Minutes of the meeting held at 11.00 am on 11th January 2017 at The Oaks Medical Centre Shady Lane


Ray LoweChair

Jan GospelViceChair

Dr NaikSenior Partner Oaks Medical (part)

Neil DavisPractice Manager Oaks Medical (part)

Michelle SlaughterIT Manager Oaks Medical

KeashaMcCallaIT assistant

Ron SugdenPatientMinutes

Chris PascallPatient

Val Evans Patient

Tony HackettPatient

Jean BoswellPatient

Jaqueline WilliamsPatient

Marguerite StewartPatient

Annette HarpinPatient

    Ray welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded everyone of the aims, objectives and ground rules for the meeting. He emphasised our focus should be on patient care and our role in supporting the practice.

Allan AmassLurline Reynolds


See Appendix 1 Reserved Business.


Streetly Parking:

Discussion took place on the proposed parking restrictions to be introduced along the Chester Rd outside the Streetly Surgery.

Ray agreed to contact the Coop and the Westway garage to see if any off-street parking could be arranged. It was generally thought that much of the parking along Chester Rd was by non-surgery users.AP2 January.

Ray suggested that a long-term solution could be the relocation of the surgery possibly to the Streetly Community Centre in Foley Rd. Jean said that Foley Rd could be too far for some of the patients. Michelle agreed to seek the views of the Partners and feedback to the group. AP3 January


These were agreed.

  1. MATTERS ARISING (not covered by Agenda)

Action Points

AP2 / October Completed In order to have the Facebook presentation, Liz Goodman the Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) will be asked to attend the February meeting.

AP1 November Completed. Ray had sent a Christmas card to Glynis and sent a letter of thanks on behalf of the group.

AP2 November Completed. Ray has been invited to the next Practice managers meeting see item 7.

AP 3.November Completed. Keasha has updated the national list. See item

AP4 November Completed.see item

AP5 NovemberCompleted Michell circulated the results of the Family & Friends patient survey. This is collected either as a response from the TEXT service or from paper surveys on reception.

AP6November.Michelle to send out a link to the Kings Report to all members.

Carried forward.

AP7 NovemberCompleted see item 8

AP8 NovemberCompleted see item 11


Ray has been invited to attend the next Practice Managers Meeting to discuss funding and cross-boundary issues.

  1. PRESENTATION on Facebook Closed user group by Tony Hackett.

Tony gave a demonstration of the page and explained that the benefit of keeping the page as a closed user group was that we retained control of the membership and it prevents unwanted comments from people who are not patients. Ron asked if a link could be provided from the Oaks Medical Practice Facebook page and Michelle agreed to do this. AP4 January.

Tony said he wanted to keep the page subjects of a general nature and to emphasise the patients are responsible for their own health.

Chris felt that there is a large proportion of the patients who do not useFacebook and that we should be looking at other ways to interact with patients. Ray said that we should continue with the Facebook page but communication was an important issue and that we need to look at all of the ways we interact with patients. Ray said that there should be an agenda item in communication at the next meeting. AP 5 January.Annette agreed to speak to the pharmacist about including communic\ations in prescriptions. AP 6 January



Keasha handed out the updated annual list of Health Awareness Campaign days.

Ray called for volunteers to pick out a favourite topic and lead the initiative in arranging publicity and attendance at the surgery. This could be by either simply handing out leaflets or by inviting representatives of organisations to attend.

Members notified Ron of the initiatives that they would take responsibility for.

Ron will summarise the list and circulate it to members. AP5 January


Michelle handed out a list of suggested survey questions. Jan, Val Jaqueline agreed to meet and firm up on the proposed questionnaire. It was suggested that we should limit the questionnaire to on side A4 and there be about 12 questions. Members were asked to let Jan have any questions that they would like added to the survey. AP6 January


Ray suggested that we set up an editorial group to support Keasha in producing the Newsletter.

Jaqueline, Marguerite and Annett agreed to join the team. The team were asked to review the frequency of the publication of the newsletter. AP 8 JanuaryIf anyone has any suggested content then they should contact one of the editorial team. AP9 January

  1. AOB


Michelle said that the new telephone system will be commissioned on the weekend of 22nd & 23rd January. Patients are being informed of the number change, 0121 389 2222, by notices on the Web Site, prescriptions, by TEXT, stickers and banners displayed outside Shady Lane & Streetly. Back office staff will be given direct dial numbers. The new system will have a recorded message from Dr Naik at the beginning of the call, this will explain why the receptionists need to know the reason for the appointment. All calls will be recorded and initially there will not be “push button” options. All staff are being trained on the new system and on call handling techniques. Members are asked to feedback any comments on the system at the next meeting. AP8January

Ray requested that the Web page be updated with latest Minutes, PPG Objectives and the current Action Plan. AP9 January


AP6 November.Michelle to send out a link to the Kings Report to all members.

Carried forward

AP 1 January.Michelle to issue a briefing paper on the decisions taken by the Partners as a result of funding issues.

AP2 JanuaryRay to contact the Coop and the Westway Garage to see if any off-street parking can be arranged.

AP3 January Michelle agreed to seek the views of the Partners on the long term location of the Streetly Practice and feedback to the group.

AP4 January.Michelle to arrange for a link to be provided from the Oaks Medical Practice Facebook to the Health Awareness Page.

AP5 January Ron to summarise the list of Volunteers and the dates for Health Awareness Days and circulate it to members.

AP6 JanuaryMembers to let Jan have any questions that they would like added to the Patient Survey Questionnaire.

AP7 JanuaryMembers to forward any suggested content for the Newsletter to one of the editorial team.

AP8 January Members to feedback any comments on the new telephone system at the next meeting.

AP9 January Keasha to update the Practice Webpage with latest Minutes, PPG Objectives and the current Action Plan


15th February

15th March 2017

5th April

1of 5

Issue 1
