Needville High School

Agricultural Sciences


Equine Science


Classroom H104


Mrs. Stephanie Poe

Phone: (979)793-4308



To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to enhance academic knowledge and skills, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings. Suggested animals which may be included in the course of study include, but are not limited to, horses, donkeys, and mules.


Upon completion of this course:

1.Analyzes equine science as it relates to the selection of horses.

2.Know how to provide proper nutrition using accepted protocols and processes to maintain animal performance.

3.Analyze equine science as it relates to the management of horses.

4.Compare and contrasts issues affecting the equine industry.

5.Learns the employability characteristics of a successful employee.

6.Develops an improved supervised agricultural experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources.


To receive credit in a class, a student must attend at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. A student, who attends fewer than 90 percent of the days the class is offered, may be referred to the attendance review committee to determine whether there are extenuating circumstances for the absences and how the student can regain credit.


  1. A solid colored folder in any color with brads and pockets
  2. A three (3) subject Spiral Notebook (Wide or College Ruled)
  3. Pens and pencils
  4. One regular size bottle of Hand Sanitizer

**Any assignments needed for projects will be announced in advance to allow students time to acquire such materials.


Students will be expected to complete the requirements listed below.

  1. At least two (2) exams per six weeks grading period. Exams will include a variety of types of questions, such as multiple choice, True/False, short answer and essay.
  2. One (1) project per six weeks grading period that will count for the six weeks’ test grade.
  3. Daily applied activities, homework and quizzes related to the current or previous day’s topic(s).
  4. A notebook grade will be given based on the overall look of the notebook and if the student has all assignments located in the notebook.


The following are the point values of each of the course requirements:

AssignmentMaximum Point Value

Exams100 points each

Project200 points (2 test grades)

Daily grades100 points

Notebook Grade100 points


Each student is expected to:

• Demonstrate courtesy and respect for others, even when others do not.

• Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.

• Attend all classes, regularly and on time.

• Be prepared for each class; take appropriate materials and assignments to class.

• Be well groomed and dressed appropriately, as articulated in the Needville ISD Student-Parent Information Guide.

• Obey all campus and classroom rules. (includes cell phones, food and drinks)

• Respect the rights and privileges of other students, teachers and other District staff.

• Respect the property of others, including District property and facilities.

• Cooperate with or assist the school staff in maintaining safety, order and discipline.

• Avoid violations of the Student Code of Conduct.


Parent Signature Date


Student SignatureDate