NES Podiatry Advisory Group
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday,
3rd March 2015 at 11am in
Room 5, Westport 102, Edinburgh
Present :
John Callaghan (JC) – Chair
Steve Graham (SG)
Rachael Little (RL)
Sharon Wiener-Ogilvie (SWO)
Wilma Phillips (WP)
Michael Black (MB)
Maria Martinez (MM)
Jackie Locke (JL)
Sonya Lam (SL)
William McMurrich (WMcM)
Karen Utting (KU)
Elaine Thompson (Project Administrator – Note Taker)
In Attendance:
Susan Shandley, attended at 12 Noon – Item 7
Cheryl Harvey, attended at 1pm - Item 10
1.Welcome and Introductions
JC welcomed new members to the Group and there wereshort introductions around the table.
It was noted that Allister Kelly had stepped down from the Group, and that Robert Peat would be joining as Representative of the Podiatry Managers’ Group. There will be more discussions around Membership later on at item 8.
Professor Stuart Baird, Nicola Fleming (New Member), Tom Kelly (New Member), Jo McCardle, Frances McLean (New Member), Robert Peat (New Member), George Rendall, Claire Ross, Hamish Stewart (New Member), John Veto, Kevin Cole.
3.Minutes of the last meeting 8th September 2014
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
4.Matters Arising/Outstanding Actions
It was noted that the only outstanding action (apart from a few that were in hand) was the Update on the Joint Podiatry Meeting which will be getting discussed later on in the meeting.
5.NES Update
SWO provided NES Update on number of NES activities, which are listed below:
Review of NES Advisory Groups
SWO informed the Group that there is going to be a Review of all of the NES Advisory Groups and that the purpose of this Review is that at the moment the NES Advisory Groups approach the format with different angles and that these need to be consistent. The outcome of this Review is going to look at what NES gets out of these Advisory Group Meetings.
This will be a formal review which will be undertaken by Iain Colthart who is the Research Officer with NES and will be looking at how these Groups approach things differently. SL informed the Group that Iain might possibly have some individual meetings with members of the Advisory Groups. It was noted that the timescale for this exercise was approximately 4 months.
SL mentioned that there is a gap within the Membership which there was discussion later on in the meeting under Item 8 “Membership”.
Advanced Practice
SWO informed the Group that there is an Advanced Practice Summit which is being held on Monday, 9th March 2015 which is open to all Allied Health Professionals. SG mentioned that colleagues rely on the information being disseminated around the Professions and sometimes by the time they receive this they don’t have enough time to seek approval at attending. It was noted that March isn’t a good time to hold these Events as it is year end, and that April/May would be a much more suitable time to hold these. SG informed the Group that he shall be attending the Event on 9th March.
SWO confirmed that she would take comments and concerns back from the Group to the Team about the short notice of the information from colleagues as it seems to be lost in the dissemination and to try to avoid year end for arranging Events.
Action :SWO taking comments back to Team regarding the timing of future Events at this time of year
Post-registration Framework
SWO informed the Group that Dr. Val Blair, Programme Director that she had been presenting various Workshops in the Health Boards and she wasn’t sure if there were any future Workshops planned for 2015.
MB stated that he had attended one in Dundee and that WMcM had indicated that he wasn’t aware of seeing any information regarding these Workshops.
SG suggested in future that any Reports from Support Workers could be shared with the Group as he thought that the Report which was previously circulated was good shared learning. Group agreed that the AHP Career Fellowship Newsletter would be a good way of sharing this information.
Action :ET to have a discussion with Helen McFarlane about sharing Support Workers Reports with the Group via the Newsletter
Festival of Learning
The Festival of Learning Events are focussing on making the most to technology to enhance AHP Practice.
Action :ET to email Group the Festival of Learning Flyer, 20th April 2015
NES Strategy
Copies of the NES Strategy 2011-2014 were circulated at the meeting and SL gave an update. There was a decision to refresh the NES Strategy which has been strengthened, and this had been submitted to the NES Board which aligns with the 2020 NES Workforce.
This is a much more slimmed document which is called “Making the Next Chapter Happen” 2015-2020 which will be distributed in April 2015 and will be in a PDF Format,as there will be a limited print run, and will be uploaded onto the NES AHP Website.
If any Members have any comments to email them to directly to SL.
Action :ET to send NES Strategy link to Group
Group to send comments back to SL
Podiatric Surgery
SWO provided an update that recruitment had not been finalised and is being worked on at the moment.
There is some process in agreeing on an exam and working along with QMU (the awarding body) in March, there is some also negotiation but hopefully will have a respond shortly.
SWO thanked members who commented on the HCPC Standards of Education and Training.
Nicole Casey,Policy Manager of HCPC, attended the NES Overarching Advisory Group on 8th December 2014, who presented a Workshop on the HCPC Standards of Education and Training. There will be a further Workshop at a future Overarching Advisory Group.
SL reported that HCPC recently published a review around Fitness for Practice issues.
This review highlighted working in isolation often led to clinician disengagement, resulting in poor performance.
SL suggested that this will be circulated to Group for discussion.
Discussion took place around this and it was highlighted that Managers should be made aware of the conclusions and HEIs.
Action :SL to circulate link to document “Stopping Small Problems becoming Big Problems”
Podiatry Workforce Report
We are looking for Podiatrists (Podo Podiatrists) who work with Children to let SWO know, contact details are: .
Action :All to email SWO with names of Podiatrists working with Children
There was a discussion on the Workforce Reports that we should have a dedicated slot at the next meeting to look at in detail. Iain Colthart, Research Officer who is doing a piece of work on how this is being utilised and :
any trends
concern of trends of report
could be enhanced
data sets
There was a suggestion that we might invite Representative(s) from Regional Workforce Planners Group and the Podiatry Managers Group, and it was agreed that RP and WMcM would take this on and find Representative maybe Annie Ingram or Jim Cannon.
Action:RP and WMcM will collate from Podiatry Managers Group
Action:ET to add slot onto next agenda in September
Action:SL to seek representation from Workforce Planner Meeting
SWO to invite along Claire Tochel(Workforce Analyst) and Colin Tilley (Educational Projects Manager) to next meeting of the Podiatry Group to discuss the Podiatry Workforce Report.
Action :SWO to invite Claire and Colin to next meeting on 30th September 2015
It was agreed that Podiatry Workforce Report would be a Morning Session on theAgenda for the next meeting on 30th September 2015.
Action :ET to add as an Agenda Item to next meeting
Representative for NES Overarching Advisory Group
SL asked the Group if they could identify a Deputy for the next Overarching Advisory Group Meeting on 20th April 2015 which will be held at QMU rather than NES Offices at Westport as previously noted as RL is unavailable to attend the meeting.
It was agreed that KU would attend the next NES Advisory Group Meeting in place of RL.
Action :ET to let JA know that KU attending next Advisory Group Meeting in April
6.Minutes of the NES Advisory Group held on 8th December 2014
The minutes of the last NES Advisory Group were agreed as a correct record.
7.Update on Leadership and Quality Improvement (QI
Susan Shandley gave an update on Leadership and Quality Improvement (QI). ET to circulate copy of the update to the Group.
Action :ET to circulate to Group QI Update
Action :SS to send IHI Link to Group
Action :ET to email Group SS contact details
8.Terms of Reference : Membership
There was a discussion around the Membership of the Group as some Members Terms of Office were coming to an end and that the Group were to have a think if they wished to carry on or not.
The Group looked at the breakdown of the current composition of the Representation from Stakeholder Groupswhich is reflected in Table 1 below (New Members are marked inred / stepping down inpurple):Sector / Member
Service Users / Steve Graham
Tom Kelly1 New Representative
Practitioners / Jo McArdle (Diabetes)
Michael Black (MSK)* Stepping Down
(3rd March 2015)
Frances McLean1 New Representative
Maria Martinez1 New Representative
Staff Side / Rachel Little
Managers / William McMurrich
Robert Peat1 New Representative
Hamish Stewart 1 New Representative
Independent / George Rendall
Kevin Cole
Team Leaders / Nicola Fleming1 New Representative
Wilma Phillips1 New Representative
Education Providers / Jackie Locke* Stepping Down
(30th September 2015)
John Veto
Stuart Baird
Professional Body / Karen Utting(Scottish Forum)
Assistant/Support Staff / Gap
Students / Gap
NES / Sharon Wiener-Ogilvie
Elaine Thompson
Chair / John Callaghan(Staff Side)* Stepping Down
(30th September 2015)
*Stepping Down
1 New Representative
MB intimated that this would be his last meeting and SL thanked MB for his contributions to the Group.
JL and JC also intimated that they would be stepping down at the next meeting in September 2015.
There were some discussions around gaps within the Membership, and it was noted that GR found attending these meetings difficult. It was mentioned that KC and GR could possibly rotate between the meetings and SWO would get in touch with them regarding this suggestion of rotation.
Action :SWO to correspond with KC and GR about rotating at meetings
One of the Gaps within the Membership is with students and JL suggested that there was a possibility that students from GCU and QMU would welcome opportunity to join and maybe alternating every 6 months. JL suggested that he would have a conversation with SB around the student representation.
Action :JL to have conversation with SB around student representation and to let SWO of outcome
9.Hot Topics/Priority Themes
MB is going to email SWO Hot Topics that can be added to the Hot Topics Template.
Action :MB to email SWO Hot Topics
SWO asked the Group to have a think about what other additional Educational Needs they would like to be included on the Hot Topic List before the next meeting in September.
10.Integration of Health and Social Care
Cheryl Harvey gave a Powerpoint Presentation on the Integration of Health and Social Care. ET to email Presentation to the Group.
Action :ET to circulate Presentation to Group
11.Any Other Business
There were no other business
12.Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
Please note that the meeting is Wednesday, 30th September 2015 and not as I had previously stated in the agenda (29th September 2015). The time is 11am-3pm and will be held in Room 5, NES Offices, Central Quay, Glasgow.
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