Southside Virginia Training Center-Local Human Rights Committee


December 9, 2009 – 1:00 P.M.

Building 1, Conference Room B

Attendance:Margie Tuck, Reuel “Jean” Grim, Susie KempAbsent:Lewis Newbill

Rosezelia Roy, James Pulliam, Carol Gittman

Eddie Martin, Ram Shenoy

Others: Beverly Garnes, Human Rights Advocate, William Hawkins, Facility Director, SVTC, Margaret Miller, Facility Liaison, Lucy Coleman, Abuse Investigator, SVTC, Kathryn Rovinski, Director of Nursing, Scott Taylor, Psychologist Clinician, Zachary Devore, VOPA Representative, George Pratsinak, Psychology Director

Administrative Meeting: / The Administrative Committee Meeting was held at 12:30.
  • Dr. George Pratsinak presented the video on physical restraints used to educate staff.
/ Rosezelia Roy, Chairperson, commended Dr. Pratsinak and his staff on a job well done in the implementation of the training video.
Call to Order: / The meeting of the Local Human Rights Committee was called to order by Rosezlia Roy, Chairperson at 1:00 p.m.
Minutes: / A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the November 2009 minutes. The motion passed.
“A motion was made and passed that the Local Human Rights Committee go into Closed Session pursuant to the Virginia Code 2.2-3711 -A.15 for the protection of the privacy of individuals and their records in personal matters not related to public business”.
Public Comments: / Roseazlia Royannounced the public comment period and invited individuals to come forward to address the committee. / No public comments.
Neuroleptic Drug Programs: / The sub-committee reviewed six Joint Neuroleptic Drugand Behavior Support Programs and two medical changes. / One BSP required the removal of time out and submitted to the advocate.
Restrictive Programs: / None
Abuse Allegations: / The committee received a report ofeight abuse allegations for SVTC for this reporting period. The findings and disposition were discussed. Plans of Correction were received and accepted. / The Facility Director informed the committee that Social Services Adult Protective Services were contacted for assistance in one allegation of abuse/neglect which was discussed in detail with reference to multiple bruises and insufficient evidence to support alleged staff abuse. Authorized representative did not accept findings of insufficient evidence to support abuse.
Formal/Informal Complaints: / None
Serious Injuries, Incidents and Deaths: / William Hawkins, Facility Director, SVTC, reported three serious injuries, 25 unknown injuries and no deaths for SVTCand one unknown injury for HDMC for this reporting period.
Peer on Peer: / The committee received the report of two peer on peer incidents for SVTC with none resulting in an abuse/neglect investigation.
Roll Call: / Return to Open Session
Upon reconvening into open session, the Local Human Rights Committee certified that only public business matters lawfully exempted from statutory open meeting
requirements and only public business matters identified in
the motion to convene the Closed Session were discussed in
Closed Session. / Margie Tuck - yes certified
James Pulliam – yes certified
Susie Kemp – yes certified
Carol Gittman – yes certified
Roseazlia Roy, yes certified
Jean Grim – yes certified
Ram Shenoy – yes certified
Summary: / The following reports were heard and action taken.
Neuroleptic Drug Programs– A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the neuroleptic drug programs reviewed. The motion was passed.
Abuse/Neglect Allegations, Unknown Injuries, Serious Incidents, Deaths and Peer on Peers for SVTC and HDMC -
A motion was made and properly second to accept the reports presented by the FacilityDirector. Motion was carried. / Programs submitted for review were approved.
Reports accepted.
Old Business: / The following items were presented:
  • Follow up cases from the November 2009 neuroleptic review were received.
  • Update on SVTC Discharge for Fiscal Year 2009-2010.
/ Programs approved.
New Business: / Received SVTC Neuroleptic-Psychiatric Clinic and Seizure Clinic Conference Schedule for December 2009.
2010 SVTC-LHRC Meeting Schedule
Current SVTC-LHRC Roster
Facility Liaison Update: / The Facility Director provided the following report:
  • New Administration – 12/18/09
  • Statewide Team to review areas being organized by Central Office and will be chaired by Charles Davis of CentralState.
  • Presentation to the State Human Rights Committee on updates the dental services on January 22, 2010.
  • Recruiting for Dental Hygienist
  • Christmas Gala, December 16, 2009 from 6-8 pm in the gym.

Advocate’s Update: / The Advocate presented the committee with a special thank you for their services in assuring the rights of individuals are carried out for this year.
Adjournment: / Having no further business to discuss, a motion was made and passed to adjourn. The next LHRC meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 in Building 1, Conference Room B.

Signature: SVTC-LHRC Chairperson: Date:

SVTC-LHRC Secretary: Date: