This Attachment K serves as the required Questionnaire for Satellite Communications Services as noted on Reply Checklists on page 4 of the ITN. Vendors should provide a response to each of the questions in this attachment. If the question has already been answered in another area of your Reply (e.g., in a Questionnaire for another Service category), the answer should be repeated in the space provided on this attachment.

The space for answers will expand as necessary. Please be thorough but concise in your response.Responses to individual questions should be limited to two pages, excluding attachments. If a response attachment is required, the attachment must be provided in either MS Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF format.

If you intend to offer these services through a subcontractor or third party supplier, please identify the entity(ies)inSection C, Resources, Question #4. You may then include the experience and qualifications of the subcontractor or third party supplier in your response.

See Section 3.7 (Evaluation Process) of the ITN for additional details regarding the evaluation process. Points will be allocated as follows.

  1. Vendor Experience
/ 20
  1. Description of Services
/ 35
  1. Resources
/ 20
  1. Ancillary Services
/ 5
VENDOR EXPERIENCE(up to 20 points)
  1. Provide an overview of your experience in offering On-Demand Satellite Communications Services for business continuity purposes. Include the number of continuous years in this area of business, number of clients, industry specializations (e.g., insurance, government, manufacturing, etc.), geographic areas, etc. You may provide client names if appropriate.

Click here to enter text.
  1. Provide a brief synopsis of any On-Demand Satellite Communications services you provided in response to recent recovery events (including Hurricanes Matthew, Harvey, and Irma).

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3. Provide an overview of your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan.
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  1. Do the satellite communications servicesyou offer meet the specificationsset forth in Section 2.3 (D)of the ITN? If you cannot meet any of the specifications, please identify the exceptions with reasonable specificity and provide alternatives.

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  1. What is the process for adapting to newer technologies and products in the course of a 5-year contract?

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  1. How do you recommend that Citizens conduct an annual test to validate yourability to provide these services? (Note: Your recommended testing process should be built into the Pricing you submit in Attachment L, Pricing Scenarios).

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  1. Do you offer any additional features, services or enhancements that are included in the pricesyouprovide a response for in the scenarios set forth in Attachment L, Pricing Scenarios? For instance, describe any level of maintenance and support staff that you include with each request.

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  1. Explain how you can support Citizens’ desire for flexibility in the contracted amount of resources to account for changing staff levels and changing business resiliency strategy?

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RESOURCES (up to 20 points)
  1. Describe the resourcesyou propose to make available to Citizens under this Contract. (i.e., satellite space, availability of support staff, etc.)

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  1. If an event impacts multiple clients, how do you prioritize and support multiple requests for On-Demand Satellite Services? Is it “first come, first served”? How can Citizens be assured that the necessary services will be available when needed?

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  1. Describe how quickly after Citizens requests the Satellite Servicesthatthe service will be available for use? Describe the process for receiving instructions from Citizens regarding desired locations and delivering the necessary equipment and staff to that location. How is the delivery timeline impacted if Citizens requests delivery to multiple locations in Florida?

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  1. Do you use any partners or subcontractors to provide any of these resources? If so, provide the partner/subcontractor names, the specific resources they provideand how the resources are coordinated?

Click here to enter text.
ANCILLARY SERVICES(up to 5 points)
  1. Describe any additional business continuity products or services that you can provide, directly or indirectly, that are not built into the prices you have given in response to the scenarios set forth in Attachment L, Pricing Scenarios.

Click here to enter text.

ITN No. 17-0025, Business Continuity Services – Workspace and TechnologyPage 1 of 5

Attachment K – Questionnaire (Satellite Communications)