Faculty Affairs Team Minutes

September 12, 2007

Member present:

Anjana Bhatt, Chris Wright- Isak, Michael Epple, Jeffrie Jinian, Thomas Valesky, Raj Srivastava, Halcyon St. Hill, Shirley Ruder, Chuck Lindsey, Peter Bergerson

Call to Order:

1:10 Past Chair, Shirley Ruder called the Team together and outlined the agenda for today’s meeting to include:

(1)  Electing a new Chairperson for 2007-2008

(2)  Revisions of the FPED

(3)  Discussion of the CBA

(4)  Faculty Concerns

(5)  Schedule of future meetings


Charles Lindsey was unanimously elected as chair.

A recording secretary will be selected at each meeting to take minutes.

Old Business:

Recognition and a plaque were given to the 2006-2007 Committee members for receiving the award for Outstanding Committee Work last year. All agreed on the hard work and commitment of the committee on the FPED last year.

Discussion then turned to the details of the FAT work last year and that the local UFF and Faculty Senate had approved the FPED document, but that the Provost’s Office has not signed off on the document.

Several issues were discussed regarding the objection mentioned by Hudson Rodgers and the Provost. One was that the Board of Trustee had had not approved the CBA, and that the Provost had raised three objections including:

1.  The role of the PRCs in annual evaluations and successive contracts; (2)the function of the Appeals committee; (3)Potential conflict(s) with the CBAcontract.

The FAT agree to submit the FPED to the UFF representatives to make sure that there is no conflict between the two documents, that the FPED does not conflict with the CBA.

The FAT agreed to address the role of the Colleges’ Peer Review committee’s in the evaluation of Instructors and College Advisors. Performance Standards need to be established for these positions. It was agreed that the FAT would submit amendments to the Faculty Senate for approval. We will not be asking the Faculty Senate to approve the entire document again. It was approved in April of 2006.

Faculty Concerns:

The issue of credit hour productivity was raised for those faculty teaching Laboratory courses. The consensus of the FAT was that this does not fall within the jurisdiction of the group.

Future Meeting Times:

The FAT agreed that Wednesday’s from 3:00PM- 4:30 PM would be the most convenient time to conduct future meetings. Chairperson Lindsey will secure a meeting room for our next meeting on October 3, 2007.

Adjournment: 2:30 PM

Respectfully submitted:

Peter J. Bergerson