December 4, 2012
The monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of District 9, 1222 Green Street, Iselin, New Jersey, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the President with notices posted in the Home News Tribune, on the bulletin board at Fire Company #1 and at Town Hall as prescribed by the Laws of 1975.
A salute to the flag was led by the President.
Roll Call of Commissioners: C. Christensen, D. Thaker, M. Rudy, S. Larko. N. Negliowas
excused. Also inattendance were W. Kenney, K. Wertz and
E. Mullen.
Reports of Committees:
Fire Equipment & Apparatus:
Hopelawn decal to be installed. Foley has hydraulic tank for 9-2-4 on order, to be shipped within two weeks. 9-3-4 left side fill station and 4th stage valve on order. Discussed the disposition of the equipment to be disposed of, and it was noted that an offer was received from Colonia Fire for Hurst Combi Tool but was rejected and need to send a counter offer. Hopelawn may want to look at the rest of the equipment.
Nothing to report.
The new lettering for the front of the building and repair of the outside walls will be done pending quotes. The Township will supply a dumpster for the trailer. The electrician was into repair the fan for the doors and we’re waiting for him to come back. Mr. Kenney will call him. Received updated estimates for the floor scrubber but more prices are needed. We will be talking to Peter Catalie regarding the sign. Waiting for the proof of the sign for the parking space.
Communications Equipment:
12 headsets were sent out for repair. Mr. Mullen will get an update and submit a report at the next meeting.
Fire Prevention:
The monthly Fire Official’s report was submitted for perusal by the Board.
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December 5, 2012
Legal & Insurance:
Workers Comp claims pending for Barahona, Redeker and Karlin Jr. The attorney will be submitting resolutions next week regarding the treadmill and the thermal cameras. Mr.Kenney will check on the base price for 9-3-2. A motion was made by Mr.Thaker and seconded by Mr. Larko with everyone in favor (C.Christensen, M.Rudy, S.Larko & D.Thaker) to adopt the budget with the indicated changes.
New Business:
Mr. Kenney reported receipt of requests from School 26 and JFK High School to purchase ads in their yearbooks. A motion was made by Mr.Rudy and seconded by Mr.Thaker with everyone in favor (C.Christensen, M.Rudy, S.Larko & D.Thaker) to approve these requests.
Chief’s Report:
Mr. Mullen, the outgoing Chief, noted of 76 calls during the month with no firefighter injuries. He reported of one driver qualification and one new member. Other applications are pending review. Various equipment requests will be submitted at the regular meeting including two white helmets, shields, leather straps and cases for the new radios, tool bags, and standpipe connections for the hi-rises.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Board of Fire Commissioners
District #9
Transcribed by:
(Ms.) Joyce E. Lynch