10365 Keller Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505

Thursday, February 17, 2005, 5:30 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER – 5:30 p.m.

CLOSED SESSION – 5:31 p.m.

1. Student Disciplinary Actions

a. Expulsion Cases #2004-05-39, 40, 41, 42 and 43

2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release

a. Certificated Employee

b.  Classified Employee

c.  Management

3. Conference with Labor Negotiator

Agency Negotiator: Suzanne M. Pickup

Employee Organizations:

a. Alvord Educators Association

b.  California School Employees Association, Chapter 339

4. Conference with Real Property Negotiators

a. Property: Morally Properties – APN #142-030-029-7, 146-261-019-0

(4550 La Sierra Avenue, 4671 La Sierra Avenue)

Agency Negotiators: Paul Jessup, Superintendent, and Wendel Tucker, Assistant Superintendent

Negotiating Parties: John and Julia Morally

Under Negotiations: Terms and Conditions of Lease/Purchase Agreement

b. Properties: RY Properties – APN #135-280-040, 007

(Located at Pierce and Indiana)

Agency Negotiators: Paul Jessup, Superintendent, and Wendel Tucker, Assistant Superintendent

Negotiating Party: Robert Yu, RY Properties

Under Negotiations: Terms and Conditions of Purchase Agreement



Multipurpose Room

10346 Keller Avenue

Riverside, California




1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. – President Mike McKelroy

2. Establishment of Quorum: A quorum is expected with Mr. Mike McKelroy, Mr. K.R. Zack Earp, Mr. Ben Johnson II, Mr. Greg Kraft, and Mr. José Luis Pérez in attendance.

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Board, staff and audience.

4. Special Recognitions:

a. Recognition of Red Ribbon Week Contest Winners: The Board of Education will recognize students, staff and schools that were selected as winners in the Red Ribbon Week poster contest and school decorating contest.

b. Recognize Site/Department Classified Employees of the Year 2005: The Alvord Unified School District will recognize and congratulate the following individuals for being chosen as their site/department Classified Employees of the Year for 2005!

Ron Bancroft, Head Custodian Arlanza Elementary

Rigoberto (Rigo) Gonzales, Custodian Collett Elementary

Cindy Bengtson, Clerk Typist II Foothill Elementary

Mercedes Palomares, Special Ed. Asst. II La Granada Elementary

Tracy Jean, Special Ed. Assistant McAuliffe Elementary

Patti Mangiacavelli, Food Service Worker II Myra Linn Elementary

Jose Garcia, Head Custodian Orrenmaa Elementary

Brett McGuire, Custodian Promenade Elementary

Kim Monnig, Clerk Typist II Rosemary Kennedy Elementary

Julie Bostrom, Clerk Typist I Terrace Elementary

Phyllis Stolls, Instructional Asst./Comp. Twinhill Elementary

Leilani Adams, Clerk Typist II Valley View Elementary

Jan Lamers, School Secretary Arizona Middle

Jaime Guerrero, Custodian Loma Vista Middle

Elizabeth Silkwood, Food Service Worker II Villegas Middle

Marnie Smith, Special Ed. Asst. Wells Middle

Debbie Moon, Custodian Alvord High School

Lynda Kosalka, Clerk Typist II La Sierra High School

Sarah Rivera, Campus Supervisor II Norte Vista High School

Terry Tucker, Maintenance Worker II Maintenance and Operations

Mary Park, Acct. Tech. Comp. Service Child Nutrition

George Casillas, Custodian District Office

Maria Vargas, Bilingual Translator/Interpreter Student Services Center

Akua Bats, PRIME-Time Facilitator Before/After School Program

c. Employee of the Year Recognitions: The Alvord Unified School District will recognize and congratulate the following individuals for being chosen as Employee of the Year for 2005! Awards will be presented by Paul Jessup, Kathy Wright, Wendel Tucker, Robert Shorb and Chuck Fischer.

w Jan Lamers, Classified Employee of the Year

w Bette Lescarbeau, Confidential Employee of the Year

w Bill Eaton, Administrator (Classified Management) of the Year

w Gina Simpson, Administrator (Certificated Management) of the Year

w Jim Sullivan, Principal of the Year

d. National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification: Liana Collica, a teacher at Terrace Elementary School was recently certified by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards. The Board of Education will recognize and congratulate her on this achievement and prestigious honor.



This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to five minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.


5. Consent Agenda:

Your Superintendent recommends approval of Consent Agenda items 5.a. – 5.x.

Board/Superintendent Item

a. Approve Minutes: Board approval is requested for the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 3, 2005.

Instructional Support Services Items

b. Approve Overnight Trip – AVID College Tour 2005 – Norte Vista High School: Board approval is requested for forty students and three chaperones from Norte Vista High School to attend an AVID College Tour of six university campuses on March 6-11, 2005 in northern and central, California.

Fiscal Impact: $10,144.00 (To be paid by Norte Vista High School AVID Fundraisers)

c. Approve Overnight Trip to the 2005 Virtual Enterprise Trade Fair and Competitions – La Sierra High School: Board approval is requested for twelve students and two chaperones from La Sierra High School to attend the Virtual Enterprise Trade Fair and Competitions on March 6-7, 2005 in San Francisco, California.

Fiscal Impact: $5,175.00 (Categorical – International Business Academy Partnership Grant)

d. Approve Overnight Trip to the CIF Masters Wrestling Tournament – La Sierra and Norte Vista High Schools: Board approval is requested for nine students and four chaperones from La Sierra and Norte Vista high schools to attend the CIF Masters Wrestling Tournament on February 25-26, 2005, at Fountain Valley High School in Fountain Valley, California.

Fiscal Impact: La Sierra High School: Approximately $630.00 (ASB Wrestling Funds)

Norte Vista High School: Approximately $540.00 (ASB Wrestling Funds)

e. Approve Overnight Trip to the CIF State Wrestling Tournament – La Sierra and Norte Vista High Schools: Board approval is requested for qualifying students and required chaperones from La Sierra and Norte Vista high schools to attend the CIF State Wrestling Tournament on March 4-5, 2005, at the Bakersfield Convention Center in Bakersfield, California.

Fiscal Impact: La Sierra High School: Approximately $630.00 (ASB Wrestling Funds)

Norte Vista High School: Approximately $540.00 (ASB Wrestling Funds)

f. Amend Agreement for Consultant Services – Houghton Mifflin Professional Development Training: Board approval is requested to amend the agreement between Houghton Mifflin and Alvord Unified School District for Assembly Bill 466 professional development training held from September 13, 2004 through November 5, 2004.

Fiscal Impact: $11,250.00 (Categorical – Title II)

g. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – John Archambault: Board approval is requested for consultant services between John Archambault and Alvord Unified School District to present two assemblies during the Annual Author’s Fair at Terrace Elementary School on April 22, 2005.

Fiscal Impact: $775.00 (Categorical – School Improvement)

h. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – Riverside Art Museum: Board approval is requested for consultant services between the Riverside Art Museum and Alvord Unified School District to provide five classroom demonstrations for the after-school Art Club at Terrace Elementary School from February 18, 2005 through June 30, 2005.

Fiscal Impact: $100.00 (Categorical – School Improvement)

i. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services – San Bernardino County Museum: Board approval is requested for consultant services between the San Bernardino County Museum and Alvord Unified School District to provide a classroom demonstration on science concepts at Terrace Elementary School on February 22, 2005.

Fiscal Impact: $140.15 (Categorical – School Improvement)

Operational Support Services Items

j. Approve Purchase Order List Number 12-2004-2005: Board approval is requested for Purchase Order List Number 12, Purchase Order Numbers 94273 through 94463 (Total 191); and Child Nutrition Purchase Order Numbers 5295 through 5302 (Total 8) in the amount of $253,145.93.

Fiscal Impact: $253,145.93 (General Fund)

k. Renew Contract with Broadspire: Board approval is requested for the renewal of a three year contract with a 3% annual increase for third-party workers’ compensation administration provided by Broadspire.

Fiscal Impact: $49,796.00 year one; $51,290.00 year two; $52,829.00 year three (Self Insurance Fund)

l. Renew Policy with Midwest Employers Casualty Company: Board approval is requested for the renewal of the Excess Workers’ Compensation policy with Midwest Employers Casualty Company.

Fiscal Impact: $55,729.00 (Self Insurance Fund)

m. Approve Change Order – ASR Constructors, Inc. – Ysmael Villegas Middle School – Phase III: Board approval is requested of the change order for ASR Constructors, Inc. related to Ysmael Villegas Middle School’s Phase III project.

Fiscal Impact: $6,676.71 (Local Bond Fund)

n. Approve Change Order – Champion Electric, Inc. – Ysmael Villegas Middle School – Phase III: Board approval is requested of the change order for Champion Electric, Inc. related to Ysmael Villegas Middle School’s Phase III project.

Fiscal Impact: $33,451.79 (Local Bond Fund)

o. Approve Change Order – Fischer Plumbing – Ysmael Villegas Middle School – Phase III: Board approval is requested of the change order for Fischer Plumbing related to Ysmael Villegas Middle School’s Phase III project.

Fiscal Impact: $1,081.00 (Local Bond Fund)

p. Approve Change Order – Inland Building Companies – Ysmael Villegas Middle School – Phase III: Board approval is requested of the change order for Inland Building Companies related to Ysmael Villegas Middle School’s Phase III project.

Fiscal Impact: $573.00 (Local Bond Fund)

q. Approve Change Order – Lozano Caseworks, Inc. – Ysmael Villegas Middle School – Phase III: Board approval is requested of the change order for Lozano Caseworks, Inc. related to Ysmael Villegas Middle School’s Phase III project.

Fiscal Impact: $382.00 (Local Bond Fund)

r. Approve Change Order – West-Helm Construction, Inc. – Ysmael Villegas Middle School – Phase III: Board approval is requested of the change order for West-Helm Construction, Inc. related to Ysmael Villegas Middle School’s Phase III project.

Fiscal Impact: $1,536.00 (Local Bond Fund)

s. Approve Notice of Completion – K.D. Acoustics – Loma Vista Middle School – Group J Modernization Project: Board approval is requested to file a Notice of Completion for K. D. Acoustics for completion of their contract obligations related to Loma Vista Middle School’s Group J Modernization Project.

Fiscal Impact: None

t. Approve Notice of Completion – K&Z Cabinet Co., Inc. – Loma Vista Middle School – Group J Modernization Project: Board approval is requested to file a Notice of Completion for K&Z Cabinet Co., Inc. for completion of their contract obligations related to Loma Vista Middle School’s Group J Modernization Project.

Fiscal Impact: None

Personnel Services Items

u. Approve Personnel Order #12-2004-2005: Board approval of Personnel Order #12 is requested.

v. Approve Increase in Months – Categorical Clerk Typist II Position – Foothill Elementary School: Board approval is requested to increase the work year of the Categorical Clerk Typist II position at Foothill Elementary School from a ten month position to a twelve month position.

Fiscal Impact: $2,180.00 (2004-2005)

$7,280.00 (2005-2006)

(Categorical – 50%-Title I, 30%-School Improvement, 20%-Limited English Proficient)

w. Approve Revised Job Description for Instructional Computer Assistant: Board approval is requested of the revised job description for Instructional Computer Assistant.

Fiscal Impact: None

x. Reclassify Seventeen Instructional Assistant/Computer Range 23 Positions to Instructional Computer Assistant Range 26 Positions: Board approval is requested to reclassify all Instructional Assistant/Computer Range 23 positions to Instructional Computer Assistant Range 26 positions effective July 1, 2004.

Fiscal Impact: $31,705.87

$4,585.78 (General Fund)

$27,120.09 (Categorical – $17,464.35-Title I; $9,018.24-School

Improvement; $637.50-Limited English Proficient)


Instructional Support Services Item

6. Student Disciplinary Actions: Board action will be requested following consideration in Closed Session on the following Student Disciplinary Actions:

a.  Expulsion Cases #2004-05-39, 40, 41, 42 and 43

Personnel Services Item

7. Adopt Resolution No. 27 – Revised Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 27 – the Revised Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators.


Board of Education Item

8. Riverside County School Boards Association Report: Board Vice President Zack Earp will report on the February 9, 2005, Board of Directors Meeting.

Operational Support Services Items

9. Security Cameras at School Sites: Staff will present a report on providing security cameras at Alvord Unified School District facilities and sites.

10. Monthly Facility Update: Staff will provide an update on the progress at the new construction site, campus upgrades and the Facility Master Plan.

11. Naming of Schools and Other Facilities: Staff seeks directions from the Board concerning the procedure for naming schools and other facilities.



Board of Education Meetings

March 3, 2005 7:00 p.m.

March 17, 2005 7:00 p.m.

April 7, 2005 7:00 p.m.

April 21, 2005 7:00 p.m.

May 5, 2005 7:00 p.m.

May 19, 2005 7:00 p.m.

June 2, 2005 7:00 p.m.

June 30, 2005 7:00 p.m.

July 14, 2005 7:00 p.m.

August 11, 2005 7:00 p.m.

September 1, 2005 7:00 p.m.

September 15, 2005 7:00 p.m.

October 6, 2005 7:00 p.m.

October 20, 2005 7:00 p.m.

November 3, 2005 7:00 p.m.

November 17, 2005 7:00 p.m.

December 15, 2005 7:00 p.m.