Course Title / CMP 560 – Instructional Multimedia Authoring / All team members participated in the creation of this charter and agree with its contents (Please check)
Instructor / Marcie A. Zisow, Ed.D, UoP Online Faculty
Course Dates / 10/10/2006-11/20/2006

Team Members/Personal Information








Jaime Mondell



Nationwide coverage


Dana Snyder




Andrew Eager




Debbie Nikolai


+971 50 429-8810

(11 hours ahead of Phoenix time)


Team Member Skill Inventory

(Areas individual members can contribute/want to develop)

Jaime has strong leadership abilities, group mediation, computer literate, creative/artsy, strives for 100%.

Drew has strong research skills, computer literate, good communication, and maintains high expectations.

Debbie is good at getting things started and likes to work ahead of deadlines.

Learning Team Goals

(May include project assignment goals, group process goals, quality level goals, etc.)

The goal of the Learning Team is to complete assignments with all members participating fully and to turn in assignments on time. We will communicate at least every 3-4 days unless there is an assignment due, in which case we will check in every 24 hours. We will embrace the concept of teams for this environment by setting and agreeing upon clear expectations at the beginning of each week. No one will log off with a question about what to do next without at least posting the question

What are potential barriers to the achievement of these goals?

  • Members not having work in on time
  • Time restrictions
  • Technical issues
  • Lack of clear expectations or assignments
  • Lack of communication
  • Accountability - this is veryimportant, especially in a team environment. I feel we all need to be accountable for our part as a team.Accountability leaves no room for complaining, procrastinating or putting the blame on other members of the team.
  • Efficiency - Efficiency is another issue that might arise as a result of working in a team. In being accountable, efficiency will automatically fall into place or at least it should. There is always a deadline when relating to a project and if we are efficient in performing our assigned functions, meeting the deadline will not be an issue.

Ground Rules

Meeting schedule, locations, attendance expectations, agenda, assignment completion, communication methods, etc.

  • Assignments to be posted at agreed time
  • Communicate through learning team newsgroup/message board or IM Service
  • Equal participation from all members

Conflict Management

What are potential conflicts that might arise among or between team members during this course? How will team members deal with these and other conflicts?

Team members failing to deliver work on time could create conflict. We are empowered to pick up the phone and ensure everything is ok at the other end. We will, in a professional manner, gather facts and assume innocence first. We can instant messenger or phone conference if we need to (if we are getting close to the deadline).

One person feeling like she is doing all the work could also cause conflict. Resolution is to discuss the problem in a professional manner to bring about resolution. Address the problem immediately. Ask questions. Do not stew on the problem. If it is a problem for one of us, it is probably a problem for others. Use “I feel” statements. Do not place blame.

Analyze and understand the conflict by using the four R’s as suggested in the article by Sheila Porter (UoP team website). Reason will identify the causes for the conflict openly, yet respectfully. Reaction will allow team members to look at his/her own reaction to the situation. Results will ask the team to develop constructive solutions. Resolution will allow the team to choose the best solution to the conflict.

Porter, S. (2003). Managing Conflict in Learning Teams. University of Phoenix.

pp. 1-9.

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