South Kyme Golf Club Ladies Section

Minutes of the Committee Meeting

Monday 06/02/2017


Sue Duncan – Lady Captain, Jane Barlow – Secretary, Myra Le-Sage – Treasurer, Sue Annibal – Handicap Secretary, Sue Roberts – Competition Secretary,

Shirley Westlake – Bar/Catering Rep, Helen Kirschner – Committee Member,

Jane Coleman – Committee Member

Minutes of the Committee Meeting 03/10/16

Read and approved by the committee

Matters Arising

No matters arising

Lady Captain’s Report

No report for this meeting as nothing much has happened over the winter months. We are all looking forward to the better weather and the new golfing season.

Handicap Secretary’s Report

-No further downward moves in handicaps. Sue Roberts has just gone back up to 15.

-Jenny Atherton has just re-joined the club with a handicap of 29. She has already scored a net 63 in a club competition and won the February Sunday medal. Her handicap should come down rapidly.

-Margaret White has joined the club with a handicap of 25.

-The re-vamped Howdidido website now allows you to print off your own handicap certificates.

-After the annual review of handicaps, Anne Barnham will be given one shot back.

-England Golf has issued some new rules for recording scores – see attached notice.

Treasurer’s Report

See Attached

Competition Secretary’s Report

See Attached

Greens Committee Report

See Attached


See Attached


The Committee would like to thank Shirley for all her hard work and commitment to the Bar & Catering section.

Sue has registered us for the Cancer Spoon competition to be played for in August.

We have a home draw against Woodhall Spa in the Daily Mail foursomes. We will need to contact Woodhall by the 18th Feb to arrange the match.

Posters for the Ladies Open, the Halloween Comp and the Bomber Scramble have been put onto the Golf Empire website. Hopefully this will generate some more interest from other clubs.

Helen raised the question as to whether anyone updates the SKCG website as it looks out of date and is not very appealing to potential visitors. We can ask this question at the club AGM.

At this year’s Ladies open, we will not be providing meals to volunteers. It ended up costing a lot of money as we had quite a lot of volunteers.

Shirley asked if any ladies knew anyone who may be looking for a part-time summer job in the bar/kitchen as we will need extra staff for functions and theme nights.

Meeting Closed – 09.36pm

Next meeting – AGM Monday 06/03/17