Katie Newkirk

July 19, 2016

Katie Newkirk

Department of Psychology · University of Massachusetts · Amherst, MA 01003.9271

(312) 502 9715 ·


2010-present / Ph.D. Candidate (Clinical Psychology) – University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Advisor: Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Ph.D. Research areas: Parental mental health, the transition to parenthood, family diversity, and relationships between parental well-being and children's psychosocial outcomes.
2008-2010 / M.S. (Clinical Psychology) – University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. Advisor: Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Ph.D.
M.A. (Community Counseling) – Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL. Advisor: Theresa Segura-Herrera, Ph.D.
1999-2003 / B.A. (History), Honors – Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Advisor: Erik Grimmer-Solem, Ph.D. Honors Thesis: “Women in the Weimar Republic.”


Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)


2012-2013 / Graduate Student Fellowship in Family Research: Center for Research on Families, University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Fall 2011 / Family Research Travel Award: Center for Research on Families, University of Massachusetts, Amherst


2013-present / Co-Investigator: University of Massachusetts Amherst, Work and Family Transitions Project: A Five Year Follow Up
Design and program online survey; conduct interviews with research participants; oversee a team of research assistants’ recruitment of participants; manage participant compensation; manage project data.
Advisor: Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Ph.D.
2010-present / Researcher/Research Assistant: University of Massachusetts Amherst,
Work and Family Transitions Project
Manage project data; run data analyses and syntax; write manuscripts and perform secondary research; supervise undergraduate research assistants.
Advisor: Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Ph.D.
2009 / Research Assistant: University of Illinois at Chicago, Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Violence, Chicago, IL
Analyzed data using SPSS; wrote reports on findings for project sponsor and participants; supervised undergraduate research assistants; brainstormed research questions and approaches to analysis; organized data to facilitate analysis.
Director: Paul Schewe, Ph.D
2009 / Research Assistant: Northeastern Illinois University and Howard Brown Health Center, Chicago, IL
Conducted background research on gay and lesbian parents and their children; wrote literature review for manuscript.
Director: Blase Masini, Ph.D.


Perry-Jenkins, M., Newkirk, K., and Ghunney, A. (2013). Family work through timeandspace: An ecological perspective. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 5, 105 – 123. doi: 10.111/jftr.12011

Yoon, Y., Newkirk, K., and Perry-Jenkins, M. (2015). Dinner with Dad: Family routines, parenting stress, and child outcomes. Family Relations, 64 (93 – 107). DOI:10.1111/fare.12107

Newkirk, K., Perry-Jenkins, M., and Sayer, A. (In Press). Dishes and diapers: The division of labor and marital quality across the transition to parenthood. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-016-0604-3

Vîslă , A., Constantino, M. J., Newkirk, K., Ogrodniczuk, J. S., & Söchting , I. (In Press). The relation between outcome expectation, therapeutic alliance, and outcome among depressed patients in group cognitive-behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy Research.

Constantino, M. J., Luukko, E. K., Coyne, A. E., Newkirk, K., Ravitz, P., and McBride, C.(invited resubmission under review). Therapeutic alliance, subsequent change, and moderators of the alliance-outcome association in interpersonal psychotherapy for depression.

Newkirk, K. and Perry-Jenkins, M. (submitted). Family Structure, the Division of Family Labor and Maternal Mental Health.

Perry-Jenkins, M., Laws, H., Sayer, A.,and Newkirk, K. (submitted). Parental Employment and Child Development.

Newkirk K., Perry-Jenkins, M. (in preparation). Workplace Policies and the Perinatal Mental Health of Low-Income, Working Mothers.


Constantino, M. J., Luukko, E. K., Coyne, A. E., Newkirk, K., Ravitz, P., & McBride, C.(2015, June).Therapeutic alliance, subsequent change, and moderators of the alliance-outcome association in interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. Paper to be presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Baltimore, Maryland.

Coyne, A. E.,Constantino, M. J., Newkirk, K., Ravitz, P., & McBride, C. (2015, June). Therelation between therapists’ interpersonal impact messages and outcome in interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. Paper to be presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, PA.

Perry-Jenkins, M., Newkirk, K., Halpern, H., Herman, R. (2014, November). Low-Income Mothers’ Work Conditions and Depressive Symptoms: Issues of Race, Ethnicity and Family Structure. Paper presented at symposium entitled Work Conditions and Family Members’ Well-Being in Unique Social Contexts at the 76th National Council on Family Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.

Newkirk, K., & Perry-Jenkins, M. (2014, June). Workplace Policies and the Perinatal Mental Health of Low-Income, Working Mothers. Paper presented at symposium entitled Work, Family and Well-being among Economically Disadvantaged Mothers and Fathers at the 2014 Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY.

Perry-Jenkins, M., & Newkirk, K. (2014, June). The Reality of Work and Family Life Outside the Survey Data. Paper to be presented at symposium entitled Rethinking “Work” and “Family”: Non-Nuclear Families and 24/7 Workplaces at the 2014 Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY.

Newkirk, K., & Perry-Jenkins, M. (2012, October). All Hands on Deck: The division of housework and childcare in diverse family structures. Paper presented at symposium entitled, The Division of Labor and Family Processes in Diverse Family Contexts at the 74th National Council on Family Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

Yoon, Y., Newkirk, K., & Perry-Jenkins, M. (2012, October). Dinner with Dad: Family routines, parenting stress, and child outcomes . Paper presented at the 74th National Council on Family Research Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

Newkirk, K., & Perry-Jenkins, M. (2012, May). Infant Temperament, Parent Mental Health, and Children's Psychosocial Outcomes in Working-Class Families. Poster presented at the 2012 Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois.

Newkirk, K.. Perry-Jenkins, M., & Sayer, A. (2011, November). Dishes and Diapers: The division of household and childcare tasks and marital quality among working-class parents. Paper presented at symposium entitled, Family work through time and space at the 73rd National Council on Family Research Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Rosen, M., Tucker, S., Newkirk, K., Marsden, E. (2009, November). The social and financial factors impacting sexual assault survivors’ access to mental health care. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Illinois Psychological Association, Skokie, Illinois.


2014 – 2015 / Therapist: Baystate Medical Center Adult Behavioral Health Associates, Springfield, MA
Provided individual therapy to patients from the Springfield community with prenatal and postpartum mood disorders. Collaborated with physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers in the Baystate healthcare network to coordinate patient care. Met with the Baystate Postpartum Depression Task Force to help improve postpartum screening and care for mood disorders within the Baystate healthcare network. Participated in monthly Women’s Mental Health grand rounds. Presented clinical cases to psychiatry residents.
Supervisor: Stéphane Jacobus, Ph.D.
2014 / Student Clinical Supervisor: University of Massachusetts Psychological Services Center, Amherst, MA
Provided individual supervision to a junior graduate student therapist using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy approaches. Received didactic training in clinical supervision through individual supervision with a licensed psychologist, and group supervision with fellow student supervisors.
Supervisor: William Matthews, Ph.D.
2012-2014 / Therapist and Assessment Clinician: Learning Solutions for Learning Success, Northampton, MA
Provide individual therapy to children and adult members of the community with dual diagnoses of learning disabilities and mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Perform psychological assessments for children and adult members of the community with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and other disorders leading to academic and professional impairment, collaborate with Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, and Education Specialist in assessing clients and making recommendations.
Supervisor: Sheri Katz, Ph.D.
2011-2014 / Therapist: University of Massachusetts Psychological Services Center, Amherst, MA
Provide individual, adult therapy to members of the community and
University students suffering from a range of mental health conditions including, but not limited to, depression, anxiety, PTSD and adjustment disorders, using empirically supported therapies such as Emotion Focused Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Supervisor: William Matthews, Ph.D.
2009-2010 / Assessment Clinician: University of Massachusetts Psychological Services Center, Amherst, MA
Perform neuropsychological assessments for children and adult members of the community and University students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and other disorders leading to academic and professional impairment, and write assessment reports.
Supervisor: Claudia Rutherford, Ph.D.
Intake Clinician: University of Massachusetts Psychological Services Center, Amherst, MA
Conduct intake evaluations using a structured interview protocol and write intake evaluation reports.
Supervisor: William Matthews, Ph.D.
Counseling Intern: YWCA Metropolitan Chicago, Sexual Violence Support Services, Chicago, IL
Conducted individual counseling for adult survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, created and co-facilitated grief-oriented therapy group, conducted client intakes, conducted crisis intervention, and researched the needs of client population as they related to public policy.
Supervisor: Elizabeth Ruiz, Ph.D.
2006-2010 / Volunteer: Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline, Chicago, IL
Underwent 52-hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training, provided immediate crisis intervention to callers, assisted callers by giving information and referrals.


2013-2014 / Director: Power Up for College Success, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA
Managed a staff of 30 instructors and undergraduate teaching assistants; recruited instructors; managed program Procard; planned catering; managed contracts for services; created schedules for 18 classes comprising more than 350 undergraduate first-year student.
2012-2013 / Assistant Director: Power Up for College Success, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA
Coordinated resources for a three-day course for incoming first year undergraduate students; responded to student and parent requests for information; recruited and coordinated undergraduate teaching assistants; provided curriculum consultation for course instructors; obtained and organized teaching materials.
2008-2010 / Graduate Assistant: Northeastern Illinois University, Office of Institutional Research, Chicago, IL
Analyzed enrollment, course, and faculty data using SPSS; maintained department website; managed data for alumni surveys; and prepared department documents for publication
2003-2004 / Research Services Coordinator: Leo Burnett Corporation, Research Services Department, Chicago, IL
Administered project budget of over $3 million per year; managed project set-up and execution; supervised survey fieldwork; assessed research project feasibility, best methodology, and costs; wrote and maintained the company’s Handbook of External Suppliers and Research Methodologies.
Qualitative Insights Coordinator: Leo Burnett Corporation, Planning Department, Chicago, IL
Organized and executed all details and duties required for qualitative research while managing the Leo Burnett research facility for LBC Planners; monitored over $4 Million research budgets; managed fieldwork of qualitative research projects from onset to completion
Project Coordinator: ENH Medical Group, Division of Endocrinology/ Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Evanston, IL
Edited and prepared federal grant proposals and reports; wrote educational grant proposals and public relations capsules; obtained $14,000 in funding for guest lectures; created slides and compiled literature for clinical and professional talks; and hired and supervised work-study students.



Summer 2014/
Summer 2015 / Social Work Research Methods – Intermediate (Graduate), Smith College, School for Social Work
Summer 2013 / Social Work Research Methods - Introductory (Graduate), Smith College, School for Social Work


Summer 2012 / Power Up for College Success (High School), Summer College Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Summer 2011 / Power Up for College Success (Undergraduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

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Katie Newkirk

July 19, 2016

Spring 2015 / Personality (Undergraduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fall 2013/Fall 2014 / Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Graduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fall 2013 / Adult Assessment (Graduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fall 2012 / Child Assessment (Graduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Spring 2012 / Introduction to Psychology (Undergraduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fall 2010-Fall 2011, Spring 2013
/ Methods of Inquiry in Psychology (Undergraduate), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fall 2009 / Individual Counseling (Graduate), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Undergraduate Teaching Assistantships

Fall 2001 – Spring 2003 / Opera and Oratorio Ensemble (Undergraduate), Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

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Katie Newkirk

July 19, 2016


2014 / The Quality of Worklife Project, University of Massachusetts, Amherst and University of Maryland, College Park
2015-Present / The Psychotherapy Research Lab, University of Massachusetts, Amherst


2015-Present / Founding Member/Resource Committee Chair: Postpartum Support International Connecticut Chapter (formerly known as Connecticut Alliance for Perinatal Mental Health)
2014-2015 / Committee Member: Psychological Services Center Advisory Committee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2011-2012 / Committee Member: Clinical Psychology Division Practicum & Internship Working Group, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2010-2015 / Committee Member: Clinical Psychology Division Diversity Committee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst


American Psychological Association (APA)
National Council for Family Research (NCFR)
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology(SSCP)
Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN)


Maureen Perry-Jenkins, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

135 Hicks Way

Amherst, MA 01003

(413) 545.0258

William Matthews, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Room 363, Hills House South

Amherst, MA 01003

(413) 397-3775

Stéphane Jacobus, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist/Health Service Provider
Adult Behavioral Health Associates
Baystate Medical Center
3300 Main St., Suites 3C and 3D
Springfield MA 01199
(413) 794-7291

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