Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Melton City Council
17 December 2013
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
Table of Contents
1.Opening Prayer and Reconciliation Statement5
2.Apologies and Leave of Absence5
3.Change to the Order of Business5
5.Declaration of Any Pecuniary Interest, Other Interest or Conflict of Interest of Any Councillor 5
6.Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings5
7.Correspondence Inward6
7.1Parliamentarian and Departmental Letters received by the Mayor6
State Member for Western Victoria, Simon Ramsay MP – Bus Routes in Rockbank and Eynesbury.
8.Petitions and Joint Letters8
9.Resumption of Debate or Other Business Carried over from a Previous Meeting 8
10.Public Question Time8
11.Presentation of Staff Reports9
11.1Authorisation of Affixing the Common Seal of Council9
For Council to adopt the schedule of documents (Appendix 1) requiring the Common Seal of Council.
11.2Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 27 November 2013 11
To present the minutes of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee (CALDAC) meeting held on 27 November 2013.
11.3Early Years Partnership Meeting Minutes 24 October 201313
To present the minutes of the Early Years Partnership meeting held on 24 October 2013.
11.4Municipal Audit Committee Meeting Minutes 4 December 201315
To advise Council of the minutes of the Municipal Audit Committee meeting held on 4 December 2013 and recommends actions emanating from the minutes.
11.5Policy Review Panel Meeting Minutes 17
This report presents to Council Minutes of the Policy Review Panel meeting for adoption of the panels recommendations.
11.6Local Government Funding Vehicle Expressions of Interest19
For Council to consider an invitation from the Municipal Association of Victoria to participate in the proposed Local Government Funding Vehicle (LGFV).
11.7Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting - 25 October 201321
To consider the minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting held on 25 October 2013.
11.8Planning Application PA 2013/3919 - Construction of Three Double Storey Dwellings At 9 Davies Avenue, Brookfield 23
To consider a planning application for the construction of three double storey dwellings at 9 Davies Avenue, Brookfield.
11.9Planning Application PA 2013/4055 - Development of the land with three dwellings, consisting of one double storey dwelling and two single storey dwellings At 17 Connel Drive, Melton South 28
To consider a planning application for the construction of three dwellings, consisting of one double storey dwelling and two single storey dwellings at 17 Connel Drive, Melton South.
11.10Planning Application PA 2013/4098 and Development Plan Application DP2013/005 - Development of the land with eight double-storey dwellings to be constructed next to an existing dwelling on the land, nine lot subdivision and variation of a restrictive covenant to allow more than one dwelling on the land At 1 Grevillea Close, Hillside 36
To consider Development Plan and Planning Permit Applications for the construction of eight double-storey dwellings in addition to an existing dwelling on the land, subdivision of the land into nine lots and variation of a restrictive covenant to allow more than one dwelling on land at 1 Grevillea Close, Hillside
11.11Melton Planning Scheme Amendment C100 - Dry Stone Walls43
To consider the preparation and exhibition of Amendment C100 that implements the recommendations of the Melton Dry Stone Wall Study.
11.12Council 2013-14 Annual Action Plan First Quarter Progress Report46
To provide the first quarter update on the progressive achievement of the Council’s 2013-14 Annual Action Plan.
11.13Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, Melton & District Sub-Branch - Relocation of Service 49
To inform Council about the opportunity for relocation of the Vietnam Veterans Association Australia, Melton & District Sub-Branch to the Macs Cottage at The Willows Park Reserve.
11.14Draft Open Space Strategy 2014-202452
To present to Council the Draft Open Space Strategy 2014-2024 with the officers intent to release the Strategy for a further consultation process.
11.15Melton South Recreation Reserve Masterplan Proposal58
To present to Council the Melton South Recreation Reserve Masterplan to provide future guidance and direction for the development of this site, situated at Northcott Street, Melton South.
11.16Review of Parks and Reserves in the City of Melton63
To present a report on the review of parks and reserves in the City of Melton in response to Notice of Motion No. 349.
11.17Metropolitan Transport Forum67
To provide Council an overview of the function of the Metropolitan Transport Forum and to consider joining the Forum.
11.18Road Management Plan 201369
To have Council consider and adopt the Road Management Plan 2013 prepared and reviewed in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004.
11.19Exford Primary School - Car Park Contribution Request72
To consider a request from the Exford Primary School for a financial contribution towards the construction of an additional car park adjacent to the Exford Primary School.
12.Reports from Delegates Appointed by Council to Other Bodies76
13.Councillor Representations and Acknowledgements76
13.1Record of Assembly of Councillors in Accordance with Section 80A(1) of the Local Government Act 1989 76
19 November 2013
26 November 2013
3 December 2013
10 December 2013
13.2Public Address by each Councillor77
14.Notices of Motion78
14.1Notice of Motion 371 (Cr Majdlik) Road safety concerns - The Esplanade Caroline Springs 78
15.Councillor’s Questions Without Notice79
16.Motions without Notice79
17.Urgent Business79
18.Confidential Business80
18.1Independent Audit Committee Member81
To present to Council the recommendation of the selection panel in respect of Expressions of Interest for the vacant “independent Audit Committee member” position.
18.2Municipal Audit Committee Minutes Confidential Items82
This report advises Council of the “in-camera” minutes of the Municipal Audit Committee meeting held on 4 December 2013 and recommends actions arising from the minutes.
18.3Reconciliation Advisory Committee83
To present to Council for consideration the determination on the appointment of committee membership for Council’s Reconciliation Advisory Committee (RAC).
18.4Contract No. 14/015 Accelerated Seal Program, Various Roads, Melton and Plumpton - Design and Construct 84
For Council to consider the outcome of the tender assessment for Contract No. 14/015 Accelerated Seal Program, Various Roads, Melton and Plumpton – Design and Construct.
19.Close of Business85
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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
Melton City Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Melton City Council held in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton on 17 December 2013 at 7.03pm
Present:Cr B.Turner(Mayor)
Cr S.Ramsey(Deputy Mayor)
Cr B.Borg
Cr L.Carli
Cr R.Cugliari
Cr N.Dunn
Cr K.Majdlik
Mr K.Tori, Chief Executive Officer
Mr P.Bean, General Manager Corporate Services
Mr M.Heaney, General Manager Community Services
Mr L.Shannon, General Manager Planning and Development
Mr B.Baggio, Manager Planning
Mr D.Hogan, Manager Customer Engagement
1.Opening Prayer and Reconciliation Statement
The Mayor, Cr Turner read the opening prayer and reconciliation statement.
2.Apologies and Leave of Absence
3.changes to the order of business
5.Declaration of Any Pecuniary Interest, Other Interest or Conflict of Interest of Any Councillor
6.Adoption and Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Crs Ramsey/Majdlik.That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Councilheld on 12 November 2013be confirmed as a true and correct record.
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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
7.Correspondence Inward
7.1Parliamentarian and Departmental Letters received by the Mayor
State Member for Western Victoria, Simon Ramsay MP – Bus Routes in Rockbank and Eynesbury.Motion
Crs Dunn/Majdlik.
That the Parliamentarian and Departmental letter received by the Mayor be received and noted.
1.Officer’s Comments
The following comments are offered in relation to the response received from the Minister for Public Transport by Simon Ramsay MP Member for Western Victoria and forwarded to Council.
It is pleasing that Public Transport Victoria (PTV) acknowledge the issues associated with the existing bus stop for Rockbank routes along the Western Freeway. Council has been advocating for the relocation of these bus stops into the Rockbank Township, so as to avoid the current situation where residents are required to walk across the full width of the Freeway to gain access to the bus stop, which is clearly an unacceptable situation.
The letter raises issues regarding the re-routing of the bus route along Westcott Parade in Rockbank, given some of the potential barriers associated with the width of the road. The Minister has suggested jointly exploring issues such as widening the road, parking bans and traffic management device modifications to address these issues. It is appropriate for Council officers to meet with PTV officers at the earliest opportunity to discuss those issues. Once those issues are fully understood they can be properly costed and considered by Council as part of the upcoming budget process. Council would need some certainty from PTV that upon making any modifications that the bus route can be diverted through the Township.
The letter also raises issues in terms of if the bus routes are deviated through the Township this would have an impact on service delivery. Clearly a reduction in services would be unacceptable; however this issue should be further discussed with PTV to ensure that service levels are maintained.
Interestingly the letter also refers to the upcoming completion of the Regional Rail Link (RRL), which will improve services on the Ballarat line. Officers will seek clarification as to exactly what improvements will result from the RRL project to benefit not only Rockbank residents but residents in the City of Melton generally.
The Minister’s letter raises concerns regarding the feasibility of a public transport service to Eynesbury. This would appear to be based on a full metropolitan service. However, many country towns currently have a V-Line bus service, albeit on a reduced frequency, so as to meet the base needs of the community. It would seem entirely reasonable that as a minimum Eynesbury residents would have access to such a service.
The Minister also raises the issue that most residents in Eynesbury have 2 or 3 motor vehicles, with none being without motor vehicles. It is quite apparent that this is the case given the lack of public transport.
Again, it is recommended that officers meet with PTV senior staff to further pursue this issue, to again impress on PTV the critical need for some level of public bus transport to Eynesbury as it continues to grow and develop.
List of Appendices
1. / Correspondence from the State Member for Western VictoriaPage 1 of 87
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
8.Petitions and Joint Letters
Cr Carli tabled a joint letter with 64 signatories in regards to the former Diggers Rest Hotel.
9.Resumption of Debate or Other Business Carried over from a Previous Meeting
10.PublicQuestion Time
Name / Question asked of CouncilAlan Fairweather / Inquiry in relation to the barbeque area at Willows Historical Park.
Karl Sass / Inquiry regarding Christmas decorations.
Karl Sass / Bonfire at the Djerriwarrah festival.
David O’Connor / Historical items held at the former Melton Library.
David O’Connor / Inquiry in relation to parking on nature strips.
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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
11.Presentation of Staff Reports
Procedural MotionCrs Ramsey/Majdlik.
That recommendations as printed in items 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.12, 11.14, 11.15, 11.17 and 11.18 be adopted in block.
11.1Authorisation of Affixing the Common Seal of Council
Author: Christie Shields- Governance Officer
Presenter: Peter Bean- General Manager Corporate Services
Purpose of Report
For Council to adopt the schedule of documents (Appendix 1) requiring the Common Seal of Council.Recommendation:
That the Council Seal be affixed to the documentation as detailed in the Schedule for Authorising of Affixing of the Common Seal of Melton City Council dated 17 December 2013 and appended to this report (Appendix 1).
Crs Ramsey/Majdlik. That the recommendation be adopted.
1.Executive Summary
Documents requiring the Common Seal of Council to be affixed are detailed in Appendix 1.
Use of the Council Seal is required where Council as a body corporate is required to acquit a document or agreement for the purpose of performing its functions and exercising its powers.
The Local Government Act 1989 prescribes that a Council must have a common seal, and that the common seal must –
(a)Bear the name of the Council (which name may refer to the inhabitants of the municipal district) and any other word, letter, sign or device the Council determines should be included; and
(b)Be kept at the Council office; and
(c)Be used in accordance with the local laws of the Council.
Council’s Meeting Procedure Local Law (2013) prescribes the use of Council’s Common Seal and the authorized officers who have the authority to sign every document to which the common seal is affixed.
3.Council Plan Reference and Policy Reference
The Melton City Council 2013-2017 Council Plan references:
2. A Well Governed and Leading Organisation: Operating with innovation, transparency, accountability and sustainability
2.6 Ensure timely compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.
4.Financial Considerations
There are no financial considerations relating to the use of the Council Seal.
5.Consultation/Public Submissions
Not applicable.
6.Risk Analysis
Ensuring that the Council Seal is only affixed in accordance with a resolution of Council controls the potential risk of the seal being incorrectly affixed to a document.
Not applicable.
List of Appendices
1. / Schedule for Authorising of Affixing The Common SealPage 1 of 87
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
11.2Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 27 November 2013
Author: Adamu Tefera- Intercultural Development Officer
Presenter: Maurie Heaney- General Manager Community Services
Purpose of Report
To present the minutes of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee (CALDAC) meeting held on 27 November 2013.Recommendation:
That the minutes of the CALDAC Meeting of 27 November 2013 are noted as attached at Appendix 1.
Crs Ramsey/Majdlik. That the recommendation be adopted.
1.Executive Summary
The Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Advisory Committee has been established now for approximately five (5) years, the intent of the Committee was to work with communities in the City of Melton to be inclusive of all people and at the same time acknowledging the contribution of cultural diversity and the role of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities within the municipality.
Membership of the Committee comprises of stakeholders and representatives of the City of Melton’s CALD communities. The Committee members have a passionate interest in developing strong partnerships and provide responses to local CALD priorities.
The CALDAC minutes of 27 November 2013 meeting are attached to this report. Refer to Appendix 1.
The CALDAC meets quarterly to consider matters relating to CALD communities, cultural issues and settlement patterns within the municipality.
The purpose of the Committee is to advise Council on issues and barriers that affect people with diverse backgrounds living, working and/or learning in the City of Melton. The Committee raises advocacy issues for Council to consider on behalf of the community and assists to promote the benefits of cultural diversity within the City of Melton.
The CALDAC’s meeting of 27 November 2013 addressed the following:
Formal introduction and welcome to the appointed representatives of the Committee’s Community Service Organisation Members, from the New Hope Foundation and Djerriwarrh Health Services;
Presentation of key statistics for City of Melton and their impact and relationship to new and emerging communities;
An overview and discussion of the local CALD profile, which was launched on 16 October 2013; and
A presentation on best practice approach for CALD communities to apply for grants that are available in the City of Melton.
The Committee’s next meeting will focus on developing the 2014 Harmony Day event in March and advancement of work on concerning a CALD Needs Assessment Research Project and an Interfaith Network project.
3.Council Plan Reference and Policy Reference
The Melton City Council 2013-2017 Council Plan references:
3. Diverse, Confident and Inclusive Communities: A culturally rich, active, safe and connected City
3.1 Provide an accessible range of services for all including children, young people, families and older adults
4.Financial Considerations
Operational expenses related to the CALDAC are accommodated within recurrent budget programs, within Community Services.
5.Consultation/Public Submissions
The CALDAC is an Advisory Committee of Council, and where public consultation and/or submissions are identified as being appropriate, the Committee will recommend an appropriate consultation process to Council for endorsement.
6.Risk Analysis
The CALDAC ensures continued meaningful engagement and consultation with CALD communities and ensures relationships and resources are adequately aligned to address CALD community concerns and assist Council in mitigating possible risks.
The CALDAC is an Advisory Committee of Council, therefore has the discretion to accept, reject or amend the Committee’s recommendations as deemed appropriate.
List of Appendices
1. / CALDAC meeting minutes 27 November 2013Page 1 of 87
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council17 December 2013
11.3Early Years Partnership Meeting Minutes 24 October 2013
Author: Leigh Cruickshank- Coordinator Early Years Partnerships
Presenter: Maurie Heaney- General Manager Community Services
Purpose of Report
To present the minutes of the Early Years Partnership meeting held on 24 October 2013.Recommendation:
That the minutes of the Early Years Partnership meeting of 24 October 2013 be noted as attached at Appendix 1.
Crs Ramsey/Majdlik. That the recommendation be adopted.
1.Executive Summary
The Early Years Partnership Committee is responsible for providing direction, input and advice to Council concerning the support, development and improvement of the health and wellbeing of children aged between 0-12 years.
Committee membership is represented by a number of individuals being Council officers, families, children within the City of Melton, community representatives and Councillors.
The Committee meets bi-monthly with the minutes of the 24 October 2013 meeting attached at Appendix 1 for Council’s information.
At the 24 October 2013 Early Years Partnership Committee meeting, reports were tabled from officers on Maternal and Child Health and Kindergarten Working Groups. These detailed updates on the planning are to increase attendance and participation within these services within the municipal boundary. Focus of this is to continue to increase attendance to Maternal and Child Health visitations and also participation of four (4) year old kindergarten programs, with a focus of universal access.