Fourth Day Journal
Vol. XXXV No.2February 2017
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February....the month when our hearts turn romantic. We think of flowers, chocolates and date nights with someone we love. God has called each of us His beloved.I am constantly amazed that the King of the World calls me “his beloved”. His desire is that we treat each other as truly loved children. “ Beloved, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”Expressions of love should not be reserved just for Valentine’s Day or even the month of February. It should be a lifestyle that each of of practices daily. The Emmaus community lives a life of love for each other. Prayer is the banner that we fly over each and every weekend. We express our love for our teams, pilgrims, and caterpillars with the prayers we raise to our loving Father. We express our love by teaming and being sponsors and with each note, letter, and piece of palanca we carefully choose for those on weekends. We express our love by attending Sponsors’ Hour, Mananitas, and Closings and by baking cookies and other goodies for weekends. These expressions are not limited to our weekends...I know that many of you participate in reunion groups and pray daily for each other. A spontaneous, random phone call or a note to someone this month might mean that the person sees the hand of God in their life encouraging them. Let’s all begin/continue this month to show true love to all that we meet and treat each one like beloved children of the
Almighty Father.
DE Colores!!!
Gloria Esterline
Community Lay Director
Dear Community,
I would like to use this forum to introduce myself as the newly elected Spiritual Director of the NCA Emmaus community. I am Dale Gillis and I serve as Lead Pastor at Dumfries United Methodist Church, where I also worship, I walked on Richmond 88, and I sat at the table of Peter the Rock (no clap needed).
Over the 10 years I have been involved with several different communities and have served on six different teams, 3 of which have been with the NCAE community. I have been married to Lorena (Lorie) for 35 years and we have two adult children, Ryan and Allyson (who is engaged to be married in July, two dogs and two Beta fish. When not busy with church and other activities I enjoy watching football (go Hokies and Skins), college basketball (go VCU), reading, cooking, and baking. I attended JMU and earned my Master of Divinity from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. I could bore you with other things about myself, but I would rather move on to what is of such great value to me about NCAE that led me to accept the honor of volunteering to be on the Board.
When I arrived at Dumfries UMC in June, 2017 I discovered a church that was filled with strong leaders who were also being led by the Holy Spirit. As I began having conversations with these individuals I learned that to a person they had all walked with this community. It was an amazing gift to walk into a ministry setting with such mature Christians. I was so blessed by these folks that I was anxious to become involved with the community because I wanted some of what they had. And so began my adoption into the NCAE community.
I have experienced great joy watching people within my congregation, and others, attend a weekend and come back transformed into joyful servants. It is also a blessing to see them assume ministry roles within the church that they may never have considered before the weekend experience and even more exciting to see them become involved in the loving family of the community as it gathers for Ultreya.
Friends, I love the NCAE community and want to see it thrive in the presence of the Holy Spirit as it always has. My prayer is that, in some small way, God can use me to be part of that spirituality and my greater prayer is that we can all walk joyfully in His presence together.
Dale Gillis
Spiritual Director
From the NCAE MD
"Bless the Lord, oh my soul. Worship His holy name." We did fellowship and worship at the January Ultreya! Praises! And what a beautiful time as Stan tied the words of a song to his message, encouraging us all in our faith. This is amazing grace - to take lyrics to the heart and make them our life song. To sing words and amplify, apply and LIVE the lyrics. Beautiful. Thank you, Stan!
February Ultreya music will be lead by C-94 MDs Scott Niehoff and Lauren Vanwert. Prepare your hearts for a great time of fellowship and worship as we welcome the awesome butterflies to the community. Also at this time, we ask blessings on E-180 ladies and MDs Patti Plummer and Ashleigh Stacy-Reese and their "Glorious Unfolding"! (theme song)
God is good. (Nahum 1:7) Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer. All interested in music pls reach out to us, join in, you are welcome to participate.
Keep a song in your heart,
All are invited to join in.If you have an interest in participating, pls contact us for further details at
De Colores, Glory to God!
Jim and Mae Krauss
Community MDs
From the NCA Chrysalis, CLD
Hello from your Chrysalis Lay Director. Here is the list of team for the upcoming Chrysalis Weekend. So far we have up to 11 caterpillars for January, we are hoping for more. Please pray and write agape!
FWC,Monica G
C94 High School Weekend
January 13-16, 2017
Alan Teaford-Dining Room Cha
Alison Wills -Table Leader
Andrew Weston -Youth Rector
Ariana Marth - Talk Room Cha/AV
Ben Melugin- Youth Table Leader
Burt Robinson- Spiritual Director
Grace Becker - Youth Table Leader
Jackie Gleadall - Rectora
Jacob Mosser - Old Buffalo
Jarrett Reagan - Head Cha & Ragman
Jeremiah Meslie - Youth Table Leader
Jerry Wills- Table Leader
John Klein - Chapel Cha
Judiclaire Kinerney - Youth Table Leader
Kaleb Sullivan- Youth Chapel/Dining Room Cha
Katie DeVaughn - Head Cha
Kevin Gleadall - Rector
Lauren VanWert - Music Director
Linda Smith - Agape Cha
Lori Darden- Table Leader
Lydia Hugo- Youth Rectora
Maggie Oakes - Youth Table Leader
Michael Hummer - Youth Table Leader
Molly Haynes -Youth Head Cha
Nicholas Reagan -Talk Room Cha/AV Cha
Pam Oakes - Table Leader
Phyllis Weeks- Youth Table Leader
Richard Goad- Table Leader
Ron Lanman - Spiritual Director
Sarah Lemay - Youth Agape Cha
Scott Niehoff - Music Director
Sheri Goad - Table Leader
Stu Mentzel - Table Leader
TJ Hunt - Youth Head Cha
Love is in the air!
The ladies go to the mountain in March.
At the February Ultreya we will have baskets in the front to collect palanca and nonperishable snacks for the weekend.
With each weekend there are placemats that need to be decorated. If you have received blank placemats to decorate please bring to the February Ultreya.
Material needed to make palanca bags for Chrysalis and Emmaus weekends for 2017. If you have extra material that you think would make great palanca bags please bring the Ultreya in February. One yard of fabric makes 3 bags. I will have instructions if you would like to help construct the bags.
The Love offering for our host church in February - Lake Ridge Baptist will be canned goods. Please show our love and support their mission to feed the needy in our community.
Love, Love, Love,
Your Sister in Christ
Donna Morris
Following is a testimony from a recent Kairos participant.
When I came to prison I was angry, confused, scared and I was pulled into a life of Islam. . . . I needed a change and a friend invited me to church and I kept going back. I stepped away from Islam and started to pursue Christ. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. . . . I went to Kairos two months later and found what I was never looking for or even knew existed, AGAPE Love! I was taught things about myself and about God that I couldn’t believe; Kairos took me to a level that could not even be measured on a scale! . . . Kairos has turned me into a transformer. I am a walking, talking, living, breathing, sharer and pray-er. I take what Kairos has done to me and for me and offer it to everyone around me from prisoners, to officers, family, friends and anyone else who will listen to me. . . . Kairos changed my life forever and I plan on taking what I have learned and still learn with me when I leave here. – Kairos Graduate
You are cordially invited to share Christ’s love and forgiveness with those in prison and be a “life-changer” through Kairos Prison Ministry. Teams are being formed now to serve at the Sussex-I State Prison (S1SP), March 16 – 19, 2017, and at Greensville Correctional Center (GCC), April 27 – 30, 2017.
Applications are at every Ultryea and at our website , which also provides more information about this ministry.
Feb.17 / Lake Ridge Baptist Church
March 17 / Dumfries UMC
April 21 / Annandale UMC
May 19 / Cameron UMC
June 23 / Pender UMC
July 21 / Sleepy Hollow UMC w/Annandale UMC
August 18 / Clarendon UMC
Sept. 15 / First United Presbyterian Church of Dale City
Oct. 20 / Bethel UMC
Nov. 17 / Christ Church UMC
Dec. 15 / Messiah UMC
If you are interested in hosting an Ultreya gathering, please contact the Emmaus Board.
Community Lay Director (CLD)
Assistant Lay Director (ALD)
Spiritual Director (SD)
CLD / Monica Gibson /
ACLD / John Rowe
Devin Duren /
SD / Jose Saldana /
Other Board Members
Lindell Tinsley / Dan Hughes
Stephanie Williams / Katie Rowe
Bonita Darby / Matt Critchley
Carolyn Tidd / Burton Robinson
Milton Zapata / Michael Jurabe
Tori Guest / Molly Haynes
Sarah LeMay / Nicole Parish
Chrysalis Support Personnel
Supply Coordinators / Linda Russ/
Melissa Detwiler
Prayer Wheel Coordinator / Volunteer Needed
Manuals and Talk Folders
Coordinator / Kurt Bubenhofer
Community Music Director / Dave Moore
Registrar / Donna Morris
Secretary / Stephanie Williams
Treasurer / Bob LeMay
Clothe Agape Bags Coordinator / Beth Ann Eadie
Dining Room Coordinator / Donna Morris
Worldwide Agape Coord. / Volunteer Needed
Facilities Coordinator / Volunteer Needed
Fourth Day Packet Coord. / Bob LeMay
Historian / Volunteer Needed
Outreach Coordinator / Mark and Pat Fahner
Clown Communion Coord. / Jan Niehoff
Chrysalis Crosse Coord. / Janet & Lindsey Matthews
Hoot Coordinators / Donna VanWert/Bob LeMay
Karen Kimberlin
I am Lovable Pin Coordinator / Donna Morris
Website Coordinator / Clayton Newberry
Term Expiring January 2019
Dale Gillis, ASD / 703-517-2232 /
Vickie Carroll / 703-887-7590 /
Charlie Duren /
Rich Goad / 571-265-2682 /
Gaylene Guest / 703-398-7449 /
Jim Stacy / 703-680-5111 /
Term Expiring January 2018
Sam Gero / 703-475-8812 /
Stan Esterline, SD /
Kathy Woodley, / 703-232-8043 /
Gloria Esterline,CLD / 703-407-2420 /
Jerry Wills / 703-217-4262 /
Phil Wisner / 540-760-7594 /
Applications ~ NCA Emmaus Pilgrims
Charlie & Vickie Carroll / 703-887-7590 /
Applications ~ NCA Emmaus Team
Charlie & Vickie Carroll / 703-887-7590 /
Audio-Visual/Software Managers
Jim and Donna Morris / 540-625-2843 /
Community Palanca/Agape Coordinators
Donna Morris / 540-625-2843 /
Community Shed Coordinator
Annette Barbier / 703-491-2104 /
Facility Liaison
Nancy Geeting / 540-841-3343 / .
Fourth Day Journal – Newsletter Editor
Raúl Castillo / 703-307-8070 /
Fourth Day Journal Mailing
Beth Parker / 703-447-9553 /
HolyNet Coordinator
Charlie Hays / 703-8013521 /
Kairos Representative
Dick Tobey /
Kairos Outside Representative
Barbara Teats / 703-354-9043 /
Rector (a) Manuals Coordinator
Linda Girten / 703-491-3801 /
Music Directors
Jim Krauss / 703-850-8226 /
Mary Anne Krauss / 703-850-8226 /
Outreach Palanca/Agape Coordinator
Debbie McCluskey /
Prayer Wheel Coordinator
Robin Wisner / 202-341-2485 /
Rector(a) Selection Coordinator
Annette Barbier / 703-491-2104 /
Reunion Group Coordinator
Liana Cuffman / 703-920-6219 /
Scholarship Coordinator
Lindsey Kirkwood / 571-236-4563 /
Talk Folder Coordinator
Al Barbier / 703-869-1380 /
Stacey Jones / 540-840-0445 /
Website Manager
Rob Cannon / 703-965-8045 /
Weekend Handouts Coordinator
Mark Segnari / 703-670-3145 /
Wooden Crosses & Ropes
Jim & Jan Womer / 703-670-5236 /
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