Taylor C. Reid

1201 Hickory St.

Lansing, MI, 48912

(517) 862-2793


Career Goal

To work for a private organization or public agency promoting community development, and/or social, economic, and environmental sustainability in agriculture and food systems.


Ph.D. Candidate Community, Food, and Agriculture (CARRS Dept.)

Michigan State University: Present.

M.S. in Botany and Plant Pathology.

Michigan State University: December, 2000.

B.S. in Plant and Soil Science, Concentration: Sustainable Agriculture.

Minor in Plant Pathology. Cum Laude.

University of Massachusetts at Amherst: December, 1995.



Wright, W., and Reid, T. 2009. Green Dreams or Pipe Dreams?: Media Framing of the U.S. Biofuels

Movement. Biomass and Bioenergy. Accepted pending revision.

Holt, D., Reid, T., and Busch, L. 2007. Les normes en agriculture: Du droit positif à l’État

evaluateur et auditeur (Standards in contemporary agriculture: From positive law to the

audit state). Le Déméter 2007:Économie et Strategies Agricoles. pp.91-116.

Amaranthus, M.P., Nair M.G., Reid, T.C., and Steinfeld, D. 2005. Improved Rhizopogon mycorrhizal

colonization and foliar nutrient levels in Ponderosa Pine and Douglass-Fir with Myconate®.

Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 20(3):1-14.

Warncke, D.D., Reid, T.C., and Hausbeck, M.K. 2002. Sodium chloride and lime effects on soil cations

and elemental composition of asparagus fern. Commun. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal. 33:3075-3084.

Reid, T.C., Hausbeck, M.K., and Kizilkaya, K. 2002. The use of reduced risk fungicides and biological controls in the suppression of Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus. Plant Disease. 86:493-498.

Reid, T.C., Hausbeck, M.K., and Kizilkaya, K. 2001. Effects of sodium chloride on commercial asparagus and of alternative forms of chloride salt on Fusarium crown and root rot. Plant Disease. 85:1253-1258.

Encyclopedia Entries:

Reid, T. and Reid, P. 2009. The United States Food and Drug Administration. Encyclopedia of Organic

and Sustainable Food. L.A. Duram (ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (Praeger), Forthcoming.

Reid, T. 2009. The United States Environmental Protection Agency. Encyclopedia of Organic and

Sustainable Food. L.A. Duram (ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (Praeger), Forthcoming.

Reid, T. 2009. The Organic Consumers Association. Encyclopedia of Organic and Sustainable Food.

L.A. Duram (ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press (Praeger), Forthcoming.

Reid, T. 2008. Organic Farming. Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy. J. Baird

Callicott and Robert Frodeman (eds.). New York: Macmillan Library Reference (Thompson Gale). Vol.2:121-124.


Reid, T. 2009. Building BeginningFarmers.org: A Web Resource and Blog for New Farmers, Potential

Farmers, Educators, Researchers, and Policymakers. New Agriculture Network: Available at:




Reid, T. 2009. Supporting Agricultural Stewardship and Sustainable Production. Michigan Food &

Farming Systems Memo. 15(3):10.

Reid, T. 2009. Food Safety: Is Legislation the Answer? Michigan Organic Connections. 15(2):8.

Reid, T. 2008. Talking GMO Blues. Michigan Organic Connections. 14(2):2-3.

Reid, T. 2007. Walking the Talk with Both Feet on the Earth: A Biography of Maynard Kaufman,

Organic Pioneer - Part II. Michigan Organic Connections. 13(1): 4-5.

Reid, T. 2006. Walking the Talk with Both Feet on the Earth: A Biography of Maynard Kaufman,

Organic Pioneer - Part I. Michigan Organic Connections. 12(4):7-8.

Reid, T. and E. Reardon. 2006. New Michigan Law Bans Local Regulation of Seeds: Analysis

and Call to Action. Michigan Organic Connections: 12(3):1,4-5.

Ngouajio M., J. Ernest, H. Johnson, T. Reid, and W. Chase. 2003. Enhancing bell pepper and tomato

yields with Myconate (abstract). HortScience 28:702.

Reid, T.C., and Hausbeck M.K. 1999. Control of Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus with different forms of chloride salt (abstract). Proceedings of the American Phytopathological Society.

Wick, R.L., and Reid, T. 1995. Effect of two years of chitin application to putting greens on plant parasitic nematodes. Biological and Cultural Tests 10.

Wick, R.L., and Reid, T. 1995. Evaluation of Hydroject 3000tm aerification as a means of reducing plant parasitic nematodes. Biological and Cultural Tests 10.

Wick, R.L., Reid, T. and Haviland, P. 1995. Effect of nitrogen and calcium on susceptibility of poinsettia cuttings to soft rot. Biological and Cultural Tests 10.


U.S. Patent Number 7000348. Method and Composition for Tree Root Colonization. Class 504/117.

Issued 2/21/2006. Inventors: Amaranthus, Michael P., Nair, Muraleedharan G., and Reid,

Taylor C. http://sumobrain.com/7000348.html.

Articles About

Eldred, L. 2009. Spotlight on Engaged Student Scholarship: Creating Resources for First Time Farmers.

The Engaged Scholar Magazine. 4:7.

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA). 2009. Beginningfarmers.org: Website of

The Week: September 18-24. http://attra.ncat.org/wow/

Hahn, M. 2009. Feature: What it Takes to Become a Farmer. Farmers Markets Today Magazine.



Reid, T., and Whetham, P. 2009. The History of ‘Organic’ and what it Means Today. Presentation given

at the Michigan Organic Conference. E. Lansing, MI, March 7th.

Reid, T., 2008. The Role of Science and Values in the History of Michigan’s First Organic Certifier:

Organic Growers of Michigan Cooperative, Inc. Presentation Given at the Agriculture and

Natural Resources Week Michigan Organic Agriculture Research Reporting Session E. Lansing,

MI, March 5th.

Reid, T., and Scrimger, J. 2008. Can GMO’s and Organic be Good Neighbors? Presentation given at the

Michigan Organic Conference. E. Lansing, MI, February 29th-March 1st.

Reid, T., and Bingen, J. 2008. Tumult, Tenacity, Toil, and Tile: The Arduous Journey of a Michigan

Organic Farm Family from the City to the Soil. Poster presentation given at the Organic Farming

Research Foundation (OFRF) Organic Research Symposium. Lacrosse, WI, February 21-23rd.

Reid, T., and Wright, W. 2007. Talking Transition: Biofuels Advocacy and Challenges to Sustainability.

Presentation and poster given at Michigan State University Extension Community Development

Research Day. E. Lansing, MI, November 2nd.

Wright, W., Reid, T., and Bingen, J. 2007. Considerations for Energy Feedstock Production on the

Structure of Agriculture. Presentation given at the Meetings of the Rural Sociology Society. Santa

Clara, CA, August 2-5th.

Reid, T., Montri, D., Campbell-Aravi, V., DeLind, L., and Howard, P. 2007. In Everyone's Best Interest?

Food Regulations, Scale, and Legitimation. Panel presentation given at Annual Meeting of the

Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society. Victoria, BC, May 31-June 2nd.

Reid, T., Wright, W., and Bingen, J. 2007. Ethanol: A Threat to Small Farms, Local Food, and

Agricultural Diversity? Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society. Victoria, BC, May 31-June 2nd.

Reid, T., Howard, P., Whetham, P., and Bingen, J. 2007. Consumer Education Session: What’s Really

Organic? Presentation given at the Michigan Organic Conference. E. Lansing, MI,

March 3rd.

Reid, T., and Bingen, J. 2006. Making a Life Back on the Land: Learning, Values and Practices of First

Generation Farmers in Michigan. Poster presented at the National Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Conference. Oconomowoc, WI, August 15-17th.

Reid, T., and Bingen, J. 2006 Demobilizing the Organic Movement in the US: The Case of ‘Organic

Growers of Michigan’. Presentation given at the Joint Annual Meetings of the Association for the

Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society. Boston, MA,

June 7-11th.

Reid, T. 2000. The Use of Cultural Controls in the Reduction of Fusarium Disease on Asparagus. Presentation given at the Michigan State University Extension Service Southwest Michigan Vegetable Field Tour. Oceana Co., MI, August 3rd.

Reid, T., 2000. Potential for the Biological control of Fusarium Crown and Root Rot of Asparagus. Presentation given at the Michigan State Sustainable Agriculture Network Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, E. Lansing, MI, February 9th.

Reid, T., 2000. Advances in the Control of Fusarium Crown and Root Rot. Michigan State University Extension/Michigan Asparagus Commodity Group’s Asparagus Research Day. Shelby, MI, December 8th.

Reid, T., 1999. Potential for Integrated Solutions to the Problem of Fusarium Crown and Root Rot of Asparagus. Michigan State University International IPM Program. East Lansing, MI, August 10th.

Reid, T., 1999. Research on the Control of Fusarium Crown and Root Rot of Asparagus. Michigan State University Extension/Asparagus Commodity Group’s Asparagus Research Day,. Shelby, MI, November 28th.

Reid, T., 1999. Asparagus and Salt. Southwest Michigan Vegetable Field Tour, Michigan State University Extension Service. Oceana Co., MI.

Reid, T., 1998. Research on the Problem of Fusarium Crown and Root Rot of Asparagus. Michigan State University International IPM Program. East Lansing, MI.

Work Experience

6/06 – 5-09 Michigan State University Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and

Resource Studies

Research Assistant

Conducting research on the development of first-generation Michigan farmers. Conducted research on grower participation in Michigan Farmers Markets.

8/04 – 5/06 The Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards, Michigan State University

Research Assistant

Conducted research on organizational history, policy development, and political contention related to third-party certification in organic agriculture.

4/04 – 8/04 Michigan State University Land Policy Program

Research Associate

Provided research support for projects focused on agricultural land preservation and urban sprawl. Wrote literature reviews and grants, gathered and analyzed data, prepared presentations and graphics in support of program’s research and outreach goals.

8/01 – 8/03 VAMTech L.L.C., Lansing, MI

Senior Agronomist

Managed extensive research program evaluating the efficacy of mycorrhizal stimulant products on a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops throughout the US and Canada. Provided technical support for and information about VAMTech’s agricultural products to growers, extension agents, researchers, and industry representatives throughout the United States and abroad. Managed employees, inventory, shipping, correspondence, and general office duties.

8/97 - 12/00 Michigan State University, Department of Plant Pathology

Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant

Assisted with setup and evaluation of laboratory, greenhouse, and field experiments. Diagnosed plant diseases samples. Designed, set up, and taught laboratory sections for Plant Pathology course.

3/96 - 8/97 William Davies Landscape and Tree Service, Edgartown, MA


Teaching Experience

Workshop – Hunting Wild Mushrooms in Michigan: 5/8/09, MSU Horticulture Farm Adult Education

Learning Series. 9-12-09.

Workshop – Production of Mushrooms for the Small Farm: 5/8/09, MSU Student

Organic Farm Ag. Technology Program.

Pesticides, People and Politics (ESA 444): Week of 9/22/08 – Industrial Agriculture and Pesticide Use;

Week of 10/27/08 – Organic History, Standards, and Marketing.

Workshop - The Basics of Small Farm Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation: 9/13/08, MSU Student

Organic Farm.

How to Start Your Farm - Lessons from Organic and First Generation Farmers: 3/22/07, Sustainable

Farming 101, West Michigan CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training),

Grand Rapids, MI.

Research Methods (ACR 802): Week of 9/25/06 – Qualitative Research Methods.

Workshop - Outdoor Edible Mushroom Cultivation: 9/20/05, MSU Student Organic Farm.

Plant Pathology (BPP 405): Spring 1998, Teaching Assistant.

Grants and Fellowships

Michigan State University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Alumni Association, Graduate

Student Scholarship for Public Service and Academic Excellence. Fall, 2009: $3,000.

The Michigan State University Graduate School. Graduate Fellowship for Academic Achievement

Summer, 2009: $6,000.

North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), Graduate Student

Research Grant, SARE Project # GNC04-0370. Community Farmers: The Pathways and

Opportunities to Success for New, Innovative Farmers in Michigan.. 2004-2007: $9,720.

Art Exhibitions

Mixed Metal Sculpture Exhibit in ‘The America Show’: Capital Area Spectacle Gallery, Lansing, MI; July

4th – Aug, 4th 2008.

Photography Exhibit at: Mama Bears Organic Cafe, Lansing MI; Jan. 2007- Dec. 2008.

Photography Exhibit in Consort with the 10th Annual E. Lansing Film Festival: SCENE Gallery, East

Lansing MI; March 3rd- 30th, 2007.

Public Service and Non-Profit Work

Michigan Food and Farming Systems (MIFFS) Agricultural Stewardship Committee; Member, 2004-2008; Chairman, 2008-Present.


National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) Organic Committee & Policy Committee; Michigan

Organic Food and Farm Alliance Representative, 2007-Present.

Leonardo Academy-American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Sustainable Agriculture Standards Development Committee; Environmental Representative: 2008-Present.

Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance (MOFFA) Board of Directors; Vice-Chairman: 2006-2009.

Michigan State University Food Systems Committee; Graduate Student Representative: 2007-2009.

Agriculture and Human Values (Professional Academic Society Journal); Peer Reviewer: 2007 & 2009.

Future Farmers of America – Springport, MI Chapter; Volunteer: 2008-2009

Michigan State University Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Graduate Student Organization; Treasurer: 2008-2009.

Michigan Food and Farming Systems (MIFFS) Agricultural Stewardship Committee, Farm Tour Organizer/Leader: 2009.

Sierra Club, Michigan Chapter; Citizen Lobbyist: 2007-2008

Michigan State University Land Policy Institute ‘Ask the Expert’ Forums; Areas of Expertise - New Agriculture; Food Access/Security: 2008.

A Campus Conversation Devoted to Renewing the Land Grant Mission - Kettering Roundtable Colloquia

Series; Participant: Spring 2008.

Michigan State University Council of Graduate Students (COGS); Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Department Representative: 2007-2008.

Michigan State University Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Graduate Student Organization; Founder, and Coordinator: 2004-2007.

Michigan State University Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Graduate Affairs and Curriculum Committee; Student Representative: 2004-2007.

Michigan Citizens for Agricultural Democracy; Electronic List-Serv Founder and Administrator: 2005-2008.

Allen Street Neighborhood Center Farmers Market; Volunteer: 2005-2007.

Allen Street Neighborhood Center Youth Gardening Project; Volunteer: 2005.

Community Conversations: Michigan State University Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Weekly Brown Bag Series; Coordinator: Spring 2005.

C.S. Mott Group for Sustainable Agriculture Animals in the Food System Conference; Volunteer: November 3-4, 2004.

Michigan State Sustainable Agriculture Network Steering Committee; Biological Sciences Representative: 1998-2000.

Michigan State University Department of Botany and Plant Pathology Curriculum Committee; Graduate Student Representative: 1999.


Dr. R. James Bingen. Professor, Dept. of Community Agriculture Recreation and Resource

Studies, Michigan State University. 517-353-1905, .

Dr. Frank A. Fear. Senior Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Professor,

Dept. of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies, Michigan State University.

517-353-8589, .

Dr. Muraleedharan G. Nair. Professor, Dept. of Horticulture, Michigan State University. 517-884-2018,


Dr. David E. Wright. Chairperson, Professor, Dept. of Community Agriculture Recreation and Resource

Studies, Michigan State University, 517-353-1916. .

Dr. Mary K. Hausbeck. Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Michigan State University. 517-355-4534,
