API RP 11V9 MinutesApr. 10, 2003Page 1

API RP 11V05

Recommended Practice for Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting of Gas-Lift Installations

Minutes of Meeting – April 9, 2003


Location: Offices of ExxonMobil, 800 Bell Street, Houston, Texas.

Timing: Meeting started at 8:30 am and ended at 5:00 pm, on Wednesday, April 9, 2003.


Jack BlannConsultant

Jim BennettExxonMobil

Mike JohnsonExxonMobil

Eric LaineLaine and Associates

Tom RyanOcean Energy

Cleon DunhamOilfield Automation Consulting

John MartinezProduction Associates


  1. We reviewed and accepted many of the suggestions that had been proposed and forwarded by members of the API RP 11V5 Work Group, and others, including comments from:
  2. Jim Bennett, ExxonMobil
  3. Tom Ryan, Ocean Energy
  4. Eric Laine, Laine and Associates
  5. Tony Liao, BP
  6. Ken Martin, Conoco Phillips
  1. John Martinez presented an "edited" version of Chapter 2, Section 4. He suggested that the entire document needs to be re-edited following a similar example.
  1. These was general discussion that the document needs to be shorten without losing worthwhile content.
  1. Some people suggested that some sections could be combined with other sections. This will be taken into consideration.
  1. Some people suggested that some sections could be eliminated. Agreement was not reached on this point.

Next Meeting:

The time and place of a next meeting was not set. It was agreed that the following steps will be necessary before the next meeting:

  1. The various comments (Item #1 above), plus a few more from BP, need to be considered and, as appropriate, worked into the document.
  2. The figures need to be worked into the document.
  3. The editing (John Martinez' suggestion) needs to be addressed.
  4. When this has been done, another meeting can be called. This will probably not be until early Fall, 2003.

Action Points:

Jim Bennett-Call another meeting of the API RP 11V5 Task Group when the document is again ready for review.

Cleon Dunham-Distribute minutes of the April 9, 2003 meeting.

-Incorporate the various comments into the draft document.

-Meet with John Martinez to consider his editing suggestions.

John Martinez-Meet with Cleon Dunham to discuss editing of the document.

Compiled by:

Cleon Dunham

April 12, 2003