Syllabus for M 273-001

Fall Semester 2017

Instructor: John Hoover / LA 830 / x2921 /


Office Hours: 10:30 to 11:45 Tuesdays & Thursdays and by appointment.

Text: Thomas’ Calculus Multivariable 14th Ed., M. Weir & J. Hass, Pearson, 2018.

Content: From Chapter # 12 – Is your responsibility

13 – Sections Included 1-5

14 – Sections Included 1-8

15 – Sections Included 1-7

16 – Sections Included 1-4

Goals & Purpose: To introduce the calculus of 2 and 3 variables, emphasizing

relevant concepts and computation over mathematical rigor.

Learning Outcomes:

·  Explain three-dimensional coordinate systems, dot and cross products, equations of lines and planes, cylinders and quadric surfaces;

·  Explain vector-valued functions and space curves, their derivatives, arc length, curvature, and motion in space;

·  Explain limits, continuity and partial derivatives of functions of several variables;

·  Explain tangent planes to surfaces and linear approximations;

·  Explain the chain rule, directional derivative and gradient vector, extreme values and Lagrange Multipliers;

·  Explain double and triple integrals over general regions, and their applications;

·  Explain triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates;

·  Explain vector fields, line integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals;

·  Explain and illustrate Green's Theorem;

·  Explain curl and divergence of vector fields;

·  Explain surface integrals, Stokes Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem.

Assessment: To be based on 4 chapter exams (each done online using MML (MyMathLab),

MML section homework, and 4 written homework sets from the text (details

below). The exams will constitute 40% of your grade, the MML homework

40%, and the written homework 20%. The following scale will be used to

determine your final (please note signed) letter grade –

A-  : 90 – 92 (3.7 GP) / A : 93 – (4.0 GP) / -
B-  : 80 – 82 (2.7 GP) / B : 83 – 86 (3.0 GP) / B+ : 87 – 89 (3.3 GP)
C-  : 66 – 69 (1.7 GP) / C : 70 – 75 (2.0 GP) / C+ : 76 – 79 (2.3 GP)
D-  : 60 – 61 (0.7 GP) / D : 62 – 63 (1.0 GP) / D+ : 64 – 65 (1.3 GP)

Written HW Format (non-compliant work will be returned ungraded):

·  Number problems using something like 14.2.3 for #3 in section 2 of chapter 14.

·  Use a pencil, write on one side of the paper, and remember to remove ‘frizzies’.

·  Enter legible, well-organized, and complete solutions (narratives are essential!).

Policy Notes & Advice:

·  Late work will be accepted only if justified (e.g. a medical emergency).

·  Keep graded papers, stay informed about assignments, and read the text.

·  Emails are to be signed and should include M 273 in the subject heading.

Attendance: In sequentially structured classes (like M 273), attendance is essential and

you are responsible for course material covered in each class. Note that

a record of class attendance will be kept.

Incompletes: An Incomplete is given only when a student has been in attendance for at least

three-fourths of the semester, but have - due to circumstances beyond their

control - been prevented from completing all the requirements of the course.

An Incomplete must be made up within one calendar year or the grade will

revert to an F (this is all officially stated in the current university catalog).

Cell Phones: All modes of electronic communication are to be turned off during class.

Web Homework: You will access the internet homework by registering at the following

website: To register, click

on the Register button, have your MyMathLab access code handy,

and follow the directions. You will need the following information -


Textbook: Thomas’ Multivariable Calculus, 14th Edition

My Course: M 273-001 Fall 2017 John Hoover

Course ID: hoover89092

Be sure to try and do a browser check following the registration process.

You can buy (with a credit card or PayPal) a code separately if you have

a book. Go to the above website and follow their directions.

Regarding DSS: MSU Billings is committed to providing equal access.If you anticipate barriers

related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me so we

can discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you believe

that disability-related accommodations are necessary, please contact Disability

Support Services (657-2283; located in the College of Education, Room 135).

We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.

Some Relevant Dates:

Class Begins / September 6
Last Day for Registering/Adding Classes / September 14
Last Day for Withdrawing/Dropping Classes w/ a Partial Refund / September 26
Last Day to Drop Classes w/o Instructor Permission (0 Refund) / October 24
Last Day to Drop with Approval of Advisor and Course Instructor / November 21
Last Day of Exams and Class Ends / December 14

Regarding Mathematica:

I will be using this software for in-class presentations and you are encouraged to use it to

check your written homework problems. Here are some related links you may find helpful:

Required Written Exercises for M 273 Fall 2017:

Chapter 13: pg. 802 #’s 18, 20, 26, 28, 32; 2 & 9 pg. 804

Chapter 14: pg. 891 #’s 56, 62, 76, 88, 961; 14 & 18 pg. 894

Chapter 15: pg. 963 #’s 30, 36, 40, 46, 482; 22 & 24 pg. 966

Chapter 16: pg. 1058 #’s 2, 6, 42, 46, 52; plus 2 4 pg. 1061

1if #96 does not appeal to you, then # 64 or # 85 is also acceptable

2if #48 does not appeal to you, then # 38 or # 44 is also acceptable