CEC Meeting Notes April 13th 2016

Next Meeting: Monday May 9th

Upcoming Events:

•May 7th: Green on the Green. CEC will have a booth.

•Aug. 20th: Crestfest. Deb is checking into having a table there.

Clintonville Resource Center (CRC) Solar Plan Update: Bobby and Deb talked with Director Bill last week. CRC needs a new roof and they will apply for grants for solar. Energy bill is not itemized for their two buildings. Virtual Net Metering could be solution. Dave asking PUCO to allow in Ohio-produce solar on one building and have it applied to the meter on another building. CRC wants a large system, fairly expensive, and dependent on grants. Their volunteer liability insurance would cover us helping to install their system. Since they are a non-profit they do not get the tax credit. An independent LLC could finance the project and then the CRC could buy it over 5 years (with the grants and get the tax credit and appreciation.)

Greg P. administering the web-site. Web site looks great. Thanks Greg! Right now Greg is entering hours to the time bank. Send hours to Greg.

Karen Day will let people know when yearly dues are due.

Update on Kronenberger-Bolen Project: 3 work crew days complete. A big thank you to the crew members! Trellis is nearly complete. Conduit/wire running from garage and trellis to the house through foundation. Electrical modernized. Awaiting electrical permit to move forward with the rest of the project. Potentially 4-6 weeks until 1st install day (racking, then panels). Invitation open to more people in the CEC group to help or observe. Dates TBA. Will need to sign up for specific jobs so things stay organized at the work site (Small area to work in.) Greg will set up a sign up sheet on the web site for dates, work slots, jobs, a.m. or p.m., those planning to be on roof, safety, bringing food, etc… Deb also knows of free software for scheduling, will look into. Elizabeth is making a slide show to document progress on this installation to share with the group.

Other Updates:

Roof Safety Video will be shown at the next meeting on Monday May 9th. There will be a follow up training with practice using harnesses on a roof (probably Kronenberger-Bolen garage). Date and Lead Trainer TBA. (Craig may be able to facilitate the training.) All intending to help on roofs during project installations need to watch the video, complete training and be a member in good standing of both the CEC and the Care and Share Time Bank. Their is also a link to watch the video on your own but preference is that you could come to the meeting to watch it as a group if possible.

Safety Waiver form needs to be edited to include a sentence about having watched the video and attended the roof safety training, CEC membership, CSTB.

Potential Next Projects:

•Sandy Coen and Florence Jain. East, West and South on their house roof. Julie Kronenberger will help them with permitting process.

•Diane Harry. John will help Diane get her project going.

•Brillhart project? Dan, Jules and Julie work on streamlining solar handbook?

Dave and Suzanne Design Energy Update: Minster Install has won 2 awards (Green City award and the National Award for the Most Solar per Citizen). The project is also featured in the new GEO magazine. Congratulations Dave and Suzanne!!!