The band upholds the equal opportunities policy (see constitution). All band members should respect each other and treat each other, as they themselves would wish to be treated.

General and at Practice.

  1. At practice when the Ode is being said all should be at attention.
  2. Older members of the Band are answerable to the Band Master and are responsible for younger members.
  3. Younger members are to listen to the directions given by older members.
  4. When travelling in the minibus, seat belts are to be worn and members are not to be standing up in the minibus when it is moving.
  5. Any litter on the minibus is to be collected up before leaving the vehicle.
  6. No litter to be left at the Practice Hall.
  7. Any school equipment used, e.g. balls, must be put back.
  8. All band equipment is to be treated with respect.
  9. If there is any running around, then it is essential that it does not take place near any of the instruments.
  10. There should be no running around outside when it’s dark.
  11. At practice the warm up period is for all, not just for the younger members, unless involved in getting things ready.
  12. Any smoking by older members should take place away from the younger members of the Band.
  13. Any criticism of a member should not be done during a parade but afterwards.
  14. Appropriate language (e.g. not coarse) is to be used when speaking or commenting to another Band Member, whatever their age, about their performance and/or uniform.

In Uniform

  1. There is to be no running around or fighting when in uniform.
  2. There should be no participating in games when in uniform.
  3. Uniform jackets not to be worn while travelling.
  4. There should be no alcoholic drinks available or taken when participating in the Band whether at practice or on parade.
  5. No food is to be eaten while in uniform. Jackets need to be removed and e.g. a sweater worn, if there is to be any eating or drinking.
  6. No smoking when in uniform.
  7. The use of appropriate language as in no. 14 above, should be used at all times.
  8. When instructions are being given, whether on parade or at practice, Band Members should not be talking, but listening.
  9. Band Members should not leave any litter anywhere, but especially where they have been on parade.

Drawn up following discussions with younger band members on 28th November 2005 and agreed at committee meeting 30th November 2005.

I agree to abide by the band members Code of Conduct

Name:…………………………………………………Signed: …………………………………………………

I acknowledge that my son/daughter must abide by the band members code of conduct and will endeavour to see that they follow its rules.

Name:…………………………………………………Signed: …………………………………………………

Graham Wyeth


Z:\The Shires RBL Youth Band\Documents\Code of Conduct.doc