Summit Trail Solarium

~ Statement of Mission ~

Paid for exclusively by ASU student fees, the Summit Trail Solarium is intended for use primarily as a public gathering space for the diverse populations of the Appalachian campus. As such, the Summit Trail Solarium encourages an environment that promotes casual, non-structured usage, and the lively exchange of ideas through informal interactions among students, faculty and staff. To fulfill this mission, use of the Summit Trail Solarium will be non-reserveable between the hours of 10am - 5pm daily and 5pm - 10pm Sunday through Wednesday.

On designated evenings (Thursday – Friday between 5pm – 10pm and Saturday between 1pm – 10pm), ASU student, faculty or staff organizations may reserved the Summit Trail Solarium. Events may be public or private and may allow the use of alcohol. Reserved uses of the Summit Trail Solarium may involve a staffing fee. Reservations are restricted to uses appropriate to this space. The PSU and Legends both offer spaces that are better suited to accommodate usage for late-night social events/dances, DJs, etc.

In order to fulfill its mission to the Appalachian campus, the Department of Student Programs will occasionally host its own public events intended to entertain and benefit the Appalachian campus at large. Musical performances, novelty acts and presentations may be scheduled by Student Programs during daytime and nighttime operational hours. For other organizations, musical performances may be allowed (See Musical Performance Exception in Solarium Policies).

Consistent with current policies outlining usage of the Plemmons Student Union, individual ASU students, faculty or staff will not be able to reserve the Summit Trail Solarium. Accordingly, the Student Union will not schedule such non-university functions as dinner rehearsals, wedding receptions, showers, family reunions, etc.

Non-university groups and agencies are not eligible for facility space, unless scheduled through the Office of Conferences & Institutes, during the summer sessions, and approved by the Department of Student Programs.

Solarium Operation Policies

Solarium & Balcony Hours

Monday – Friday 10am – 10:30pm

·  Profile Lounge Open: 8am – 11:00pm

Saturday 1pm – 5pm

·  Profile Lounge Open: 9am – 11:00pm

Sunday 6pm – 10:30pm

·  Profile Lounge Open: 9am – 11:00pm

Solarium Reservation Policy

The Solarium may not be reserved for meetings or one-time special events during the day between 10am – 5pm and between 5pm – 10pm Sunday – Wednesday evenings. This prevents the use of the Solarium for fairs, contact tables, classes, impromptu meetings, etc. – as well as the display of signage in the Solarium and Balcony area (Homecoming exception for Balcony banners).

Musical Performance Exception

Exceptions to these reservation limitations may be made for certain types of musical performances only. These must be performance compatible with the solarium atmosphere and will generally be limited to classical chamber music, vocal ensembles, jazz, new age, piano or folk music.

Musical performance approval for exceptions on Sundays – Wednesdays is on a case by case basis and rests on the entertainment still allowing students their normal solarium routines of studying, eating, visiting with friends, etc. This type of background music must either be non-amplified or must use one of the Plemmons Student Union (PSU) sound systems and requires a paid PSU sound technician to be present. No speeches or presentations are allowed. No admission or donations are allowed. No theatrical performances allowed.

The Solarium may not be reserved as a back-up rain location.

Flyers on tables are allowed in the Solarium on the day of the event and if the event is scheduled in the PSU or Legends, size restricted to quarter page size.

Occupancy Limit: First Floor – 222 Patron (80 for dinners)

Balcony – 42 Patrons

Evening Social Event Types

Public Events

The Solarium may be reserved Thursday – Friday between 5pm – 10pm and Saturday between 1pm – 10pm for events open to the public. The Balcony will remain open for normal public usage during Thursday night reservations.

·  Hor d’oeuves may be served at open events.

·  A minimum of 50 participants is required in order to have a reserved event.

(1) Public Event – Interested Patrons (Door-Monitored)

Solarium is open to the campus public, but only to those who are interested in attending the scheduled event. The Solarium will be cleared of all casual users at least one half hour prior to scheduled event for event set-up and cleaning.

·  Event Staff members at the Solarium entrances will inform those entering of the nature of the event occurring within the Solarium.

·  Admission fee may be accepted. Admission fee excludes the serving of alcohol.

(2) Public Event – Normal Patron Usage

Solarium is open to casual, public usage during event.

·  Event Staff Fee is required if event involves programmatic activities and/or stage usage. Event Staff members at the Solarium entrances will inform those entering of the nature of the event occurring within the Solarium. If no program and/or stage usage, there is no Event Staff Fee required.

·  Admission fee may not be accepted.

Private Events

The Solarium may be reserved Thursday – Friday between 5pm – 10pm and Saturday between 1pm – 10pm for closed (members & guests only) events. The Solarium will be cleared of all casual users at least one half hour prior to scheduled event for event set-up and cleaning. The Balcony would be closed to the public for private Solarium events.

·  Event Staff members at the Solarium entrances will only allow admittance to those whose names have been provided on a roster of organization members & guests.

·  Banquets (buffet style & prepared plates) are allowed only during private events. Banquet seating is limited to 80 people at two (2) and four (4) person round tables only. Banquets are limited to closed events to allow for sufficient seating for event guests.

·  A minimum of 50 potential guests is required in order to have a reserved event.

·  Admission fee may be accepted. Admission fee excludes the serving of alcohol.

Important Note

All public & private events must use the room in its standard day-time usage set-up.

The lack of storage space and the general lay-out of furniture in the Solarium would generally prohibit the use of this space for dances.

Staffing Fee

The following staffing rate applies:

Private Solarium events will require a minimum of two (2) Event Staff. One staff member will be stationed at each of the Solarium entrances.

Public Solarium public events that are door-monitored will require a minimum of two (2) Event Staff. One staff member will be stationed at each of the Solarium entrances.

Minimum staffing fee is $20 per hour for non-alcoholic events. Additional staff at $10 per hour each may be required based on the nature of the event (alcohol allowed, admission charged, etc.) and estimated attendance.

Alcohol Policy

Events (public [Door monitored] & private) in the Solarium may allow alcohol, limited to wine and beer in glass bottles. In the case of an alcohol event, the PSU staff will verify event patrons of legal drinking age, and will serve/distribute to event patrons all alcoholic beverages.

·  Sponsoring organization must provide the wine/beer that is to be distributed to the public. No kegs allowed.

·  Individual patrons may not bring their own wine/beer to the event.

·  When alcohol is served, tickets may not be pre-sold or sold at the event nor may donations be solicited.

·  Minors accompanied by an adult may be allowed in attendance at events where alcohol is served.

Food Policy

Only Hor d’oeuves or meals may be served in the Solarium. Outside caterers are permissible. The PSU will provide tables on which food may be placed.

Room Set-Ups

Solarium furniture can not be removed from the Solarium. Events must use the furniture according to its normal lay-out.


Event Music allowed: Pre-recorded music (CDs) or small acoustic performances (Jazz, Chamber Music, i.e.). Admission may not be charged for small acoustic performances.