CDC Call – Pilot Surveillance Course Debriefing

June 17, 2013


·  CDC

o  Bridget Canniff

o  Holly Billie

o  Nancy Bill

o  Jon Peabody

o  Celeste Davis

o  Siona Willie

o  Jacey McCurtain (One of instructors for pilot course)

o  Donna Gilbert (One of instructors for pilot course)

·  Falmouth

o  Marguerite Carroll

o  Basla Andolsun

Items Discussed:

1.  Holly: Short debrief on big picture items (see PowerPoint presentation called “Pilot Surveillance Course Debriefing”)

  1. Some folks had not had L1 or L2 training, although it was a pre-requisite (attended for local political reasons)
  2. Most of detailed comments came from folks who had attended L1 and L2, with exception of Del Yazzie
  3. Ended about 3:30 each day to spend a little time debriefing (30 min – 1 hour with participants and 30 min – 1 hour with instructors)
  4. Some exercises need more explanation
  5. Purpose
  6. Implementation
  7. U-shaped formation worked well for room setup
  8. Works well to ask group what they learned rather than doing recap of session
  9. Agenda should be more specific
  10. Course could be 2 days (maybe 2.5)
  11. Previous day review/recap was helpful
  12. Format of manual hard to follow
  13. Too many pages (308 participant, 456 instructor manual)
  14. Manuals not in sync in participant and instructor’s manual
  15. No instructions on how to put manuals together
  16. Slides weren’t consistent – some too much text, some too little
  17. Just include key words to prompt them and references to the appendix
  18. Easier to have materials in L2 format – Slide, and then notes next to it
  19. Content:
  20. Less review. Explicit note to instructor saying “brief review.”
  21. Need to teach concepts before questions/exercises
  22. Need more examples (like in the mean, median, and mode section). One instructor made some calculations, we can add those.
  23. Pare down appendices, give opportunity to use local examples
  24. Layman’s terms needed in some places
  25. Exercises
  26. E-codes not very complete. Too big of a jump to introduce it and then try to code. Most folks wouldn’t have to actually code anything. Should not be exercise for e-codes. Just know what an e-code is and how to recognize it.
  27. Otherwise, liked exercises and class discussions.
  28. Answering questions right after content is done works best rather than at end of course.
  29. Exercises need explicit instructions.
  30. One person thought final exercise should be more of a challenge since most of work had already been done.
  31. Other
  32. Good info in course
  33. Need to give folks tools to take back to use
  34. To discuss with workgroup:
  35. Pre- and post-test
  36. Screenshots and links on slides
  37. Add videos

2.  Feedback from Jayce and Donna

  1. Flipping back and for the between pages was hard. Needed notes on slides
  2. Asking participants specific questions was helpful in generating discussion
  3. Ex. Switching from “summary” to “what did you learn?”
  4. Instructor PPT needed tables listened (page numbers need to be referenced)
  5. Overall content was good, folks were interested in it.
  6. Too much of a repeat?
  7. No
  8. Put in instructor notes to incorporate local examples if it isn’t in there already
  9. Nancy: Question – did people get new tools/ideas in developing surveillance systems?
  10. Jayce: Learned about steps in terms of new tools, ecological model was useful. Need more time spent on this. People didn’t remember this from L1 and L2.
  11. Nancy: Question – could people start a surveillance system after this?
  12. Jayce: Yes
  13. Jayce: would help to give them a different project at the end. An additional challenge. People wanted more for a final exercise.
  14. Marguerite: Question – How long would you give section 1 and 2 review?
  15. Jayce: Less than 2 hours for both sections
  16. Marguerite: Question – Sections 3-4 have enough time?
  17. Jayce: 4 and 5 were larger sections. More time on statistics/methodology one. More examples needed. Needed more info to do Section 5.
  18. Holly: Sections 4-5 are meat of course. Spend more time here. Break up into smaller sections.
  19. Nancy: ICD-10 exercise. Could have been about understanding e-coding transfer to ICD-10.
  20. Ex. 825 Pedestrian – what is difference between 9/10? Discussion exercise rather than coding exercise
  21. Holly: Someone wanted to understand e-code by the time they left. Intimidated by it. Going through anatomy of e-code. Explain what each part is would be helpful. Last part of code – initial or follow-up visit. What does “1” or “2” mean and why this is important. (Important for avoiding duplication)
  22. Jayce: We confused them with too much info in too little time. Should give ICD history and what it means. Background info on ICD-9 then exercise, then ICD-10 info then exercise
  23. Nancy: ICD-11 is being worked on for future.

3.  Review of feedback on coverage of objectives

  1. Holly: hard to separate teaching style from what’s in content. Folks didn’t have material right there because they were flipping back and forth.
  2. Jayce: Section 6 on models, we need to add the logic model.
  3. Jayce: Basic statistics section – terminology was too advanced.
  4. Ex. “frequency”
  5. Nancy: There’s a website to help with that. Print it as part of reference.
  6. Marguerite: Question – appendix, was it helpful to find examples like that in appendices?
  7. Jayce: Just one example is good – too long as is.
  8. Marguerite: better if on a disk or website?
  9. Jayce: yes, that’s better
  10. Marguerite: handout or appendix better?
  11. Jayce: handout is better. We ended up using flip chart.

4.  Jon: What next?

  1. Marguerite: I’ll work on redoing manual. Nancy, can you help explain L2 “manual” to me? Don’t think I ever saw one.
  2. Marguerite: Next meeting: specific issues like do we want pre-test/post-test? How to address ICD code.

5.  Next meeting:

  1. July 9, 1:00 EDT. Keep it under 1 hr.

To Do: Holly, please ask the instructor who made calculation examples to share them.


CDC Call – Pilot Surveillance Course Debriefing
