Environmental Law

Matthew Stephenson

Spring Term 2006, Mon, Tue 8:45-10:15

Course Outline & Reading Assignments

I.  The Rise of Federal Statutory Environmental Regulation

Feb. 6 – Common Law Roots: Public and Private Nuisance

CB 60-85

Feb. 7 – The Rise of Federal Regulation and the Impact on Common Law

CB 85-100

SS 1022-1029

Feb. 13 – Private Access to the Courts Under Federal Regulatory Statutes: Standing and Citizen Suits

CB 973-996

1st Supp. 1-7

CB 1007-1017

II.  Approaches to Environmental Risk Management

Feb. 14 – Cost-Benefit Analysis

CB 343-345, 28-35, 406-425

Feb. 20 – Risk Thresholds and Health-Based Standards

CB 363-379, 425-427, 445-454

Feb. 21 – Standards of Proof

CB 346-360

1st Supp. 8-23

III.  The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Feb. 27 – Overview; NEPA Triggers

CB 783-797, 821-832

SS 1042-1046

Feb. 28 – Problems of Timing and Scope

CB 797-821

Mar. 6 – Adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement

CB 832-852

IV.  The Clean Air Act (CAA)

Mar. 7 – Overview; Federal National Ambient Air Quality Standards

CB 491-521

Mar. 13 – State Implementation Plans; Attainment and Nonattainment

2nd Supp. 1-22

Mar. 14 –New Source Review

2nd Supp. 23-59

New York v. EPA (D.C. Cir.) (on-line)

Mar. 20 – Interstate Pollution and Permit Trading

2nd Supp. 60-82

Mar. 21 – Mobile Sources; Hazardous Air Pollutants

2nd Supp. 83-103

SS 1033-1036

V.  The Clean Water Act

Apr. 3 – Overview; Scope of Federal Authority

CB 569-604

Apr. 4 – Defining Point Sources

CB 604-619

Apr. 10 – Effluent Limitations and Variances

CB 619-641, 651-662

Apr. 11 – Private Right of Action to Enforce the CWA

CB 996-1007

CB 1018-1026

VI.  Hazardous Waste Regulation

Apr. 17 – RCRA Overview; Definition of “Hazardous Waste”

CB 169-212

Apr. 18 – CERCLA Overview; Potentially Responsible Parties

CB 223-228, 231-257

Apr. 24 – CERCLA Liability

CB 257-267, 271-283

SS 1019-1022

Apr. 25 – State Regulation and the Dormant Commerce Clause

CB 288-316

VII.  The Endangered Species Act

May 1 – Overview; Listing; Protection Against Federal Action

CB 853-866, 887-904

May 2 – Protection Against Private Action

CB 904-921