STANDARD MAIL:Norfolk District Corps of Engineers
803 Front Street
Norfolk, Virginia 23510-1096 / E-MAIL:
(Randy Steffey is Environmental Scientist/Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers – Norfolk District)
Dear Sirs:
Thank you for an opportunity to comment on the application by Dominion Virginia Power to construct a new electrical transmission power line and associated infrastructure, known as Surry – Skiffes Creek –WhealtonProject across the lower James River.
The request for the permit argues this line is the most cost effective solution based on the need for increased power capacity on the peninsula as a result of the anticipated closing of several coal fired power plants.
Unfortunately, theapplicant has selected a site which is in the epicenter of the founding of Virginia and the United States. In fact, the James has been designated by Congress as the FOUNDING RIVER. The scenic, historic, and economic viability of this area is at risk.
This project would ruin many natural, historic, and scenic resources along the James River, including the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail; the Jamestown National Historic Site, recognized as a premier American historic property; the Colonial Parkway, now on the National Register of Historic Places, and eligible to be a National Historic Landmark; and Carter’s Grove, also on the National Registry of Historic Places and a National Historic Landmark. Would you like to kayak around towers or look out from Carter’s Grove upon towers as high as the Statue of Liberty?
Available cost-effective and reliable alternatives will achieve the stated objective of the applicant. The Corps has a responsibility not to sacrifice these irreplaceable historic assets when viable options to the proposed project exist. There are more costs to consider than those of the applicant.
I request that you not issue this permit to Dominion Power.