algorithms/pseudo-code developed.

·  Hardware/software environment used.

·  Software tools used.

·  Design methods used and learned.

·  Testing methods and tools used and learned.

·  Project management methods and processes followed or observed.

·  Any engineering standards that are followed or observed.

·  Design, development, documentation and testing participated in or observed.

·  Any training received, including seminars attended.

·  Any configuration and/or maintenance tasks performed.

·  Detailed description of your own contribution and clearly identification of the distinctions from others’ work.

·  A section in which you explain in detail what knowledge and skills learned in higher learning institute/University you were able to apply to real-world problems during work, and specifically where and how the knowledge or skills were useful.

·  A section in which you explain in detail engineering problems related to computer systems and applications that you solved.

·  A section in which you explain in detail the teamwork you were involved, including (for each team you participated in) the team role or function of each team member, the training in their background and current work area, and some information about the team dynamics as you worked together. You should clearly explain how you related to the others on the team. If you were not involved in a formal team, the definition of the term could be interpreted loosely to mean working together with others on a shared task.

·  A section in which you explain in detail which professional issues and work-related ethical issues you saw or became aware of during this period, and how the issue was handled or managed at your company or institution.

·  A section in which you explain specifically what you learned or understood about the economic, environmental, societal and global impact of the engineering solutions in the projects developed at your company or institution. You should also write in general about the contemporary issues that are related with computer engineering, as you understand them from, and related to, your work.

·  A section in which you explain the self-learning that you did during your work period. You should mention any sources that you located and how you found them (this would include Web sites, books, journals, experts, etc).Also, mention any that you made regular use of, and any that you are continuing to use.

·  A section in which you explain in detail any new tools or technologies that you encountered and used, how you learned to use them, and what level of proficiency you came to by the end.

·  When writing this section, do not forget that the reader may not be familiar with the topic of the work that you have done. Therefore, explaining too much is better than not enough.

5.  Conclusion:

Hundred (100) weeks training received by me at Ceylon Government Railway enabled me to keep abreast of mechanical engineering and manufacturing processes. It helps understand the theoretical concepts learned by me prior to obtain industrial training. Further, it gave me an opportunity to expose myself to real engineering world and industrial environment where I had ample opportunity to interact with the machinery and workmen of many levels. While I enjoyed with the work during this period, I gained hands-on-experience to a greater extent which made me to progress my career in the field of engineering. It enabled me to appreciate the connection between the course of study and other related disciplines in the production of goods and services.

After receiving the industrial training and obtaining the qualification of National Diploma in Technology, I had the opportunity to hold responsibility to work as an Engineering Assistant and subsequently an Assistant Engineer in State Engineering Corporation. The work experience I shared in the place is enormous and the work culture, values of the workplace, goods and services produced and delivered kept me occupied and enthusiastic in the progression of my career in engineering. With the 60 months work experience I received hitherto I am confident that I can bravely face challenges in my future career when I progress by leaps and bounds in my engineering career.

[Clarifications and Important Instructions:

1.  Get the relevant sections, whether it is related totraining or work experience, certified by either Training Engineer/s in the place/sof training orsupervising engineer, or a responsible person/s (a person similar to hold the status of Chartered Engineer, Manager of the Company) who can certify what you have stated in your report.

2.  The name of organizations, dates, activities, etc. are arbitrary. Use real information in place of them.

3.  Diagrammes, sketches, photographic views and maps if necessary,can be used to demonstrate any training activity or special work carried out.

4.  Instructions to be followed are given within [square brackets] and within frames. They should not be repeated in the report.

5.  The information and details written in Italics fonts in this document are those the applicant should provide in the report in order to make them distinct from the rest. However, the applicant should not use Italic fonts in her/his report.

6.  The complete report without any annexures or supplementary documents should not be more that fifty (50) pages.

7.  All maps and drawings which have sizes more than A4,supporting information, codes and standards required to describe any training or work carried out, etc. may be attached to the report as Annexures or Supplementary Documents. All Annexures and Supplementary Documents should be labeled. However, such documents shall not be attached unless they are not referred to in the body of the report]

8.  Note the font sizes on the cover page and headings and sub headings. Other than Headings and sub headings, all texts descriptively written should be maintained to font size 12. Maintain one Theme Font right throughout the report.

Annex ure 1:

Annexure 2