API RP 11V9 MinutesApr. 10, 2003Page 1
API RP 11V05
Recommended Practice for Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting of Gas-Lift Installations
Minutes of Meeting – April 9, 2003
Location: Offices of ExxonMobil, 800 Bell Street, Houston, Texas.
Timing: Meeting started at 8:30 am and ended at 5:00 pm, on Wednesday, April 9, 2003.
Jack BlannConsultant
Jim BennettExxonMobil
Mike JohnsonExxonMobil
Eric LaineLaine and Associates
Tom RyanOcean Energy
Cleon DunhamOilfield Automation Consulting
John MartinezProduction Associates
- We reviewed and accepted many of the suggestions that had been proposed and forwarded by members of the API RP 11V5 Work Group, and others, including comments from:
- Jim Bennett, ExxonMobil
- Tom Ryan, Ocean Energy
- Eric Laine, Laine and Associates
- Tony Liao, BP
- Ken Martin, Conoco Phillips
- John Martinez presented an "edited" version of Chapter 2, Section 4. He suggested that the entire document needs to be re-edited following a similar example.
- These was general discussion that the document needs to be shorten without losing worthwhile content.
- Some people suggested that some sections could be combined with other sections. This will be taken into consideration.
- Some people suggested that some sections could be eliminated. Agreement was not reached on this point.
Next Meeting:
The time and place of a next meeting was not set. It was agreed that the following steps will be necessary before the next meeting:
- The various comments (Item #1 above), plus a few more from BP, need to be considered and, as appropriate, worked into the document.
- The figures need to be worked into the document.
- The editing (John Martinez' suggestion) needs to be addressed.
- When this has been done, another meeting can be called. This will probably not be until early Fall, 2003.
Action Points:
Jim Bennett-Call another meeting of the API RP 11V5 Task Group when the document is again ready for review.
Cleon Dunham-Distribute minutes of the April 9, 2003 meeting.
-Incorporate the various comments into the draft document.
-Meet with John Martinez to consider his editing suggestions.
John Martinez-Meet with Cleon Dunham to discuss editing of the document.
Compiled by:
Cleon Dunham
April 12, 2003