Lynden Canada Day ‘Wrap-up’ Meeting

July 16, 2012

Present: Hannah Beckett, Rob Groves, John Pepper, Emily Kuret, Marian Briscoe, Dave Karpinski, Rose Marie Brooks, Bronka Ridley, Howard Rhodes, Annette Rhodes, Anne Bassett, Kirsten McNamee, Don Dundass, Joshua Leegstra, Shauna Topp, Ken Burns. Paul Barber, Tanya Hogarth, Sharon Clugston, Bob Campbell.

Regrets: Harry Droogendyk, Norma Leegstra, Harold Kuret, Eldon Mannen, Marsha Schoeman, Tony Ascroft, Amanda Renton, Ken McCormack, Bert Jonkman, Angela Hayward

7:35 pm… Meeting began with a welcome from Hannah.

Minutes: June 25, 2012 minutes…motion to accept made by Hannah Beckett, seconded by John Pepper…Carried.

Board Nominations:

Chair: Hannah Beckett

Vice: Rob Groves, John Pepper

Secretary: Bob Campbell

Treasurer: Sharon Clugston & Rosie Brooks

Committee Members:

Committee Chair / Hannah Beckett
Vice Chair / Rob Groves, John Pepper
Secretary / Bob Campbell
Treasurer / Sharon Clugston, Rosie Brooks
Activities & Entertainment / Kirsten McNamee, Marsha Schoeman, Bronka Ridley
Dave Karpinski, John Pepper
Antique Vehicles / Howard Rhodes, Don Dundass
Awards / Rob Groves
Children’s Games / Shauna Topp
Citizenship / Ann Bassett, Rose Marie Brooks
Fireworks / John Pepper, Harold Kuret
Food Booths / Harold Kuret
Gov’t Grant Apps / Harry Droogendyk
Grounds / Rob Groves, John Pepper, Bert Jonkman
Information / Emily Kuret, Marian Brisco
Opening Cermonies / John Pepper
Parade / Marian Brisco, Tanya Hogarth
Parking/Admission / Lynden Oldtimers Ball Team
Permits / Harold Kuret
Printing / Paul Barber
Promotions / Ken Burns
Raffles/Draws / Sharon Clugston, Bronka Ridley
Signage / Annette Rhodes
Sponsorship / Tony Ascroft, Barb Bell, Kirsten McNamee
Volunteers / Hannah Beckett
Web Site / Harry Droogendyk

Committee Reports

Activities & Entertainment:

Howard Rhodes motioned that for future events, we ensure that bands hired provide their own sound equipment or rent said equipment as part of their payment… Seconded by Dave Karpinski… Carried.

Roger, Linda and friends were superb…

The evening band, ‘Hardwood Way’ were very good and expressed an interest in coming back next year.

‘What’s Next’ have expressed interest to play in the future, minus Trevor. Rivermore Band also interested.

Dave Karpinski has a lot of information, so next year shouldn’t be a problem…

Hamilton Sound & Audio donated $100 in equipment and a technician at no cost. PA system to be dealt with to deal with sound not carrying to the antique cars.

Antique Vehicles:

A great turn-out… the dash plaques were a big hit. Howard did a great job resulting in a record number of attendees (111 cars/trucks, 13 tractors, 8 types of farm equipment). He also submitted a final report indicating that the attendees made no recommendations for changes or improvements and no unsettling incidents occurred.

All costs were covered by Tony Ascroft, Don Dundass and Howard… Thank you.

It is absolutely imperative that no bikes be allowed in close proximity to these showcase vehicles. Change award presentation to 2:00 pm 1st 2nd and 3rd will be awarded for cars and 1st and 2nd for tractors. Amendment to schedule on website to be done to reflect schedule changes. Next year a sign will be made to put at the registration table to help people locate it.


Rob Groves announced that this year in lieu of a Life Time Achievement Award, there will be 2 Citizens of the Year Awards and the recipients were Linda Davis and Roger Girard, who sent their thanks for the honor.

Children’s Games:

Shauna advised that things went well but the numbers were down with a turn-out of -130. She also indicated that she would be stepping down next year.


The Jr. Citizen of the Year was awarded to Malorie Colombo


As always the fireworks were a great success… the Hamilton Police woman was very impressed…

John Pepper reported that there were some visibility problems due to trees, but a resolution will have to wait until next year

Food Booths:

Harold Kuret has the link for permit application.

Kettle Corn sales were down from last year, but they were happy.

Beverages were handled by the Junior Lions

Candy Floss asked that they not be located near the Jr. Lions booth next year if they return.

Nestles came through with their water donation once again.

Jeff Coates (24’ trailer to sell ice cream and toppings) was pleased and expressed interest to come back next year.

Preschool sold freezies and ice cream on a stick.

Government Grants:

David Sweet informed Harry that Heritage Canada will donate $4250, we haven’t heard back from the City of Hamilton to date.


Rob announced that the Lion’s food booth layout will differ slightly this year with food being served off both sides of the tent and the ice cream trailer will be in close proximity to the Lions. The new layout worked out well. A post will need to be removed next year for safety reasons by the pavilion to ease traffic flow. Permanent brackets are up along Lynden Rd and will stay there, a few more to go up on 99. Right Reaction to be requested again next year. Cow Paddy Bingo conflict to be resolved for next year; make it more clear the expectations of the group who are running it (helping tear down, etc). Recycling bin conflict resolved with the City.


H.Q. tent will be set up and the sign from last year will be used again. Need better communication link to ensure that all the information is provided. Pictures from this year to be put in albums. Tshirts to be discussed next year.

Opening Ceremonies:

John Pepper did a great job as MC…I’m not even sure he needs a microphone… there were some sound system concerns… 2 speakers need to be replaced, but several people weren’t holding the microphone close enough to their mouths to be heard properly. John had asked for someone to volunteer as MC, but no one came forward. Bob Campbell suggested that in future, MC responsibilities be a function of the Committee Chair.


A good size… once again Marian Briscoe did an outstanding job organizing the parade participants and producing a final report, which summarizes the entries and prize winners.

Harold Kuret (Emily Kuret) asked that we keep the Parade exactly as it is… Seconded by Emily Kuret… Carried.

Marian would like to get the Phillipine Band back next year and asked that we offer them $2000… John Pepper moved that we provide the funds… Seconded by Bronka Ridley… Carried.

Hamilton Youth Steel Band expressed interest in coming back. Road closure signs not in place before?

Parking & Admission:

Two members of the Old Timers baseball team showed up, but we didn’t get the numbers required and we were forced to use Committee members as well as the student volunteers, causing conflict in the handling of donations and parking. We are going to have to find new volunteers next year. John Pepper pointed out that we need representatives at our meetings, not just a verbal agreement. Interest was expressed in getting walkie talkies to improve communication.


Road closure, insurance, first aid, and police ( 2 Police Officers )

Park Evacuation Procedure.


Mailer and flyer delivery – must stipulate and enforce a final date for order and delivery.


Ken Burns and Emily Kuret (Facebook) did a great job this year…

Raffles / Draw:

Bronka indicated that there will be some changes next year, but there was a great response (375 children) and there are some prizes left over. Bronka asked for a pre-February budget amount of $1000… John Pepper motioned that we give Bronka the funds… Seconded by Rosie Brooks… Carried.


Arranging the signs in alphabetical order by category proved to be very efficient.

4 new signs were ordered. Currently we have 180 large sponsor signs and 54 small signs.

Annette Rhodes submitted a final report summarizing the activities in this area and thanking all those for their support. Signs on cars worked out well, must have the person working the gate ask the owner of the vehicle to remove the sign as they come in so we are not liable for any potential damage.


Thanks to Tony Ascroft and all the folks that made phone calls to obtain more sponsors for the event. The St. George Lance still needs to be contacted regarding the sponsor’s draw for a free advertisement. Bob Campbell asked that Harvey Wood’s name be added to the website. Calls should not be made to contributing sponsors.


A P&L statement was distributed showing a net loss of $2,613.28 to date. There are still some outstanding expenses, but we are also waiting for the donation from the City. Festival and Events Membership to be taken care of this year for the upcoming year.


A good response this year and a job well done. Minor conflicts to be resolved for next year.

New Business:

Freezies and Ice Cream…there may be a conflict when 2 groups are selling similar products.

Vendor conflicts… we could have a flat fee and the vendor is responsible for obtaining his or her application and insurance.

Bronka Ridley agreed to send out “Thank You” cards.

Everyone congratulated one another on yet another successful Canada Day.

Meeting adjourned: 9:00 pm.

Our next meeting is Feb ???, 2013 at 7:30 at the Lions' Den.

Please make EVERY effort to attend this meeting, your input is needed!!

Your community is grateful for your efforts!!!