Program1 – Clean, Green and WaterSmart City

Clean, Green and WaterSmart City

Program Goal

Brisbane will be a clean, green and water smart city; a city that protects and supports our subtropical environment by sustainably managing and caring for our natural surroundings and resources. We will ensure Brisbane's open spaces and waterways are accessible and valued, now and for future generations, and our built form supports clean, green and water smart outcomes.

As a river city, Brisbane will be seen as a lifestyle city of choice in the global economy.

Program Description

Brisbane is a unique city, defined by its subtropical climate and diverse natural environment, the curving Brisbane River, waterways that criss-cross our suburbs, beautiful bushland and rolling hills.

It is a modern city renowned for its successful blending of urban and natural environments. Council recognises that it is important to preserve and protect our natural assets now and for the future.

Brisbane's natural environment, open spaces, parklands and waterways help define the subtropical lifestyle that contributes strongly to our city's success and its economy. These assets are not only important to the unique lifestyle that we enjoy but are also integral to the economic and social wellbeing of Brisbane.

Council recognises that Brisbane is built on a floodplain and that flooding is a natural occurrence for the city. Council will continue to manage the risk of flooding to create a more resilient city, one that is safe, confident and prepared. Council understands that as our city grows and develops, our built environment will need to support natural area outcomes, and provide green assets that support Brisbane’s liveability and lifestyle outcomes.

Council is committed to supporting the community to connect with, participate in and better understand our natural assets and to be a city that sustainably embraces its environment. Council will continue to make decisions about waste management and recycling to help protect our waterways, open spaces and quality of life.

This program is focused on managing the sustainable development of our city to provide for the future prosperity of Brisbane and to achieve Council's long term vision for Brisbane to be one of the cleanest and greenest of the world’s capital cities.

This will be achieved by:

•acting to make Brisbane a low carbon, resilient city where nature and people prosper

•protecting and managing the city's natural assets, improving the health of Brisbane's open spaces and waterways and providing opportunities to enrich the lives of residents and visitors

•connecting with our community to ensure our water resources and natural environment are used and managed sustainably to support Brisbane's subtropical lifestyle

•managing our environment creatively and sensitively in urban spaces to further enhance Brisbane as a great place to live, work and visit

•fostering partnerships with all levels of government, residents, community groups, land managers, business and industry

•maintaining and enhancing a diverse network of clean, accessible and safe parks providing attractive shady spaces that contribute to Brisbane's liveability

•maintaining a clean environment, managing collection of waste and recycling and encouraging waste diversion

•implementing a flood risk management approach to reduce the impact of flooding and create a more resilient city.

Outcomes and services in this program contribute to the shared community aspirations identified as goals in the Brisbane Vision:

•Our accessible, connected city

•Our active, healthy city

•Our clean, green city

•Our friendly, safe city

•Our New World city

•Our smart, prosperous city

•Our vibrant, creative city

•Our well-designed, subtropical city.

Program Outcomes and Financial Summary

Program Outcomes / Anticipated / Proposed / Anticipated / Proposed / Anticipated / Proposed
2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
$000 / $000 / $000 / $000 / $000 / $000
Expense / Revenue / Capital
1.1 - Sustainability Leadership / 6,674 / 6,673 / - / - / 755 / -
1.2 - Sustainable Brisbane / 4,498 / 2,610 / 575 / - / - / -
1.3 - Biodiverse Brisbane / 23,428 / 24,171 / 61,082 / 63,645 / 17,260 / 17,265
1.4 - Parks, Gardens and Recreation / 117,230 / 118,931 / 57,320 / 58,168 / 54,545 / 49,279
1.5 - Sustainable Water Management / 2,345 / 2,725 / 3,124 / 1,000 / 12,352 / 7,154
1.6 - Focus on the River, Bay and Waterways / 10,728 / 10,475 / 1,193 / 1,243 / 13,471 / 9,607
1.7 - Flood Risk Management / 74,860 / 72,932 / 21,234 / 21,412 / 48,475 / 35,388
1.8 - Pollution Free City / 6,697 / 7,236 / 708 / 690 / 10,455 / 4,766
1.9 - Managing and Reducing Brisbane's Waste and Litter / 146,295 / 151,978 / 137,963 / 140,137 / 3,315 / 2,131
392,755 / 397,731 / 283,199 / 286,295 / 160,628 / 125,590
$000 / 2017-18
$000 / 2018-19
RecurrentOperationsContracts / 37,452 / 38,567 / 41,802

Outcome 1.1 Sustainability Leadership

Outcome description

Building on our city being named by the Keep Australia Beautiful Foundation as Australia’s most sustainable city, Council will focus on the performance of our activities and operations to ensure that we are a sustainable and low carbon organisation that:

•responds effectively and appropriately to maximise sustainability outcomes, reduce greenhouse emissions, and support the achievement of a carbon neutral Council

•is recognised as a leader in sustainability and uses its capacity to influence and support citywide and regional sustainability outcomes

•manages Council's environmental performance effectively.

Where we are now

In the same way that Brisbane City Council seeks to ensure that Brisbane has the services and infrastructure to meet the sustainability challenges of the future, Council recognises the need to ensure our planning, systems, investments and decisions take into account environment and sustainability considerations.

Council is moving towards carbon neutrality through the use of renewable energy, including the purchase of 100 percent GreenPower and carbon offsets. All electricity directly purchased by Council is emissions free GreenPower and emissions from vehicle, bus and ferry fleets are offset through the purchase of accredited carbon offsets. Combined, these measures reduce Council's carbon footprint by more than 200,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.

Council's Environmental Management System (EMS) will continue to provide a systematic process to assess our environmental impacts and to develop risk-based operational, management and mitigation strategies. The EMS also ensures Council complies with environmental legislative requirements and applicable national and international standards.

Where we want to be

We want to make Brisbane City Council a sustainable, low carbon organisation that meets the expectations of residents and progresses towards carbon neutrality.

We will continue our significant reductions in greenhouse emissions. This will be achieved by appropriately investing and modernising operations to bring about efficiencies while accommodating growth in services.

Council continues to be recognised as a leader in sustainability, using its capacity to support citywide and regional sustainability outcomes.

Strategy 1.1.1 Carbon Neutral Council

Make Brisbane City Council carbon neutral by measuring our emissions, reducing these emissions through improving energy efficiency, and using renewable energy and purchasing carbon offsets to negate our residual emissions.

Service Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Council will demonstrate leadership in energy and carbon management through planning, strategy development and action.

We will make innovative use of the opportunities afforded to Council and its ability to influence due to its scale and scope of operations. In doing so, Council will maximise value for money as well as achieve positive environmental outcomes.

All electricity directly purchased by Council will continue to be emissions free GreenPower. Council will look to expand its use of on-site renewable energy solutions where it is cost effective to do so. Emissions from vehicle, bus and ferry fleets, stationary fuel use and business related flights will continue to be offset through the purchase of accredited carbon offsets.Council will work to achieve further operational efficiencies to contain costs and reduce the emissions impact of delivering services to a growing community.

Measurement and management of greenhouse emissions will continue to ensure Council meets its voluntary commitments as outlined in the Brisbane Vision.

To achieve this, the service will:

•promote continual improvement in energy and carbon management across Council operations

•maintain an annual inventory of Council's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to inform opportunities to reduce energy use and our carbon footprint

•facilitate measures to reduce Council's energy use and carbon footprint

•create recognised carbon credits from Council activities, where it is feasible to do so

•ensure Council complies with relevant legislation

•purchase 100% GreenPower for all electricity directly purchased by Council

•purchase accredited carbon offsets to negate greenhouse gas emissions from Council's vehicle, bus and ferry, stationary fuel use and business flights

•use Council's influence to achieve effective regulation and remove barriers to energy and low carbon practices

•source alternative revenue through grants, subsidies and other government funding programs, particularly where these have an energy or carbon reduction outcome.

Operating / Anticipated / Proposed
2014-15 / 2015-16
$000 / $000
Expense / 895 / 952
Revenue / - / -
Projects / 2015-16 / 2016-17 / 2017-18 / 2018-19
$000 / $000 / $000 / $000
100 Per cent Green Power / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 4,531 / 4,504 / 4,484 / 4,719
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Brisbane City Council - Carbon Offsets / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 231 / 234 / 238 / 244
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Environmental Compliance and Administration / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 312 / 317 / 323 / 336
Revenue / - / - / - / -

Strategy 1.1.2 Improve Environmental Management Practices

Manage Council activities and practices to reduce the environmental risks of Council's activities and operations.

Service Integrated Environmental Management

This service aims to provide a systematic approach to the assessment of Council’s environmental impacts and develop operational and management strategies that mitigate risk.

To achieve this, the service will:

•maintain Council's Environmental Management System to manage environmental risks arising from Council activities and to provide opportunities for further improvement

•demonstrate leadership across Council in coordinating and communicating best practice environmental management activities and requirements

•facilitate the development of policies, operational procedures and guidelines across Council to deliver reductions in the environmental risks of Council’s activities and operations, to ensure compliance with environmental legislation

•coordinate and undertake Council's quarterly environmental performance reporting.

Operating / Anticipated / Proposed
2014-15 / 2015-16
$000 / $000
Expense / 612 / 647
Revenue / - / -

Outcome 1.2 Sustainable Brisbane

Outcome description

Council engages and works in partnership with the community to guide and empower changes to lifestyles and practices that contribute to realising Brisbane’s sustainability aspirations.

Where we are now

The Green Heart program is delivering a broad range of behaviour change programs and initiatives to support residents, schools, businesses and community groups.

Council continues to engage with the Brisbane community through its popular Green Heart sustainability events, and residents and schools can access information, tools and support, through Council's Green Heart Homes and Schools programs.

Council's Environment Centres deliver onsite environmental education experiences and interpretive services to school children, residents and visitors. These complement other sustainability education and information services.

Since its inception, CitySmart Pty Ltd has been delivering new ways for business, industry, government and the community of Brisbane to work together to make Brisbane Australia’s most sustainable city. In broadening Council's sustainability agenda, it has helped reduce Brisbane's carbon emissions without sacrificing commercial outcomes and it continues to guide various sectors of Brisbane as they work together to strengthen the city’s response to the long-term sustainability challenges facing the city whilst maximising new business opportunities that arise from designing a more sustainable future.

The provision of free native plants to ratepayers, residents, new citizens and through Green Heart events promotes the benefits of urban tree cover, and sustainable gardening that contributes to a more sustainable city.

Council’s commitment to continued education engagement with residents will be enhanced through the Live for Less project. Live for Less will aim to help households across Brisbane save on their cost of living by better managing water, waste, energy and active transport.

Where we want to be

Brisbane's community will be educated, interested and actively involved in reducing the city's environmental footprint. All community members will be well informed about the crucial role they play in ensuring our city's sustainability for future generations and adopt best practice activities and behaviours in all that they do.

Strategy 1.2.1 Green Heart Community Engagement Program

Deliver initiatives that help residents understand environmental and sustainability issues and be able to make positive choices to live more sustainably, thereby helping the environment by reducing waste, protecting Brisbane’s native plants and animals and saving energy and water.

Service Green Heart Community Engagement

Council continues to deliver behaviour change campaigns as a part of its Green Heart engagement initiatives with residents, schools and community groups. The objective of this service is to engage with and empower Brisbane residents to adopt lifestyles and practices that contribute to Brisbane achieving its long-term plan for a more sustainable city.

To achieve this, the service will:

•educate and encourage residents and students to live more sustainably through the Green Heart Homes and Schools programs

•work with all areas of Council associated with environmental sustainability to provide integrated support for residents and schools

•deliver the Green Heart Events program as a key means of providing face-to-face community interaction

•continue to provide free native plants for ratepayers, community groups, new Australian citizens and schools

•continue to work with CitySmart Pty Ltd to deliver sustainability projects that reduce the city's environmental footprint.

Operating / Anticipated / Proposed
2014-15 / 2015-16
$000 / $000
Expense / 902 / 561
Revenue / - / -
Projects / 2015-16 / 2016-17 / 2017-18 / 2018-19
$000 / $000 / $000 / $000
Green Heart CitySmart Pty Ltd - Operations / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 623 / 619 / 616 / 644
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Green Heart Homes and Schools / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 576 / 580 / 577 / 604
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Green Heart Sustainability Events / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 623 / 619 / 616 / 644
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Live for Less / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 227 / 191 / 168 / 171
Revenue / - / - / - / -

Outcome 1.3 Biodiverse Brisbane

Outcome description

Brisbane values, protects and works, as a community, to sustain the diversity of Brisbane’s habitats, plants and animals.

Where we are now

The city supports a unique diversity of ecosystems and wildlife. Located within the centre of South East Queensland, a fast growing region, Brisbane has a number of challenges associated with protecting biodiversity, and providing opportunities for the community to enjoy the city’s unique natural environment.

Where we want to be

Brisbane's natural environment contributes to the city’s aspiration to maintain its international status as a New World City that is clean and green and offers an enviable lifestyle. Council will continue to value, protect and restore the natural environment, ensuring there is a resilient, well-managed and accessible conservation reserve network. This will be supported by complementary voluntary conservation measures on private land to sustain our unique flora and fauna and through effective protection of significant vegetation on public and private land. Council has an integrated planning and regulatory framework that protects the city’s most important habitat areas. Council supports community involvement in the protection and restoration of biodiversity.

Council is aiming to meet its 2031 target of natural habitat and open space cover within Brisbane. Council’s continuation of its program to protect and restore key sites will contribute to the improvement of both the quality and quantity of natural habitats in Brisbane.

Strategy 1.3.1 Growing the Conservation Reserve Network

Protect, manage and restore the city’s most significant habitat areas and establish a network of resilient and well-connected conservation reserves. This includes managing and expanding conservation reserves, effectively implementing vegetation offset projects on priority sites, supporting community-driven revegetation projects and restoring other strategic sites like acquired bushland.

Service Conservation Reserves Consolidation

This service aims to secure lands with significant biodiversity value using funds raised through the Bushland Preservation Levy. Council's program of acquiring land with significant biodiversity value to add to the city's conservation reserve estate will continue.

Activities in this service include:

•identifying significant lands for acquisition, in order to consolidate and connect the existing conservation reserve estate

•sourcing property-related reports (legal and valuation) and biodiversity information to support land acquisitions and sustainable natural asset management

•improving the quality of the conservation reserve estate through the management and maintenance of potentially threatening processes and habitat restoration

•supporting community involvement in protecting and promoting Brisbane's environmental assets.

The activities of this service are funded by projects.

Projects / 2015-16 / 2016-17 / 2017-18 / 2018-19
$000 / $000 / $000 / $000
Bushland Acquisition Program / Capital / 13,898 / 14,176 / 14,567 / 15,210
Expense / - / - / - / -
Revenue / 13,111 / 13,358 / 13,715 / 14,325

Strategy 1.3.2 Brisbane's Urban Forest Management and Restoration Program

Protect, maintain, improve and increase Brisbane’s urban forest assets, including Council owned or controlled conservation reserves, and native vegetation communities and significant landscape trees on public and private land. Brisbane’s urban forest supports a range of ecosystem services including biodiversity, recreation, education, economic vitality, waterway health,outdoor lifestyle and contributes to the Brisbane Vision goal of a well-designed, subtropical city.

Service Conservation Reserves Management

The aim of this service is to manage conservation reserves and other natural assets to deliver an effective balance between sustaining their ecological values and enhancing their recreation and education values.

Activities in this service include:

•management of the natural, cultural and recreational values of the city's 108 conservation reserves, including reserves of historical significance such as Mt Coot-tha Forest and other areas of high significance that cover approximately more than 8000 hectares

•bushland maintenance, access, rehabilitation, infrastructure and weed, pest and fire management

•strategic natural asset management

•community engagement in natural areas

•implementing Council’s Invasive Species Management Plan