
Independenttransactions(for example, companies engaged in both3317

….transactionsare with a related entity rather than with an independent44089

the accounting for lease financing transactionsby independent44117

….transactionsinvolving manufacturers or dealers with independent44629

profit on the sale and (b) treatment as two independent transactions….72933


..transactionsbe amortized over the life of the lease. The adoption of3393

in essence capital transactions.APB 27: Accounting for Lease

…Transactionsby Manufacturer or Dealer43977

the accounting for lease financing transactionsby independent44117

Two-party Lease Transactions….44135

4. Leases equivalent to sales. Some lease transactionswith44147

some lease transactionsthat otherwise appear to meet the tests of44269

some operating lease transactionsand thus retain substantial risks of44429

The Opinion entitled "Accounting for Lease Transactionsby44645

Lease Transactionsby Manufacturer or Dealer Lessors"; and APB Opinion67497

purchaser in some operating lease transactionsand thus retain69069

Opinion No. 27, "Accounting for Lease Transactionsby Manufacturer or71147

Sale-Leaseback Transactions….72915


Accrual accounting goes beyond cash transactionsand attempts to156385

goes beyond cash transactionsand recognizes the financial effects on161693

cash, by issuing stock, or in transactionswith related parties. If196391

…..transactionsinvolve a number of overlapping cash-to-cash cycles of202485

80. Thus, accrual accounting is based not only on cash transactions….209125

Non-Cash- Transactions

….transactionsfrom noncash transactions is compounded by the high138879

transactions from noncash transactionsis compounded by the high138879

smaller, and noncash transactionsare less prevalent. Gross cash flow139081

recognize the financial effects of noncash transactionsand events as156387


in other nonmonetary assets--are monetary transactionssince the47233


Accounting for Nonmonetary Transactions….46941

nonmonetary transactionshave been accounted for at the estimated fair47065

Present Accounting for Nonmonetary Transactions….47249

nonmonetary transactionsare nonreciprocal transfers between an47305

7. Nonmonetary Exchanges. Many nonmonetary transactionsare47331

of the types of nonmonetary transactionsdescribed in paragraphs 5 to47389

"part-monetary, part-nonmonetary" transactionshaving illogical48051


Problem. Business transactionsoften involve the exchange of36477

. Most business transactionsinvolve exchanges of cash or other47023

exchange transactionsto be inappropriate for restructured receivables117261

economic effect on transactionsthat require exchanges between a131611

and no exchange gain or loss on the current year's transactionsis134651

….transactionsmay fit the definition of exchange gains or losses in137645

Interest rate swap transactionsgenerally involve the exchange of147729

short, most liabilities are incurred in exchange transactionsto207299

exchange transactionsare contractual in nature--based on written or207303

in equity. This class comprises four kinds of exchange transactions…..208049

60. Comprehensive income results from (a) exchange transactionsand208461

and most of its exchange transactionswith other entities are ongoing208473

exchange transactionsor to add value through operations to assets it210205

other agreements resulting from exchange transactionsand laws or210643

139. Most liabilities result from exchange transactionsin which an211001

exchange transactionswith other entities that constitute the211323

available to it in exchange transactionsor through production. Once212045

exchange transactionswith other entities. For example, prerelease212165

Exchange transactions 77 …….212559

liabilities but is often closely related to exchange transactionsin213483

in par. 50, the exchange transactionsare in class A, while the213519

liabilities incurred in exchange transactionsare contractual in215571

in equity. This class comprises four kinds of exchange transactions….216509

exchange transactionsand other transfers between the enterprise and216891

…transactionsbut also on credit transactions, barter exchanges,218945

other agreements resulting from exchange transactionsand laws or220855

207. Most liabilities result from exchange transactionsin which an221211

to it in exchange transactionsor through production. Once that222643

Exchange transactions137….223129

exchange transactionsin which the grantor expects to receive224039

liabilities but is often closely related to exchange transactionsin224333

in paragraph 64, the exchange transactionsare in class A, while the224369

resources in exchange transactionsin markets. Both obtain labor,229463


b. Gains and losses on foreign currency transactionsthat are82035

c. Gains and losses on intercompany foreign currency transactions…82045

…Transactionsand Foreign Currency Financial Statements129051

reporting for foreign currency transactionsin financial statements of129141

3. To incorporate foreign currency transactionsand foreign129171

translation of foreign currency transactionsand foreign currency129255

Foreign Currency Transactions….129321

apply to all foreign currency transactionsof an enterprise other than129335

8. Although paragraph 7 refers to foreign currency transactions of129381

…transactions whose terms are stated in a currency other than its local129387

and expenses that result from foreign currency transactionsof the129411

enterprise. Foreign currency transactionsof an enterprise involve129413

liabilities, revenue, and expenses from foreign currency transactions..129417

resulting from foreign currency transactions of the enterprise.129561

foreign currency transactionsare included in income in a different129677

Currency Transactionsand Foreign Currency Financial Statements,"131287


67. Foreign currency transactionsmay involve three stages:131487

economic effect on transactionsthat require exchanges between a131611

Unsettled Foreign Currency Transactions…131623

Future Foreign Currency Transactions…131647

process as foreign currency transactionsof a U.S. company.131709

change on an enterprise's unsettled foreign currency transactionsand131751

to foreign currency transactionsof U.S. and foreign operations. A131755

future local currency transactionsof that operation. For example,131761

attempt to account for local and foreign currency transactionsof132329

consolidated financial statements. The foreign currency transactions…132343

of an enterprise and the local and foreign currency transactionsof132345

currency transactionsof a U.S. enterprise or, with minor132849

translation of foreign currency transactionsand foreign currency132921


numerous foreign currency transactionsor for a foreign operation to133149

and expenses that result from foreign currency transactionsof the133351

retains the foreign currency as the unit of measure for transactions….134641

local currency transactionsduring the current year are restated134647

Foreign Currency Transactions….134669

general basis for translation of foreign currency transactions…136127

foreign currency transactionsmay not be readily ascertainable, the136333

currency transactionsor foreign operations of enterprises vary, and136623

information about foreign currency transactionsand foreign operations137125

Currency Transactionsand Foreign Currency Financial Statements" (see191553


for leasing transactionsand lease agreement revisions (see paragraph70321

have been effective for leasing transactionsentered into on or after71047

Opinion No. 27, "Accounting for Lease Transactionsby Manufacturer or71147

dealers often engaged in leasing transactionsthat, except for the73479

best served by making the statement effective for leasing transactions….73767

Effective Date: For leasing transactionsand revisions entered into139775

and consummating leasing transactions(e.g., commissions and legal139823

incurred in connection with specific leasing transactionsand139847

directly related to consummated leasing transactionsand that vary139873

either with specific leasing transactionsor with the general level of139875

specific completed leasing transactionswould be excessive. The Board139955

respect to completed leasing transactionsshall also be included in140057

be effective for leasing transactionsand lease agreement revisions140087


of past transactionsor events. [Footnote references omitted.]78823

other entities in the future as a result of past transactionsor87331

of past transactionsor events. [Footnote references omitted.]103815

obligation to pay exists as a result of past events or transactions…104773

as a result of past events or transactionsand regardless of future105153

controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactionsor105723

of past transactionsor events. [Footnote references omitted.]105735

the effects of past transactionsand existing conditions, not future132909

change on past unsettled transactions(for example, receivables from135809

Past Transactionsand Existing Conditions153411

effects of past transactionsand existing conditions, not future153425

primarily the effects of past transactionsand existing conditions,154355

entities in the future as a result of past transactionsor events"161829

stewardship use, accounting compiles records of past transactionsand195149

by a particular entity as a result of past transactionsor events.206015

of past transactionsor events.206025

controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactionsor206951

a result of past transactionsor events.207185

past transactionsor events." The following discussion amplifies that209987

entities in the future as a result of past transactionsor events."210599

by a particular entity as a result of past transactionsor events.213957

of past transactionsor events. 213967

controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactionsor215177

a result of past transactionsor events.215459

past transactionsor events." Paragraphs 26-34 amplify that220199

entities in the future as a result of past transactionsor events."220809

of past transactionsor events or the present status of an asset or229859


…..Transactionsand events--past, present or reasonably anticipated.6515

Hedges of Anticipated Transactions….141911

assets, liabilities, firm commitments, or anticipated transactions…142095

certain anticipated transactionsnot involving existing assets,143605

Hedges of Anticipated Transactions…143773

54. Although, in a technical sense, the anticipated transactions…143827

However, not all unpriced anticipated transactionsinvolve risk for an143845

Anticipated transactionsactually increase an enterprise's exposure143863

Swap- Transactions

Interest rate swap transactionsgenerally involve the exchange of147729

in arranging interest rate swap transactionsfor customers. The147739


results of the entity's incidental or peripheral transactionsand some202541

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions206099

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions….206099

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions206111

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions…206111

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions208703

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions…208703

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions208719

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions..208719

incidental transactionsand from other events and circumstances 208743

and incidental transactionsand activities. Revenues and expenses211319

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions214047

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions…214047

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions 214057

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions…214057

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions217141

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions..217141

incidental transactionsof an entity and from all other transactions 217155

incidental transactions of an entity and from all other transactions…217155

gains and losses result from incidental or peripheral transactionsof217277

incidental transactions and activities. Revenues and expenses result 221529


Internal transactions…78 212591

Internal transactions…138 223161