ADASS Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol Policy Network

22 January 2009 1230 - 1430

Kings Fund, London

Notes and Key Actions

01/18 / Welcome and Introductions
Present: Jenny Goodall (chair) JW, Richard Webb RW, Lucy Butler LB, Lindsay Smith (LS), John Wallace (JW), Sam Tearle, Amanda Reynolds (AR), Simon Froud (dep for John Nawrockyi), Greg Slay (GS), Steve Shrubb (SS), Hari Sewell (HS), Helen Sumner (HSUM), Rebecca Harrington (RH), Jonathan Phillips (JP), Mark Jordan (MJ)
Apologies: Chris Bielby, John Nawrockyi, Matthew James, Stewart Greenwell, Ewen Weir, Ian Smith, Richard Carter, Shaun O’Leary, Mun Thong Phung, Lorna Payne, Claire Barcham, David Morris,
Liz Murray (Minutes) LM
Jenny welcomed everybody to the meeting – welcoming the excellent level of attendance. / Action
02/18 / Minutes from previous meeting & matters arising
Minutes from previous meeting (held Birmingham 31 Oct 2008)
Item 04/18: MJ provided a refresher on mental health contract
Action: SS & MJ to meet and agree an approach alongside providers.
Item 05/18: JP update on PBR and Personalisation
Action: JP to send SS draft paper to agree common messages with health
Action: JP to send Paula Hallam final paper for ADASS website
Action: SS to send Paula Hallam paper on personal budgets
Action: AR to link with Peter Howitt
Action: SS to send Paula Hallam MH metrics
Action: Paula Hallam to insert PBR as a future agenda item for group.
Item Appendix on policy architecture:
RW to amend diagram to include David Flori and regulation.
Item 09/18:
LM to send survey out to members
Item 11/18:
Action SS to send Paula Hallam and GS a draft DOLS briefing that is getting sent to NHS Confederation members
GS to send RW a few bullets for Oliver Mills conversation
Paula Hallam to table DOLS concerns at next regular business meeting.
RW to email an update to John Dixon
03/18 / NCAS Conference 2009, Harrogate
SS informed group that the DH would be attending the conference and commented it would be a suitable event to have someone from the DH speak at the ADASS MHDA policy session.
RW informed group that a bid fro the MHDA policy network had been drafted. / JG to send a note of invitation to Louis Appleby & Kathryn Tyson at the DH
LM to finalise policy session bid with JG/RW/LB and submit to conference organisers by 31 Jan 2009.
04/18 / New Horizons Programme Board
RH attended the last meeting and reported back that ToR and MoU were agreed.
Key issues that were discussed at the programme board included
§  public health
§  social care.
RH commented that the board did not discuss housing in much detail. / RH to clarify whether board representative is LGA or ADASS and report back to group.
SS/JG/RW to have a discussion about LGA representation on the programme board.
JG/RW to have follow up conversation with LGA.
05/18 / SCIE Paper – Leadership in Mental Health Trusts
Ruth Allen presented the key elements of SCIE’s paper (currently in draft format). / RA SS to have a follow up conversation about how to engage NHS Trust Chief Execs’ engagement with the paper.
AR & HSUM to develop ideas about with DASS’.
06/18 / Joint ADASS/ADCS Session
02 April is confirmed date for this session. / Paula Hallam to draw agenda together agenda, speakers and invite members.
07/18 / Drugs and Alcohol
LB reported that she had met with Philippa Gibson (interim workstream lead for Drugs & Alcohol) to plan work. / Paula Hallam to set up workshop for 1st May 2009
08/18 / Good practice
RW drew group’s attention to South East group’s materials on the website and highlighted opportunity to use website to share good practice. / All members to submit regional group work/good practice to Paula Hallam for inclusion to the website.
LS to send Paula Hallam North West materials.
09/18 / AOB
Groups / ADASS representatives at meetings / All members who attend groups and meetings on behalf of ADASS to provide Paula Hallam with an update.
18/18 / Next meeting
·  24 April 2009, NOTE location to be amended to London (currently Birmingham) / Paula Hallam / admin to liaise with NHS Confederation to secure a meeting room close to ADASS spring seminar location and cancel existing booking in Digbeth.

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I:\Social Services\SSD Shared\Liz Murray ADASS\ADASS Regular Business Meetings\22 Jan London\ADASS MH, D&A Regular Business Meeting Minutes London 22012009 v 0.1.doc