Sutton Bridge Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on 29th March 2016, at The Curlew Centre, Sutton Bridge.

Cllr Grimwood in the Chair.

Also in attendance: Cllrs S Booth,Brewis, Mrs Canham,Ms Cook,Dewsberry,Fenton, Scarlett, Mrs Scarlett.

Mrs K Croxford– Admin Assistant(Acting as Clerk for the meeting).

Mr D Bell – S106 Facilitator

6 members of the public.

The Chairman greeted all present.

There followed a 15 minute public forum during which two members of the public requested to speak.

The following points was raised;


  • Thanks were given to the Parish Clerk for her continued persistence in contacting the relevant authorities concerning the Bridge Hotel.
  • Concerns were raised regarding work to be carried out by DONG Energy on the Race Bank Wind Farm.

60.16 Apologies:

Apologies were noted for Cllr M Booth & Ms Davis.

61.16 Declarations of interest – to receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests not previously notified to the Monitoring Officer and consideration of

any written request for dispensation;

Cllr Grimwood declared his interest as an Allotment tenant concerning agenda items relating to allotments.

62.16 Signing of the Minutes – Notes of meeting held23rd February 2016 & 1st March 2016 to be accepted as minutes

It was RESOLVED to accept notes of meeting held23rd February 2016 & 1st March 2016 as Minutes.

63.16 Police Matters

The Clerk reported content of an email received from PCSO Mason concerning reports of a green coloured 4x4 V425JMB, two males and a white coloured lurcher actively hare coursing in the area. Any sightings should be reported to the Police as matter of urgency.

64.16 Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman reported;

  • No response had been received from the £50 reward for the vandalism concerning ‘The Commemorative Wood’ sign.
  • A new robust bin had been installed in the Memorial Park.
  • Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Parish Meeting

65.16 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk advised;

  • Refurbishment work to the Pavilion had now been completed.
  • Double yellow lines had been installed on the West Bank/Lime Street junction & Bridge Rd/New Rd junction.
  • Cllr Tyrell (Long Sutton PC) had confirmed that the proposed meeting with Highways was not going ahead, however there would be a meeting on 13th April 2016 at Long Sutton British Legion commencing at 7.00pm– the three Police Commissioner candidates would be attending.
  • Building Control hadconfirmed that the old ‘Fishers’ Shop -8A High Street had been inspected andwhilst it had been establishedthatit was an eyesore,itappeared not to be dangerous at this time.The details had been passed to Planning.
  • The Conservation Area (CA) officer workedpart time and CA designation work was not included in her remit, she was however aware of the work undertaken in 2000 by Mr Scriven which was not taken forward. The owner had been contacted regarding the condition of the ‘Bridge Hotel’ and Building Control & Environment Health had also been notified. The PC would be updated when any further information was available.
  • LCC weretransforming the way they provided street lighting in Lincolnshire which would, save over £1.7m per year, reducethe carbon footprint by over 6,000 tonnes of CO2 and reduce light pollution. The project would deliver changes from April 2016 and was due to deliver the full benefits by the end of March 2017. It was confirmed that there would be a consultation on the proposals, further details to be circulated once received. For further information please email

66.16 To receive reports from County and District Councillors

District Cllr M Booth: N/A

County Cllr C Brewis:

Cllr Brewis reported;

  • The condition of the Bridge Hotel to be discussed at the forthcoming District meeting.
  • Hospital Road & Garners Road – Pot Holes were in the process of being repaired.
  • Sutton Bridge Football Club had won aCup.
  • Objections to be raised in relation to withdrawing the Saturday Skip Service at the next

District Councilmeeting.

67.16 Financial Matters

a. Schedule of Payments29.3.16

Payee / Detail / Chq. No. / Net / VAT / Total
Fraser Dawbarns / Legal Services / 715 / 32.00 / 32.00
BT / Calls & Broadband / DD / 59.25 / 11.85 / 71.10
G. Goodwin & Son / Park Equipment / 716 / 170.00 / 34.00 / 204.00
Longstaff / Chartered Surveyors / 717 / 250.00 / 50.00 / 300.00
LALC / Office Stationary / 718 / 40.00 / 1.00 / 41.00
S H Everitt Ltd / Electrical Report / 719 / 200.00 / 40.00 / 240.00
D F Bell / Garden of Rest Fees / 720 / 2097.00 / 2097.00
Malc Firth / Road Wk – Burial Grd / 721 / 23000.00 / 4600.00 / 27600.00
Johnston Publishing / Press Advert / 722 / 220.40 / 44.08 / 264.48
HMR&C / Tax & NI / 723 / 765.76 / 765.76
Mr D Large / Tree Works MP / 724 / 2470.00 / 2470.00
Mr D Large / Pavilion Refurb / " / 2845.00 / 2845.00
CJ & KE Dawson / Parish Mowing / 725 / 300.00 / 60.00 / 360.00
R C Murray / Structural Report / 726 / 250.00 / 250.00
Mrs S England / Salary / 727
Mrs S England / Expenses / 728 / 819.00 / 159.00 / 978.00
Mrs K Croxford / Salary / 729
Mrs K Croxford / Expenses / 730 / 29.24 / 29.24
BT / Calls & Broadband / DD / 51.33 / 10.26 / 61.59
W’land Grass Cutt Litter Picking 731 210.00 210.00
Ges- Water Ltd Legionella Samples 732 35.00 7.00 42.00
Ges – Water Ltd Water Testing 733 55.00 11.00 66.00
LALC Training 734 7.50 7.50
The Clerk advised details of cheques numbered 731 to 734 which had been issued in addition to thoseoriginally included on the agenda.
Council RESOLVED to pay the supplier invoices due in March as presented.
Signed ……………………………………….. Date ….. / ….. / 2016
  1. Money In: Allotment Rent £8.50
68.16 Correspondence:
a. Items of correspondence for comment:
(i) Letter, LCC – End of provision of grant funding for Parish Paths Partnership
Scheme – see Agenda item 17
b. Items of correspondence for information purposes:
(i)RSN Newsletter, 22/2,29/2,7/3,14/3,21/3
(ii)LALC – S137 expenditure limit for 2016-17 set at £7.42 per head of electorate
(iii)Data protection & FOI concerning use of CCTV systems
(iv)DONG Energy –details of presentation at APM
69.16 Planning Matters
H18-0128-16 DONG Energy RB (UK) LTD –Amendment Received
Temporary modification to primary sea defence, installation of 2x 220KV electricity cables and
full reinstatement (amendment to planning permission H18-0102-13) land east of mouth of
River Nene.
Council RESOLVED to submit the following observations;
(i) (i) All relevant information concerning the application should be shared with all appropriate agencies.
(ii)All works to be carried out during neap tides.
H18-0225-16 – Change of use from residential to B&B, 189 Bridge Rd SB –Mr J Hook.
Cllr Brewis declared his interest in this planning application and that of H18-0109-16 as occasional
user of the premises.
Council RESOLVED to submit the following observations;
(i)Concerns regarding lack of parking facilities for the B&B
H18-0199-16 – Proposed new silo ,Greenwood Park, SB – Scotts Miracle- Gro
Council RESOLVED to submit the following observations;
(i)The height of the new proposed silo was taller than the existing building, consideration should be given in respect of light restrictions to nearby residential properties.
H18-0109-16 – Rear extension and alterations, The Anchor,280 Bridge Rd, SB – Mr J Hook
Council RESOLVED to submit the following observations;
(i)Lack of car parking (see also H18-0225-16)
(ii)No external generatorto be included in the development as noise nuisance already caused by
existing one.
Addendum - H18-0263-16 - Alterations to listed building, Nene Lodge, East Bank, SB – Mr S Proctor
It was RESOLVED to support the application.
H18-0095-16 – Works to TPO No 15 1994 A1, Memorial Park, SB – SB Parish Council.
H18-0050-16 – Works to TPO No 15 1994 A1, Memorial Park, SB – SB Parish Council.
H18-0069-16 – Details of materials, works to river bank and pollution contingency
plan, West Bank, SB –Lincs County Council.
H18-0118-16 - Details of external materials, landscaping and site levels, 208 Bridge
Rd,SB – Vancouver Building & Maintenance
Refused: N/A
New: N/A
Refused: N/A
770.16 Highways & Footways:
a. Update to outstanding matters;
  • LCC - Port signs – email received stating that the existing sign at the junction of New Rd/Bridge Rd was the only sign that could be used for such directions. Council advised to contact the Port to emphasise that all hauliers should use the prescribed route.
It was RESOLVED to contact all businesses on the East Bank to advise them to contact hauliers instructing them to use the direct route and to use the precise postal code to their location.
It was RESOLVED to contact LCC again advising poor signage and supply photos to support this.
7.36pm Mr D Bell entered the room
  • LCC - Bus Stop markings – email received confirming thatbus markings would not be renewed due to the current climate. No complaints had been received from the bus companies usingthe route.
It was RESOLVED to contact ‘Stagecoach’ to find out if they were aware of any ongoing problems with thebus stops along the route.
It was also reported;
  • Drain on Lime Street overflowing onto the allotments – Clerk to report.

71.16 To receive reports from Working Parties & Committees
(unless detailed below; any action recommended in reports to be resolved on next agenda)
A. Church Yard & Playing Fields
Cllrs Cook, Grimwood, A Scarlett / MP and Churchyard looking good following the first grass cut. Play equipment repairs currently being looked into.
B. Allotments
Cllrs M Booth, Brewis, Davies, Fenton / See resolutions B (i),B (ii) & 91.16
C. Personnel Committee
Cllrs S Booth, Brewis, Cook, Scarlett / Nothing to report
D. Footpaths & Bridleways
Cllrs M Booth, Cook / Clerk advised Peter Scott Way would be closed 1/5/16- 31/8/16 due to essential maintenance by DONG. Diversion would be in place
E. Parish Newsletter
Cllrs Dewsberry, A Scarlett, P Scarlett / Nothing to report
F. Burial Ground Committee
Cllrs S Booth, Grimwood, Scarlett,
D Bell(co-opted) / Update report by S106 Facilitator – Mr D Bell
See closed session Min Ref 86.16
G. Pavilion Refurbishment Project
Cllrs Brewis, Canham, Grimwood, A Scarlett, P Scarlett, D Bell ( co-opted) / FC to decorate inside the Pavilion.
Letter to be sent to congratulate the Club on winning the cup
Cllrs Davies, P Scarlett (co-opted electors x4) / Chairman thanked everyone who help with the SELLP.

B (i) To resolve on recommendations concerning fence at West Bank site and roadway at Wright’s Lane.

Allotment working party to organise a meeting and report back at April meeting.

B(ii) To resolve to authorise installation of chicken hut [accommodating approx.8 hens] at Wright’s Lane garden allotment 537

The Chairman declared his interest in the item as a tenant. Cllr S Booth took over the agenda item.

It was RESOLVED to authorise installation of chicken hut at Wright’s Lane allotment 537.

72.16 To receive reports from outside bodies’ representatives – where appropriateVoluntary Car Scheme– Cllr Grimwood confirmed that the scheme was working well and there would be no increase in contribution this financial year.

LALC – Cllr Brewis to report back after next meeting.

73.16 Toreceive update concerning EDF Power Station B and resolve appropriately

It was RESOLVED not to automatically carry forward this agenda item. Updates to be reported as and when received.

74.16 Toresolve to confirm litter picking event to be held weekend of 23rd /24th April 2016 including support from Community Payback at cost of £240 + VAT

It was RESOLVED to hold a litter picking event on weekend 23rd/24th April 2016 including support from Community Payback at cost of £240 + VAT.

75.16 Toresolve to purchase a number of litter picking tools [cost £20 each, £70 for 5, £134 for 10]

It was RESOLVED to purchase 10 litter picking tools at cost of £134.

76.16 To resolve on action to be taken further to notification that LCC is ceasing grant funding for Parish paths maintenance.

It was RESOLVED to contact the grass cutting contractor to seek quotes to cut the Parish paths.

77.16 To resolve to authorise use of Memorial Park by Wingland Foods for a Charity Event on Saturday 20th August 2016 – as approved in principle at February meeting.

It was RESOLVED to authorise use of the Memorial Park by Wingland Foods for Charity Event on Saturday 20th August 2016.

78.16To resolve to adopt updated Financial Regulations, details as circulated prior to meeting.

Item deferred to next meeting.

79.16 To resolve on action to be taken in response to reports that the monthly Saturday Skip Service will cease as from the end of March.

It was RESOLVED to write to SHDC expressingconcern that the Saturday Skip Service hadceased.Clerk to investigate cost of providing the service.

80.16To resolve on authorisation for Mr James Dean to hire the Memorial Park for aFun Fair between 3rd and 10th April 2016.

It was RESOLVED to authorise Mr James Dean to hire the Memorial Park for a Fun Fair between 3rd and 10th April 2016. (See also closed session)

81.16To receive update concerning ‘Parish Front Garden’Competition and resolve on where appropriate action.

Cllr P Scarlett provided an update concerning ‘Parish Front Garden’ Competition which would be sponsored by Silverwood Craft & Garden Centre, judging would take place between 18th July and 31st July 2016.Entry forms would be available from the Parish office, Community Library or Silverwood Craft & Garden Centre.

Cllr Grimwood thanked Cllr P Scarlett for organising the Competition.

82.16 To receive update concerning Bridge Hotel and resolve on appropriate action

The Clerk reported that an email had been received from SHDC Building Control confirming that the request for a s215 Notice [Town & Country Planning Act] to be issued in respect ofthe premises had been referred to Richard Fidler, Development Manager.

Cllr S Booth confirmed that the matter would be taken up at the forthcoming District meeting.

83.16 To receive requests from Members for consideration at the discretion of theChairman (nothing may be resolved under this heading)

Cllr Brewis confirmed that a Police & Crime Commissioner hustings had been arranged at The Royal British Legion, Long Sutton at 7pm on the 13th April 2016.

84.16 To resolve on whether the Council should move into closed session for

discussion of the following agenda items on the grounds of confidentiality

It was proposed to move into closed session. Seconded and RESOLVED.

8.25pm - Members of the public left the meeting.

The meeting continued in the absence of Press and Public. (By virtue of Section 100(A) paragraph 4 of the Local Government Act 1972. The items being of a confidential nature).

85.16 Toresolve on appropriate sums to be charged for hire of Memorial Park and

damage deposit.

It was RESOLVED on an appropriate sum to be charged for hire of Memorial Park and

damage deposit.

86.16 To resolve on costs relating to Burial Ground project where appropriate; taking

into consideration remaining budget

Council considered quotes presented by Mr D Bell (S106 Facilitator) and resolved appropriately.

8.35pm Mr D Bell left the room

87.16 To resolve on action to be taken in relation to issues concerning Parish office

It was RESOLVED on appropriate action in relation to issues concerning Parish office.

88.16 To resolve on action concerning contract for litter picking and daily closing of public conveniences

It was RESOLVED to contact SHDC concerning daily closing of public conveniences. The Churchyard & Playing Fields working party to report back at next PC meeting regarding the litter picking contract.

89.16 To receive update concerning issue relating to Parish owned Land in MP area.

The Clerk updated Cllrs with information relating to Parish owned Land in MP area.

90.16 To receive update concerning Parish owned land.

The Clerk updated Cllrs with details concerning Parish owned land.

It was RESOLVED to write an appropriate letter to the relevant parties concerning Parish owned land.

91.16 To resolve on recommendations concerning Allotment rent.

Item deferred to next meeting

92.16To receive update on any confidential staffing and administration matters and resolve appropriately to include;

(i) Update concerning provision of Staff Pension Scheme.

The Clerk updated Cllrs with information regarding Staff Pension Scheme

The Clerk reported to Cllrs that Mrs England had now passed her CILCA qualification and

Cllrs congratulated Mrs England on her achievement.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.15pm

Signed: ……………………………….. Date...…/…. /…..


Sutton Bridge Parish Council