Dr Guillaume Therin
Date of birth: / 2nd November 1979 / Email: /
Nationality: / French / WebSite: /
Home Address: / 66 Mortimer Road, / Home phone: / 020 79 23 23 53
London, N1 5AP / Mobile: / 079 46 94 97 18
Programming Applications OS Mathematics
Languages / C++, root libraries, perl, php, mySQL, html, fortran, paw,latex, JavaScript, Java
MS Office, Open Office, 3D Max, Flex PDE
Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OSX
Probability, Statistics, Monte Carlo simulation, Stochastic calculus, Likelihood estimation
French mother tongue, fluent English, basic Spanish
Sep 02–Jun 05
Dec 03
Oct 02
May 02
Sep 99–Jun 02
Sep 01–Jun 02
Sep 00–Jun 01
Jun-Aug 00
Sep 97–Jun 00
97 / PhD in Particle Physics, Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire de Haute Energie, Paris
Object-orientated Programming course, SLAC, California
C++ course, College de France, Paris
IT course, Introduction to Object-orientated Programming, C++, LAL, Orsay
Magistere (Advanced Diploma) inPhysics, University of Paris VII
DEA (Advanced Diploma) in Fields, Particles, Matter, Universities of Paris VI, VII XI
MSc in Fundamental Physics, University of Paris VII
Implementation of a Fisher algorithm to purify a sample of 0, LPNHE, Paris
BSc in Fundamental Physics, University of Paris VII
Passed entrance for Ecoles Nationales Superieurs d'Ingenieurs
Science Baccalauréat, Physics and Chemistry options, Lycée Fénelon, Grasse
Music / Football, rollerblading and jogging
Websites, home networking, code experimentation
Dostoyevsky, Houellebecq, R. Gary
Prodigy, The Strokes, Chemical Brothers, Portishead, Franz Ferdinand, Muse
Jun 05
Jul 05
Jul 05
Apr 06 / sin (2β + γ) Measurements
Guillaume Therin for the BaBar collaboration

Measurement of CP asymmetries for the decays B±  DCPK*±
B. Aubert et al. [BaBar collaboration]
(Phys.Rev. D72, 71103 )
A study of b  c and b  u interference in the decay B–  (K+ π–)DK*–
B. Aubert et al. [BaBar collaboration]
(Phys.Rev. D72, 71104 )

Measurement of the B- D0K*- branching fraction

B. Aubert et al. [BaBar collaboration]

Nov 05
Apr 05
Mar 05
Nov04 / Guest Speaker, presentation of the last measurements of with the BaBar detector
Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Speaker, presentation of GLW results on B± DCPK*± decays
American Physical Society, Florida, United States
Guest speaker, presentation of BaBar and Belle's results on the measurement of sin(2β + γ)
Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, Moriond, Italy
Speaker, presentation of the GLW analysis on B± DCPK*± decays
Young Researchers Course, Berder, France
May 05-Jun 05
Sep 02–Jun 03
Sep 02–Jun 03
Sep 01–Jun 02
May 01–Jul 01
Sep 99–Jun 01 / Tutoring two undergraduates students, University of Paris VI
Physics Tutor, Ecoles Nationales Supérieures d'Ingénieurs Entrance Exam, Uni. of Paris VII
Thermodynamics Tutor, University of Paris VII
Tutor, Undergraduate Physics, University of Paris VII
MSc infographics, Saint-Louis-Créations, Paris
Chemistry and maths tutoring for secondary school students
Professor Jacques Chauveau
Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Energies, University of Paris VI,
Doctor Malcom John
CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research,