Biology I Syllabus 2017-2018
Ms. Sanchez – F314
Contact Information
Course Objectives
Biology 1 is a year-long course designed to promote the understanding of the fundamental principles of life through the process of scientific inquiry. Students will become aware of the interrelations and interdependencies of plant and animals as well as the role played by humans in relation to contemporary problems.Students will gain a conceptual understanding of the following: a grasp of science as a process rather than as an accumulation of facts; personal experience in scientific inquiry; recognition of unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology; and application of biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns.
Online Textbook: Biology by Holt McDougal. To access, visit
Grading: Tests & Projects- 40%
Laboratory Investigations & Activities- 30%
Quizzes- 20%
Daily Assignments- 10%
Semester Exam- 20% of semester grade
1) Grades are based on a point logic system which means the more points an assignment is worth the more weight that particular assignment carries within the category. For example, within the test category, a test that is worth 10 points weighs a fourth of a test that is worth 40 points.
2) Student scoring less than a 70 on a test are eligible for a test retake. Test retakes must be completed within 2 weeks of the administration of the unit test for a maximum grade of 70. Students must complete the unit test review handout prior to completing test corrections. Please note that tests are the only assignments that can be retaken for a higher grade.
Quizzes: There will be a Word Roots Quiz every week (refer to the Word Roots Handout for more information about these quizzes). Other weeks, in addition to a Word Roots quiz, there may be a unit quiz.
Biology I Course Schedule: The following outline is a tentative schedule that is subject to change.
FALL SEMESTER / SPRING SEMESTERFirst 9 weeks / Third 9 weeks
Overview of Life, Biochemistry & Enzymes
Cell Structures & Processes
Energy Processes / Classification & Taxonomy
Microbes & Health
Animal Systems
Plant Systems
Second 9 weeks / Fourth 9 weeks
Nucleic Acids
Cell Division
Semester Exam / Evolution
STAAR Biology Test
Semester Exam
My tutoring times are Monday & Wednesday afternoon until 4:30p.m. in my room, F314. If I am ever unavailable, students are encouraged to seek help from any of the Biology teachers as there are MANY. Please refer to the Biology team posting of tutorial times located on the front of my classroom door.
Biology Department Class Procedures/Expectations
1. ASSESSMENT MAKE-UP POLICY: To make-up missing quizzes or tests, please refer to the biology tutoring schedule that identifies the teacher available to make-up missing assessments. You have a maximum of 1 week to complete any missing assessment that was provided in your absence.
2. FOOD AND DRINK POLICY: Food and drink are prohibited in the classroom for safety reasons (unless notified by the school nurse or medical note from a physician).
3. TARDY POLICY: Students arriving to class after the bell will be marked as late if they arrive within the first 5 minutes. Students arriving late 6 minutes or more, will be marked absent, as per district policy. Additional consequences for tardies will be based on Johnson’s tardy policy.
4. LATE WORK POLICY: Students are expected to collect and complete make-up work due to an excused or unexcused absence in a timely manner—one day for every day they are absent, in accordance with NEISD policy. Assignments are expected to be turned in on time. If a student must turn in an assignment late it is to be turned in by the next class period with an automatic deduction of 20%. Any late work submitted after the unit test will receive a zero. Students with extenuating circumstances are responsible for communicating with the teacher and may be required to attend tutorial sessions.
5. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination or outside of class with students who have not yet tested or turned in work. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observations, or information from students. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in a zero on the assignment without the option for make-up and may include the following depending on the circumstances: parent/teacher conference and or referral to an AP.
Required Supplies
2 Composition Notebooks (one for each semester)
Scotch Tape
Thin Expo Markers
Donations: Please send in any of the following donations! Every donation is greatly appreciated!
Tissues* Scissors Color pencils Glue sticks
Markers Highlighters Pack of #2 pencils Colored construction paper
* In high demand
Biology I Signature Page
Ms. Sanchez
Please make sure that you have read the following documents before signing this form.
1. Biology Syllabus
2. NEISD Science Laboratory Safety Contract
Signing this form indicates that you have read, understand and agree to abide by all of the Rules and Procedures for the science class stated in the mentioned forms.
Printed STUDENT Name STUDENT Signature Date
Printed PARENT Name PARENT Signature Date
I am requesting the following information for ease of communication regarding your child’s progress. I have provided my school e-mail address on the Biology Syllabus. Please contact me with any questions or concerns about your child’s progress. Please print neatly! Thank you!
** I strongly encourage you to provide at least one email address that is checked regularly. I send daily and/or weekly emails regarding class assignments, quizzes, test dates and more! **
Mother’s Name (First and Last): ______
E-mail address: ______
Phone #: ______
Father’s Name (First and Last): ______
E-mail address: ______
Phone #: ______