Montana Model United Nations

High School Conference

Sample Press Release



[School name]’s Model United Nations Club recently returned from the 48th

annual Montana Model United Nations Conference.

The conference was held at the University of Montana from November 25-26, 2013. It was attended by 353 students from 17 Montana and Idaho high schools.

At Model UN conferences, students participate in simulations of United Nations sessions, debating, negotiating, caucusing, drafting, and voting on resolutions that address world problems.

The [school name] students represented [country names].

Each student participated in one of five committees: General Assembly Plenary, General Assembly First Committee (security issues), General Assembly Second Committee (economic and financial), General Assembly Third Committee (social, cultural, and humanitarian), and Security Council.

The conference began on Monday, Nov. 25, with opening ceremonies and a keynote address on “The United Nations: Accentuate the Positive!” by Professor Owen Sirrs, an expert on terrorism and on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Egypt.

Students then met in their committees from late Monday morning through Tuesday afternoon. A list of the topics each committee considered is posted online at Each committee had a faculty guest.

On Monday evening, students representing each country met with others from their

region for presentations by UM international students from the region. The event was followed by an ice cream social.

Individual, country, and school awards were announced during the closing ceremonies on Tuesday. Five high school seniors were awarded scholarships to attend UM.

The following [school name] students won awards:

Other [school name] students attending the conference were:

[School name] students prepared for the conference under the direction of [advisor name].

Funds to attend the conference were provided by …

For more information about the Montana Model UN conference, see

To interview club members, contact advisor [name] at [phone number or email address].