It takes a village

to raise a child.

- Proverb

It’s easy for your child to see and talk with me!

ü  Ask to visit the counselor by leaving me a note in the mailbox on my door.

ü  Come to my office with your teacher’s permission.

ü  Teachers may recommend children to visit with me.

ü  Parents can request a meeting.

ü  Mr. Trezise, the principal, may suggest that we meet.

ü  Or I might send a note inviting you to my office!

As your school counselor, I am here to help you and your child have a successful school year!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You may contact me in any of the following ways:

©  Call me at 610-359-4200 ext. 7470

©  Send a note with your child to school addresses to Mrs. Cahill

©  Let your child’s teacher know that you would like to speak with me!

I look forward to working with you and your child to ensure a very successful and fun school year!

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Worrall Elementary School

Dr. Renee Cahill

Elementary School Counselor

HELLO! I am Dr. Cahill, the School Counselor at Worrall Elementary School. I am available to help students, parents, and teachers develop positive learning experiences. As a school counselor, I work with parents and students in many ways through a program of many services. Each service is aimed at helping children learn and develop to their highest potential!

Some of the services that I provide include:

v  Individual counseling to those students with social, emotional or academic needs.

v  Small group counseling for children who share common concerns such as study skills, family changes, difficulties with friendships, anger management, self-esteem, etc.

Talk to parents about any concerns they might have about their children’s academic abilities, behavior, feelings, and social/emotional development.

v  Classroom based lessons for all grade levels from our comprehensive guidance curriculum. These lessons teach important skills, such as conflict resolution, bully prevention, career awareness, problem solving and communication skills.

v  Lead class meetings.

v  Serve as a liaison and referral source for community mental health agencies.

v  Participate in IST/IEP meetings.