A Word to the Wise——“A Festival of Lessons and Carols”
Featuring Adult and Handbell Choirs, A Festival of Lessons and Carols on the Fourth Sunday of Advent is a St. Mark’s tradition. In addition to traditional Carols sung by congregation and choir, the music this year will include composers Felix Mendelssohn, John Tavener, John Rutter, Ralph Vaughan Williams, David McK.Williams, David Willcocks, and “our own” Douglas King. This is an ideal service to invite a friend or neighbor to St. Mark’s.
The history of the service begins in 1880 in the diocese of Truro, in the southwest of England, instituted by the first bishop of the diocese, Edward White Benson, subsequently Archbishop of Canterbury. The Service was brought to full flowering in 1919 by Dr. E.A. Milner-White, the dean of King’s College, Cambridge, where it has been broadcast live to millions of listeners around the world, every year since 1928 (except in 1930). Although the carols vary from year to year, the service has steadfastly begun with “Once in Royal David’s City” since the year 1919. At King’s College the opening stanza is always sung by a boy chorister, chosen by the director about 10 seconds before going on the air!
At St. Mark’s, we follow the King’s tradition of beginning with “Once in Royal David’s City.” Stanza 1 is sung as a solo (in our case a female chorister); stanza 2 is sung by the choir, followed by everyone singing stanzas 4-6. I conclude quoting my favorite stanza: “For he is our lifelong pattern; daily, when on earth he grew, he was tempted, scorned, rejected, tears and smiles like us he knew. Thus he feels for all our sadness, and he shares in all our gladness.”
Jerome Wells
This Week…Dec. 21-27
Vestry nominees: Please submit names for nominees to Vestry (to be elected in January). Call Melody at the Church office to submit a nomination, or mail it to the Church.
Traditional Choral Service of Lessons and Carols will be Sunday, December 21 at the 10:15 a.m. service, featuring handbells and adult choir. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the blessings of this season and our life in the Church.
Pledges and Offerings for 2014: The Church relies on your support. Please be sure your pledge for this year (2014) is up to date. 2014 contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31. Thank you.
The Church office will close at 12 Noon on Wednesday, December 24 and will remain closed Thursday and Friday, December 25 and 26.
Christmas Eve Services: Wednesday, December 24
Holy Eucharist 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
(Caroling begins at 5:45 p.m. and 10:45 p.m.)
The Children’s Choir will sing before the 6:00 p.m. service.
Invite your friends to share our celebration.
Christmas Day Eucharist, Thursday, December 25 at 10:00 a.m.
Golf Cart service and designated “short-walk” parking spaces will be provided at both services.
Next Week...Dec. 28- Jan. 3
There will be no Sunday School Sunday, December 28.
No Choir practice this week.
The Church office will close at 12 Noon on Wednesday, December 31 and will remain closed Thursday and Friday, January 1 and 2.
Please drop off your Christmas trees for the Burning of the Greens. Please leave the trees in the breezeway inside the fence by the main building and Gilbert Gym, so they won’t disappear.
St. Mark’s Youth…
We will resume Youth Group in January 2015! We will meet every Sunday (unless noted) in the Youth Room from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
All of our youth group meetings and events are open to all students in grades 6-12!
Friends from other churches are always welcome!
(@StMarksTXYouth) (St. Mark’s Beaumont Youth Group)
The Abbey Shop…
Congratulations to Bettie Nixon! She won a $50 gift certificate from the Abbey Shop. The drawing was held at the Chili Supper and Bazaar.
Remember us for your gift giving needs. Proceeds benefit Church ministries.
Shop hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.;
Sunday 9:00 a.m.-Noon.
Abbey Shop Workers, Week of Dec. 21:Sunday – Kathleen Boudreaux, Marty Craig, Edra Bogucki, Tuesday – Julian Lightfoot, December 24 and 25 – closed.
Please consider making a gift of service to your Abbey Shop. Your help in any amount will be welcomed with much rejoicing! Only have a few hours to give only a few times a year? Oh boy, we have a much needed place for you!
Weekday Services: Holy Eucharist Tuesdays 12:00 N,Thursdays 9:45 a.m.,
Fridays 7:00 a.m.;Morning Prayer Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.
Margo Abshire
Betty Biddle
Michael Boyer
Louise Courmier
Rebecca Couverette
Jody Fulbright
Tom Hargrove
Margie Nell Harris
Carol Hennington
Willie Hennington
Norma Jeffreys
Harrison Jordan
Audie McDonald
Zenobia Prejean
Steven Rousset
Jeanne Shakour
Phylis Thompson
For those who have died
Martha Bookman Ben Shawhan Scott Cook
For those serving in the Military…
Joe Alexander
Danny Anders
Justin Clark
Stephen Davis
Travis Goodwin
Brad Holton
Jimmy Howell
James Fredericks
Erwin Jasmin
Michael Kobilajak
Lucas Low
Joseph Lynch
Joshua Lynch
Collin McBride
John Matlock
Kyle Morgan
Logan Nunez
Tony Ogden
Stephen Ricker
Gavin Ritchie
Donnie Romero
Jesse Russell
Grady Salisbury
Adam Schlegal
Brian Shajari
Daniel Lee Smith
Matthew Smith
Morgan Smyth
Gary Tipton
Tim Uncapher
Stuart Williams
Roland A. Zech
For those with Birthdays…
Dec. 21---Carol Summerlin, Jim Hansard,
Marcia Bourque, Austin Miller
Dec. 22---Kirk Rouse, Tim Conway
Dec. 23---Robert Hutchison, Paul Norman
Dec. 24---Bill Summerlin, Susan Weaver,
Grace Cokinos
Dec. 25---Jack Yianitsas, Anne Thorpe
Dec. 26---Vicki Bornefeld
Dec. 27---Victoria Zizmont, Lindsay Lowell
This Sunday, December 21, Lay Ministry Schedule
Duty / 8:00 a.m. / 10:15 a.m. / 6:00 p.m.Vestry of the Day / Kathe Hendricks / Kathe Hendricks
Eucharistic Ministers / Pride Parr / Bruce Smith, Brandon Smith, Honour Harry, and others / Bob Birdwell with The Rev. Byron Crocker
Eucharistic Visitors / Billie & Cindy Harland
Acolyte Director / Laurie Leister
Acolytes / Grace Leister, William Leister,
Katherine Leister, Virginia Cowan,
Bryce Butler
Ushers / Richard & Pride Parr / Susan Selman, Mickey Shuffield,
Gerald Farha, Allan Nichols
Oblationers / Celeste Johnson, Connie Smith
Chapel Prayer Team / Billie & CindyHarland,
Marion Durn
Altar Guild / Alma Martin / Kathe Hendricks, Frances Rouse / Gail Davis
Advent - Christmas Calendar 2014
Sunday 11-30-14 Advent Wreath Making in Parish Hall
9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Friday 12-5-14 Kids Night Out in Gilbert Gym
6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Sunday 12-7-14 Ornament making in Parish Hall
& Visit from St. Nicholas
9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday 12-10-14 Caroling & Dinner (meet at church)
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Sunday 12-14-14 La Posada Rehearsal in Parish Hall
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
La Posada and Fiesta
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 12-21-14 Lessons & Carolsin Church
10:15 a.m.
Wednesday 12-24-14Christmas Eve – Holy Eucharist
Jr. Choir Sings
Carols 5:45 p.m. Service 6:00p.m.
Christmas Eve Late Service
Carols10:45 p.m. Service 11:00 p.m.
Thursday 12-25-14Christmas Day Service – Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m.