Biology 30S 2017 Course Outline

Mr. D. Lloyd Kelvin High School

Welcome to

Biology 30S

Goals of the Course:

¨  To develop a proficiency in science that creates opportunities for students to pursue progressively higher levels of study

¨  To encourage and develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about scientific and technological endeavors

¨  To develop a knowledge of the wide variety of careers related to science, technology, and the environment

The Rules:

1.  Be on time

-successful completion of this course requires that you not only receive a grade of 50% or greater, you must also be present for 110 hours of class time during this semester.

2.  Pay Attention!

3.  Do The Work

- You need to obtain a final mark of 50% or greater to earn a credit for this course. This course is very large and requires a lot of work.


The Course is divided into SIX major units as follows:

Unit #1: Wellness and Homeostasis / Cellular Biology------

1.1  Personal Wellness

1.2  Introduction to Homeostasis

1.3  Cellular Biology and Mitosis

1.4  Energy

Unit #2: Digestion and Nutrition------

2.1 Structure and Function of the Digestive System

2.2 Chemical and Mechanical Digestion

2.3 Enzymes

2.4 Absorption of Nutrients

2.5 The Liver

2.6 Nutrition

2.7 Disorders of the Digestive System

Unit #3: Transportation and Respiration------

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Blood Components

3.3 Blood Groups

3.4 Vessel Structure

3.5 The Heart

3.6 Blood Pressure

3.7 Respiration Definitions, Structure and Function

3.8 Respiration Control

3.9 Pressure vs. Volume

3.10 Disorders of Transport and Respiratory Systems.

Unit #4: Excretion and Waste Management------

4.1 General Overview of System

4.2 The Urinary System

4.3 Urinalysis

4.4 Wellness and diseases of the Excretory System

Unit #5: Protection and Control (Time Permitting)------

5.1 The Nervous System

5.2 The Endocrine System

5.3 The Immune Systems

5.4 Wellness and Diseases of the Nervous and Immune Systems

Unit #6: Wellness and Homeostatic Change (Time Permitting) ------

6.1 Body Systems Interrelationships

6.2 Aging

6.3 Death

6.4 Technology and Wellness
Text: Biology McGraw/Hill


You will require the following items for this course:

Biology 30S 2017 Course Outline

Mr. D. Lloyd Kelvin High School

¨  a binder

¨  a coil notebook

¨  pen / pencil

¨  scissors and glue

¨  pencil crayons

¨  cue cards

Biology 30S 2017 Course Outline

Mr. D. Lloyd Kelvin High School


Your grade in this course will be based on the following criteria:

Term Work ------70%

Final Exam ------30%


Your Term Work will consist of the following:

1.  Assignments & Theory ------30%

¨  There will be a series of assignments and activities that will accompany each unit. More information about these items will be given as they are assigned

2.  Practical Component ------30%

¨  There are Labs, Dissections and Projects that accompany each unit. The aim of these activities are for you to gain some “hands on” experience with the systems involved

¨  Periodically your notebook and quiz cards will be spot checked. The aim of these spot checks is to ensure that you remain up to date throughout the course. In addition, the spot checks are designed to allow you to practice valuable literacy skills such as summarizing and paraphrasing.

3.  Tests & Quizzes ------40%

¨  In order to gauge your progress through the course you will be required to write a series of short one or two question quizzes. If you are in the habit of reviewing your work regularly these Quick Quizzes are opportunities for easy marks!

¨  You will be required to write a unit test at the end of each unit. The aim of the test is to evaluate your understanding of the concepts studied in each cluster and to prepare you for the final exam

¨  The tests are challenging! Continual study and review is strongly advised!

Understanding Your Mark:

You need to earn a grade of AT LEAST 50% to earn a credit in this course.

Understanding WHERE your mark comes from will allow you to see HOW you can be successful in this course.

For your TERM MARK, 30% of the mark comes from Assignments (Theory and Investigations), 30% of the mark comes from the Practical Component (Labs, dissections and Projects) while the other 40% comes from Tests

To figure out your mark in a Unit, you should:

1.  Keep track of all the work that you have been assigned and how many marks each item is worth

2.  Record your results in three categories (Assignments, Practical and Tests)

3.  Total up your marks and calculate your percentage mark for each category

4.  Calculate your overall mark using the weighting factors for each category

For example:

Assignments & Theory
Item / Due Date / Mark / Out Of / % / Overall
Assignment #1 / 2/14/10 / 16 / 20
Assignment #2 / 2/18/10 / 15 / 20
Assignment #3 / 2/22/10 / 17 / 20
Total / 48 / 60 / 80 / x 0.3 / 24
Assignment Total à
Practical Component (Labs, Projects, Notebook)
Item / Due Date / Mark / Out Of / % / Overall
Lab #1 / 2/20/10 / 12 / 16
Lab #2 / 2/23/10 / 13 / 16
Total / 25 / 32 / 78 / x 0.3 / 23
Practical Component Total à
Tests (Unit Tests, Mid – Unit Tests, Quizzes)
Item / Date / Mark / Out Of / % / Overall
Quiz #1 / 2/19/10 / 14 / 20
Quiz #2 / 2/24/10 / 16 / 20
Unit Test / 2/28/10 / 41 / 50
Total / 71 / 90 / 64 / x 0.4 / 26
Test Total à

Assignments Practical Tests Total
Mark Tracker:

Assignments & Theory
Item / Due Date / Mark / Out Of / % / Overall
Total / x 0.3
Assignment Total 
Practical Component (Labs, Projects, Notebook)
Item / Due Date / Mark / Out Of / % / Overall
Total / x 0.3
Practical Component Total à
Tests (Unit Tests, Mid – Unit Tests, Quizzes)
Item / Date / Mark / Out Of / % / Overall
Total / x 0.4
Test Total à

Assignments Practical Tests Total

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I bring food or drinks into the class?

¨  Water bottles or any kind of drink bottle / device with a secure lid are allowed


- This room is primarily a Lab. As a result, for safety reasons food is not allowed in this classroom.

2. Can I listen to music in class? (Personal CD player, MP3 player, iPod)

¨  NO!

¨  This class involves a degree of discussion and there are often a lot of good questions and additional instructions given. Close attention is often required.

3. What happen if I miss a test?

¨  For any excused absence: Stuff happens. Sometimes due to circumstances beyond your control you may miss or do poorly on a test. Should you find yourself in this situation and you have a verifiable excuse, you may write a make up test.

¨  All make up test dates will be posted in class

¨  Should you miss a test due to any unexcused absence you will receive a mark of zero and you may not be allowed to write a make up test!

4. What happens if I hand in assignments late?


¨  Late work WILL be accepted without penalty ONLY UNTIL the work has been reviewed and handed back to the class and an answer key has been posted.

5. What happens if I miss a class?

¨  The expectation in High School is that you become responsible for your learning. Should you miss a class (or classes) for any reason, it is your responsibility to make arrangements to get any information that you may have missed. This course moves very quickly so make sure that you get caught up as soon as possible! Most missing course material can be found on the course webpage at

6. How can I get extra help in Biology?

¨  Peer Tutoring is available in the resource room (room 23) at lunch

¨  Drop In Help Sessions are available in all periods through the resource room (room 23)

¨  You can ask questions from me directly in class or via email at

Biology 30S – Assignment #½

As a warm up, here is a small assignment for you to finish. Please read and follow the instructions listed below very carefully:

1.  Detach this sheet from your outline (The outline is yours. Keep it somewhere safe!)

2.  Read the outline and fill out the appropriate information below

3.  Show this outline to your parents and have them fill out the appropriate information below

4.  Return this sheet to Mr. Lloyd

Student Information:

Student Name (please print): ______

E-mail Address (please print): ______

What Goals and Expectations do you have for this course?

Parent/ Guardian Information

I have read and discussed the information contained in this course outline with my son/daughter. I understand the policies and expectations of this course.

Parent(s) Name(s) (please print)______

Parent(s) Signature(s)______

Phone Numbers: Home: ______

Work: ______

Email: ______