N.K. Silverman

Honors Principles of American Government


  1. Jobs of the President
  2. Know the list and the meanings of each
  3. Three qualifications to be President
  4. Length of term of office
  5. Two restrictions on the length of term
  6. What are the restrictions?
  7. How can they be possible given the term of office?
  8. What amendment sets them up?
  9. Order of succession
  10. 25th Amendment
  11. Disability
  12. Replace Vice President
  13. How does it work?
  14. When was it done?
  15. Three formal duties of the Vice President
  16. How delegates are chosen for national convention
  17. Original method of Electoral College
  18. When popular votes are cast
  19. When electoral votes are cast
  20. When electoral votes are counted
  21. Name and position of the person who counts them
  22. Number of electoral votes
  23. Total
  24. Formula used to determine electoral votes for each state
  25. Number needed to win
  26. Number for California
  27. Who selects the President if no one receives a majority of the electoral votes
  28. Who selects the Vice President if no one receives a majority of the electoral votes
  29. Election of 1800
  30. Who tied
  31. How the tie was resolved
  32. 12th Amendment
  33. What is it?
  34. Why was it added?
  35. Election of 1824
  36. Who won the popular vote?
  37. Who won the electoral vote?
  38. Who was chosen as President?
  39. What was the problem?
  40. Election of 1876
  41. Who won the popular vote?
  42. Who won the electoral vote?
  43. Who was chosen as President?
  44. What was the problem?
  45. Election of 1888
  46. Who won the popular vote?
  47. Who won the electoral vote?
  48. Who was chosen as President?
  49. What was the problem?
  50. Election of 2000
  51. Who won the popular vote?
  52. Who won the electoral vote?
  53. Who was chosen as President?
  54. What was the problem?
  55. What state was the center of the controversy?
  56. What principle of the Constitution was a factor in the Supreme Court’s decision?
  57. Three defects of electoral college
  58. Small states vs. large states in electoral college
  59. Reform plans—know the list and the meaning of each
  60. Direct popular
  61. District
  62. Proportional
  63. National Bonus
  64. Powers of the President
  65. Appointment
  66. Removal
  67. Treaties
  68. Send troops without declaration of war—know examples of President who did this like Vietnam
  69. War Powers Resolution
  70. Provisions
  71. Why it was enacted


  1. Commander-in-chief
  2. Keynote address
  3. Balance the ticket
  4. Electoral votes
  5. Imperial presidency
  6. Oath of office
  7. Executive order
  8. Ordinance power
  9. Executive agreement
  10. Persona non grata
  11. Pardon reprieve
  12. Commute
  13. Clemency
  14. Amnesty
  15. Commutation
  16. Electoral votes
  17. National convention
  18. Presidential electors
  19. Reprieve
  20. Proportional representation