Welcome to LH Middle School Choir
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Licking Heights Middle School Choir. I am very excited to begin the school year with you. My hope is that we can work together to make the choir program at Licking Heights Middle School the best it can be!
As a LH Middle School Choir member, you serve as a musical ambassador for our school. Your appearance and conduct at concerts, contests, on the bus, and everywhere you go determines how people perceive Licking Heights Middle School students. With that responsibility in mind, it is important that you always present yourself with pride and class. Be sure to always conduct yourself in a mature, responsible manner.
Please be sure to sign and return the last page to Mr. Ice agreeing to the rules and procedures outlined in this handbook by Tuesday, August 25, 2015. Please be on the lookout for a handout with the concert dates that your child will be bringing home within the next week, for they are MANDATORY and will affect the student’s grade if they are missed.
I am confident that this will be a great school year! Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. Email is the best method to reach me, and I will do my best to return all messages in a timely manner. Let’s have a great year making music together!
Mr. Ice
Contact Information
Mr. Josh Ice, Choir Director
Phone: (740)-927-3365 Ext 419
Class Website
Coming soon!!!
Classroom Supplies
ü Folder (plastic is preferred for durability)
ü Spiral notebook
ü Pencil
We will begin using these materials in class on Monday, August 24th!!
Classroom Expectations
1. Be on time! Be in your chair ready to sing at the designated start time.
2. Be prepared! Have all materials necessary for class.
3. Be polite and respectful
Don’t talk when the director or fellow classmates are talking
Treat others as you wish to be treated
Take care of all materials (yours and the schools)
Bring a positive attitude to class
4. No food, drink, or gum in the choir room (except water)
5. Give your best effort at all times.
Failure to follow the expectations listed above will directly affect your grade in choir.
I will use the LH Central/ North demerit and merit system below. Students with classroom behavior issues will also be asked to fill out a Think Sheet with every demerit. See attached
· Not Being SAFE
5 Reward (candy, a pencil, etc.)
10 An extra day of recess, reward, or front of lunch line
pass (each team will decide monthly)
*Merits are rewarded monthly / ACCUMULATING DEMERITS WILL COST YOU:
4 Teacher Conference and Parent Contact
5 After School Detention and Parent Contact
9 Teacher Conference and Parent Contact
10 After School Detention and Parent Contact
10+ Office Referral and Team Action Plan (RTI)
*Demerits reset each quarter
Daily Classroom Procedures
1. Enter the class in an orderly manner.
2. Set your books and bags in the proper area.
3. Have a PENCIL ready to use every day.
4. Have your notebook and folder ready to use every day.
5. Sit in your assigned seat.
6. Read the daily assignments on the chalkboard and join in the class activities.
Using the restroom and getting a drink of water is not permitted during class except in emergency or special situations. Please take care of this before or after class.
If you are feeling ill, please inform the director at the beginning of class so that arrangements can be made.
Choir Concert Attire
It is important that all choir students dress accordingly to the guidelines listed below. Choir members represent LH Middle School and it is important that they look and sound their best at every concert. Failure to dress accordingly will affect your concert grade in choir. Any concerns about choir attire should be discussed with the director prior to the day of the concert.
Proper Concert Attire:
7th and 8th Grade Choir:
1. Students are required to purchase and wear a concert polo
2. Khaki/tan dress pants (no jeans, shorts, capris)
3. Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or sandals)
4. No distracting jewelry please
6th Grade Choir:
1. White dress shirt with short sleeves or longer. (No sleeveless or tank tops)
2. Khaki/tan dress pants (no jeans, shorts, capris)
3. Dress shoes (no tennis shoes or sandals)
4. No distracting jewelry please
Concert Information
Performance is an extremely important part of the Vocal Music program. There are specific Ohio Department of Education Music Standards that can only be taught through performance. For these reasons, performances are MANDATORY.
If there is a major conflict, please see the guidelines below:
1. Excuses communicated from your parents may be considered when contacted at least 2 weeks before the performance, if the excuse has validity. This decision will be made at the director’s discretion.
2. Unexcused absences for performances will result in no points being issued for that performance.
3. If the performance is missed due to an excused absence (sick on day of performance or approval by director), a makeup essay will be assigned and will be due within three days of the student’s return to school.
Grading Policy
1. 20% Class Participation
In order to receive your participation grade you must:
a. Have your class materials each day
b. Have a positive behavior and attitude
c. Actively participate in all class activities
2. 40% Concert Participation (there will be a project assigned quarters without concerts)
3. 40 % Other assignments
Throughout the 9 weeks choir notebook checks, worksheets, homework, quizzes and projects may be assigned. Point values for these will be given upon announcement of assignments.
Please detach and return by Tuesday, August 25th! This form is worth 10 points.
We have read and understand the policies and procedures governing the ensembles and activities of the Vocal Music Program. We will be looking for the concert calendar to be brought home within the next week and will mark concert dates on the family calendar. I understand that my child’s grade will be affected if the requirements are not met.
Student Name (Print) ______Grade: ______Period: ______
Student Signature ______Date: ______
Parent Name (Print) ______
Parent Signature ______Date: ______
Parent Email ______Phone: ______
I would like to be a: