Iceberg Concept of Culture

  1. Cooking
  1. Fine Arts
  1. Literature4. Drama
  1. Music6. Dancing
  1. Games
  1. Notions of Modesty
  2. Conceptions of Beauty

10. Ideals of Governing11. Child Raising

12. Rules of Descent13. Cosmology

14. Relationship to Animals

15. Patterns of Superior/Subordinate Behavior

16. Definitions of Sin17. Courtship Practices

18. Conception of Justice19. Incentives to Work

20. Notions of Leadership21. Tempo of Work 22. Theory of Disease

23. Conception of Cleanliness24. Patterns of Group Decision-Making

25. Attitudes Toward the Dependent26. Approaches to Problem Solving

27. Eye Behavior28. Conception of Status Mobility29. Conception of Past and Future

30. Roles in Relation to Age, 31. Sex, 32. Class, 33. Occupation, 34. Kinship 35. Definition of Insanity

36. Conversational Patterns in Various Social Contexts37. Nature of Friendship38. Ordering of Time

39. Preference for Competition or Cooperation40. Body Language41. Social Interaction Rate

42. Notions of Adolescence42. Notions about Logic and Validity43. Patterns of Handling Emotions

44. Facial Expressions45. Arrangements of Physical Space

Just as most of the iceberg is out of sight and below the water line, so aremost of what makes up other people’s cultures out of our conscious awareness. There are 45 elements that make up culture on this list, but this list could easily be much longer. In your Cultural Awareness Journal, list the 45 terms (either typed or handwritten in pen), and come up with working definitions for as many as you can in 20 minutes. Think connotatively. Think of cultures you’ve lived in or have visited or observed. You may use examples as part of your definition. Make sure you list them in numerical order because it will make it easier for us to discuss them as a full class. For the ones you can’t define, leave at least three lines of space before moving on to the next one. We will fill in the gaps during class.