Name ______Date ______Class ______Score _____ / 20

What Is Culture Practice Quiz?

9.2.1 Students will examine and develop a general concept of culture

Fill in the box with the letter of the term that best describes the sentence.

  1. social scientists who study human cultural characteristics are called __
/ Terms
B.contributing culture
C.cultural diversity
D.emotional needs
E.formal groups
F.informal groups
H.mainstream culture
I.material culture
J.non-material culture
K.physical needs
L.popular culture
O.traditional culture
  1. __ is variety and differences among cultures

  1. __ are human needs for items and conditions that sustain life, such as food, water, clothing, shelter and safety

  1. __ are human needs for conditions such as friendship, love, a sense of belonging and self-expression

  1. __ is the physical objects produced and or used by a society

  1. __ is elements of culture that are not physical, including spoken language, religious beliefs and ways of behaving

  1. __ are ideas, beliefs, and ways of behaving that are valuable or important to people of a particular culture

  1. __ are customs, beliefs, opinons and stories passed down from one generation to another

  1. __ is culture passed down from one generation to the next

  1. __ are cerimonies that are part of a traditional culture

  1. __ is culture shared by many groups in Western society and, increasingly, around the world; includes music, TV shows, brand name clothing and foods, etc

  1. __ is the process of learning behaviour that is considered suitable in your culture

  1. __ are organizations with social, educational, and religious purposes

  1. __ are organized groups that contribute to a culture

  1. __ are groups of people who meet casually for a common purpose

  1. __ is the general culture of the majority of the people

  1. __ is cultures of groups within society that are distinct from the mainstream but contribute to and enrich the mainstream

What are the four factors that popular culture depends on?

