The PSA Overseas Conference Grants scheme supports presentation of research at overseas conferences held by national and international political science associations.

Application is by email only to. You will need to follow the guidelines and conditionsset out below.

1. You must be a current member of the Political Studies Association. You must also be recorded by theMembership Officer as having paid a membership subscription for two consecutive years prior tothe year in which you apply, i.e. for applications received between 1 January and 31December 2017, you must have paid a membership subscription in BOTH the calendar years 2015 and 2016. PGN members who do not meet this requirement are still encouraged to apply and can explore the option of multi-year membership.You must NOT have received support from this fund in the past three years.

2. Your funding is limited to accepted-paper presentation only at conferences/meetings/congressesheld by national and international political science associations; we do not support‘International Relations’ or ‘International Studies’ association conferences or other kinds ofconferences (e.g. ECPR, WISC, UACES etc.). The following list is indicative but does not exclude other national PSA venues:

-APSA (including APSA ‘regionals’ such as Midwest, Northeast, Western, Southern)

-APISA (Asian Politics & International Studies Association)

-Argentina PSA

-Australia PSA

-Bolivia PSA

-Brazil PSA

-Canada PSA

-Chile PSA

-Colombia PSA

-Hellenic PSA

-Hong Kong PSA


-Japan PSA

-Korea PSA

-Mexico PSA

-New Zealand PSA

-Slovenia PSA

-South Africa PSA

-Uruguay PSA

3. You must complete the attached form and submit it by email to, accompanied by a brief and relevant CV. All applications will be reviewed by at least two Trustees or Co-opted officers of the PSA.

4. The sum awarded typically isaround £500. Larger awards may be made in cases where justification is provided. In particular we encourage submissions from early career researchers and members without institutional support, and those that promote equality and diversity within the profession.

5. You will be paid only against receipts before or after the event. Actual receipts (from airlines,hotels etc., not just credit card statements) MUST be submitted to the PSA within 6 weeks following the event and listed on the relevant hardcopy form, posted to the addresson the form [or scanned and emailed]. Only travel and accommodation costs will be covered, notsubsistence or conference registration or membership fees for other associations.

6. Applications must be by email tween 1 January and 31 December2017, and decisions will be made promptly in order of receipt until funds are exhausted. You mayapply in advance of paper-acceptance but payment of an award cannot be authorised untildocumentary evidence of acceptance (e.g. email acknowledgement from the conferenceorganisers) has been received. After funds are exhausted through an initial allocation, there will be awaiting list in case of default or cancellation.

7. You may be asked to write a short ‘feature’ report about your experience forpublication on the PSA website. Photographs are also very welcome. We also encourage submission of contributions based on your paper to the PSA Blog. Overseas trips that include additional activities aimed at raising the international visibility of political studies (e.g. outreach events, practitioner engagement, other forms of dissemination) will be considered for additional funding under the scheme.

Overseas Conference Grant*
Institutional Affiliation:
Year PhD awarded:
Have you received overseas conference funding from the PSAwithin the last 3 years? / Please detail if applicable.
Conference Details
Location and Date(s):
Paper/Workshop Title:
Abstract (paste below as submitted):
Please indicate if you would be willing to write a blog based on your research: / Y / N
Details of additional activities (optional):
Amount requested: / £
  • *Please paste below a short CV to accompany your application: