Georgia’s Miss Public Safety South Georgia Regional Pageant
GMPS will make a donation to the following organizations
Victim’s Service Unit of GriffinPike County Fire Auxiliary
Pike County Auditorium
June 27, 2009
Registration 10:00 and Pageant begins at 11:00
0-18 mos. - Baby Miss, 19-35 mos. – Tiny Miss, 3-5 yrs Toddler Miss, 6-8 yrs Little Miss , 9-11 yrs Junior Miss, 12-14 yrs Young Miss, 15-19 yrs Teen Miss
$75.00 Beauty: Includes Prettiest Hair, Eyes, Smile, and Photogenic and Supreme $25.00 (Optional)
All fees are non-refundable.
Beauty: Contestants will model in a “T” pattern. Beauty Dress or Sunday Dress. No makeup on girls 5 and under. Light makeup on 6 and up.
One parent may accompany children under age 4 on stage during competition.
Photogenic: Submit 1 color or black & white recent photo with entry form. Photos are judged on personality of child, not quality of photo.
No GLITZ pictures.
Round Crown, Monogrammed Sash, and goodie bag. All participants will receive a participation gift. All contestants receive fees off our State Pageant in October.
$3.00 (Adults and children over 5 yrs. Of age) Each contestant will be given one (1) free ticket.
or email:
Sweetheart Title:
Contestant selling the most Wish Tickets will receive a crown, banner, trophy and gift. Wish Tickets are $2.00. Ask your family and friends to help you sell these tickets. Make copies, fill in information, and bring to registration. One ticket will be drawn and that person will receive a gift.(Ticketes are on back of application)
AGE DIVISION: (circle one)
Tiny Miss (0-18 mos.) Baby Miss (19-35mos) Toddler Miss (3-5 yrs) Little Miss (6-8 yrs.)
Junior Miss (9-11 yrs.) Young Miss (12-14 yrs.) Teen Miss (15-19yrs)
Categories Entered:
Beauty ($75.00) ______Discount ______Late Entry for Door Entry ($85.00) ______Supreme ($25.00) _____
Deposit ______Public Safety Discount ______(if any) Fees owed______
NAME: ______DATE OF BIRTH: ______Age:______
ADDRESS: ______
PARENTS:______Email:______TELEPHONE: ______
As parent/guardian of ______, I Understand that members of Georgia’s Miss Public Safety are not responsible for any accident, injury or theft incurred at the pageant or during transportation to and from. Any and all publicity, bookings, parades, etc. will be handled by Georgia’s Miss Public Safety.
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______
Emcee Card
Now taking the stage is (name) ______
She is (age) ______years old and from______
She has (hair color) ______hair and (eye color) ______eyes.
Her favorite food is______. Her hobbies include______
______.Family and Friends say that ______, ______
And______are three words that describe her best. She feels that her best quality is
______. Her future plans are to become a/an ______.
(Name)______is sponsored today by: ______.
Ladies and Gentlemen this is (name) ______contestant #______
Wish Tickets:
Copy and bring to registration with Donation money
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______
Contestant Name: ______Contestant Name: ______
Donation made by :______Donation made by :______